Femanons, why are you not a national socialist yet?

Femanons, why are you not a national socialist yet?

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Maybe because they don't like to be reduced to glorified breeding machines.

Because idon't like loser ideologies

Is the Nazi sausage fest starting to get old?

i already am, too much time on Zig Forums did that to me.

>nooo, we have so many female supporters, here look at this girl with a swastika shirt that's posted all over the internet
>being a nazi is a chick magnet, yes - all women like that big bla- uhhh white cock, we're the master race!

Why are you saying that as if there is something degrading or demeaning about bearing children like your body was literally designed for?

How little self respect do you have to support an ideology that reduces your value to the number of children you can shit out for se Fuhrer?

Have you already picked an aryan trad husband from Zig Forums?

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There is something very degrading about being reduced to one function when you could follow a passion or calling and do much more for humanity.
Do you want to be a professional breather? Like sit in a room and breathe - we could need that for the right air humidity and so on. We might even pay you. Would you like that?

>being a mother and a wife means being without self respect
>being a slut, letting different men fuck you and treat you like a cumrag, dressing in revealing clothing and posting degrading pictures of yourself on the internet for guys to fap to like the average girl is empowered
What a fucked up jewish worldview

this isnt at all true and you need only look at hitler and his relationship with eva braun to see this
yes, women are encouraged to be mothers but not as cattle or something. The fact is there is no higher or more noble career than being a mother
without engineers society can continue; without doctors society can continue; even without farmers, society can continue. We know this because it once did
however, without mothers, there can be no society at all: they are the foundation of human existence
if you think pushing papers around an office or sending invoices is a higher calling than this then i feel sorry for you

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i just hate jews, don't get mad

not a femanon, but being a Nazi for me would be considered cuckoldry, because in their eyes i'm a literal subhuman (I'm Lithuanian)

Have ya heard the news? There's only those two options in life. Yep, nothing in between. Now come and support my cancerous ideology and lose another war with me.

Nobody says you can't be married to one man and stay with him or even have his children. The point I'm criticizing is that under Hitler females were practically banned from getting educated, joining science etc.
Give me a reason why raising bimbo wives that have shit for brains is a good thing.
>without mothers, there can be no society at all
That's right, but having two or three children is sufficient - however nazi ideology demanded as many as possible children. Obviously only to increase military output of soldiers.

Me, parading in the center.

I was one for a long time, now I'm a liberal commie. I hold certain traits like not wanting to do hookups, wearing dresses and little makeup, and wanting to mostly do certain houdeholdchores myself, but the point is I don't want to force others to do the same. My view on nationalism is the same as Schopenhauer's.

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Now it's time to be my liberal commie gf. But I'd definitely want to help you with chores, just so you're warned.

Just look up 'Tahlia' in the archives to see how r9k treats national socialist women, and how much harassment they get daily. I don't want that shit

because hatred is a masculine thing. That's why the only nazi fems are femboys.

i dont trust any country's government.

Ideologies based on hate are retarded and are going to make feel worse in the long run.

I feel like truly traditional woman would never really support any of those because women with high femininity also have high empathy. That would probably work only if they are at least half retarded and you can tell her bullshit like islam/nazis are an ideologies of peace and she'll believe it. So for your trad wife you would actually want a woman who is politically indifferent. Politics are all about conflicts, and when you are busy carrying the household and raising children in love nobody got ain't no time for conflicts that aren't yours.

because my IQ is above 80

Because I am not a teenager that barely passed economics 1. They are the only people naive enough to fall for their lies.

I'm already a national socialist. I wouldn't call myself even very entrenched in politics (irony), so I really could do with some more self-education on the topic, but from what I know it's a reasonable and effective way of running things. I wouldn't call myself "trad" either (because that's a complete meme). There's nothing wrong with adhering to general gender norms and having pride in your nationality. As for the childbearing, nobody is forcing you to have children, especially if you're not fit to be a mother. However, have some shame if all you do is fuck random guys outside of committed relationships and engage in degenerate behavior. Most women at some point or another realize what a gift children are and how fulfilling it is to raise a family. How is that not empowering? It's your responsibility to raise the new generation to be moral individuals.
Also, gas chambers can't have wooden doors and the Dnieper incident is one of many examples of how fucked the Soviet Union was. That's all.

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Honestly the states governments are the American peoples' greatest asset, if the federal state was absolute the military would be a huge problem for the world, like China's

>because my IQ is above 80
Clearly not. Pic related.

>B-but Ms. Kikenstein in my public school class said nazis are bad!!
Actually cringed.

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Faulty arguments. Can confirm, you failed school and are using posts like this to feel better about yourself.

I just don't care about labels and politics other than hating most women, lqbtq+, and blacks. However I do plan to read meme books like Siege and Revolt Against the Modern World, so we'll see how that turns out

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But Jews are behind all three of those problems. Jews invented feminism, brought Africans to Europe, and promoted LQGTBQ garbage. Are you sure you're hating the right person?