Sits down next to you in the coffee shop

>sits down next to you in the coffee shop
what's the correct move here

Attached: englishmajorgf2.jpg (1198x744, 294.19K)

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Spill her coffee


Take a sip of her coffee so she knows you're in charge.

Stare at her unblinkingly while drinking your coffee

Start hyperventilating then after a few minutes shakily stand up and hurry out the door

Continue to sip my tea and listen to something on my phone.
Maybe glance over on occasion or acknowledging her presences as a fellow human being, but mostly just sip, listen, and relax in my thoughts.

>tell her what I think of her
>what I want from her
>she leaves
>mission accomplished
As it turns out, what she believes I wanted, the never-ending road, I received not what I said, but unto thee I procrastinate my truest desires.

Attached: dumbufokid.jpg (1920x1080, 1.07M)

Stare at her malevolently and tell her her dukb joke isn't fucking paying off and its best just to leave me alone, I'm not gettung jumped by her four nigger boyfriends.

go home and kill myself
originally of course

Would just stare at some random point for a long. Then at home would think of different outcomes could have been if i would talk to her. Cry.

Actually happened to me quite a few times. Every time i promise myself i wouldn't miss the chance again. And then...ha-ha

this has happened to me a few times and ive also sat next to girls a few times when theres nowhere else to sit
ive never said anything more than
>is it ok if i sit here?
nor had any more said to me
even when girls sat next to me when they clearly didnt have to

im gonna give you guys a secret
say something

would you like to be interrupted from reading your book?

>get up

Start doing to weird nonsexual shit on my computer. Make sure she can fully see it so it offends her and makes her walk away. This is my bubble bitch and you werent invited.

I would see if there were any other places she could have sat. If the answer is yes then there is a good chance she deliberately or subsconstly sat next to me due finding me attractive. I would go on to confirm this by doing slight body movements to see if she responds. If she does then she is definitely conscious of me and has the hots for me. Knowing this my ego would be satiated and I would gtfo of there cuse I can concentrate in coffee shops, making me wonder wtf I was doing there in the first place.

where the fuck are you able to go to a coffee shop anymore?

the scandinavian country known as sweden

Make a thread on r9k asking what to do because I have no idea and need someone to guide me with these type of things.

>did it hurt?
did what hurt, user?
>when chad put his penis in your vagina
working on some daygame give me your honest feedback

>what's the correct move here
Look at her and greet her.
If the cafe is crowded, just ignore her afterwards as she just needed a seat.
If the cafe is almost empty and you're interested in her, it all depend on how she greets you back.

>produce a Mongolian fiddle

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Stare at her for a couple of seconds, then gather up your stuff and move two seats away.

Right hook since shes blocking my left

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leave the coffee shop

Awkwardly drinking coffee while reading and wondering if she has me mistaken for someone else.

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Excuse me Madam, I'm going to have to ask you to choose another seat as I am observing the strict social distancing guidelines set by the government. Have a nice day.

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immediately whip it out and start rubbing my dick all over her face

>>sits down next to you in the coffee shop

Sorry...that scenario simply breaks belief and I cant take the question seriously.