Be nice people

be nice people

Attached: Reimu 156.jpg (790x998, 155.28K)

>be nice



thats not very nice, you lost 2 nice points

Attached: Reimu 147.jpg (358x358, 33.96K)

does that allow me to nuzzle your armpit

you need 100 nice points for that

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Being civil is a good thing, but this is not a nice board, so it's not a requirement.

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you like a sissy, user.

thats a bad spirit, but you was polite +3 nice points
what do you mean?

I mean you sound like a sensitive little sissy, user

yes i am sensitive


>on Zig Forums

NEWSFLASH, your nice points mean fuck all to me pal
breaking: user i dont care for you bro
This just in- fuck you nigga
Update: sorry, I didnt mean that

thats a tranny tripfag from /lgbt/

thats rude, you loose 5 points
you could look it up, i never posted on /lgbt/ and i am not a tranny

Feet please? Nice enough to bless us?

hmm i cant tell if youre joking or not

i meant /bant/ excuse me

ehhhh? no i will not post anything
i am not

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how do i get that many nice points?

just be nice and you will receive much points

I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you

I dont know you, did we talk?

why? r9k is where the degenerates hang out. constantly putting y'all down is fun.

try to make the degenerates less degenerate

Hi Reimu! How has your day been?

not very successful, did nothing and started to drink
how is your day?

>I dont know you, did we talk?

they're degenerates, they'll never learn.

why do you love me then?
ehh, i dont want to accept this, but its kinda true

it was love on first sight

you dont know anything about me
i could be a 50 year old black veteran

Same as yours; unsuccessful, I just haven't started drinking yet. I try to save drinking for the end of the day.
I've just been trying to keep my mind occupied long enough so I can keep myself from jerking off to degenerate fetish porn for at least one day. I haven't managed to reach this goal for the past week and it's taking it's tole on my mental

a 50 year old veteran wouldn't be here animeposting and telling people to be nice dude. you picked a shit hypothetical to tie together a lame response.

hmmm i dont see why that matters cutie

its 7:30pm here and i want to be earlier in bed
just dont jerk if you dont want to.
i have seen veterans on Zig Forums, everyone could be behind the screen