Like a male

>like a male
>he likes me back
>doesn't want anything to do with me regardless
what is the purpose of these continuous lies and rejections? i do not care if something is ldr or we are not 100% alike. if i like you, i like you. retarded nonsense

Attached: hug 1.png (600x600, 419.89K)

this is me too but gender swapped

Maybe its because you got a penis. For straight men thats a pretty big deal breaker.

I wish it was that simple, but I have a uterus

it is confusing

Maybe he just doesn't want a ldr? Either way it's time to move on. You can't force people into a relationship.

It's also time to tell me where you're located

>it is confusing

>say they love me
>say they miss me
>say they don't want to lose me
>know how to contact me

very confusing.

Yes, I understand that completely. I definitely do not want to force anyone into anything, and I personally do not even desire a romantic relationship explicitly, if I like somebody. I recognise that I cannot expect this. Though simultaneously, I do not understand the problem with LDR either. Physical affection and so forth is not a requirement for me. I would be terribly grateful already to simply have somebody to talk to in an exclusive way, but I receive critique for having such standards. Therefore I brought this matter to Zig Forums, because I have an inkling a generous percentage of the population here would understand.

I am European. Do you think this affects these experiences? What I described is not an individual experience, sadly.

i have the same issues but so it doesn't matter what i think or want or feel

>guys chad doesn't want to do stuff with me what the hell
I don't care.

I agree... Or they make these claims, turn against you, for you to express your feelings more explicitly in an attempt to welcome them back, only to be rejected and eventually even barred from all ways to contact entirely..! Many promises do people make, only to retract them without notice. I genuinely wish I understood these things better. I want to fix myself and avoid them in the future.

Either you are gynomrously fat or you have a penis. If you are a heffer, lose the fucking weight and Tyrone will love you back. If you're not fat then you are a man pretending to be a bitch. Inwhich case, stop it.

What do you mean it does not matter? I made this post to open a dialogue about the topic, so please feel free to express yourself as well. Maybe it is nice to exchange thoughts with somebody who actually wants to listen, especially when they have had similar experiences.

Physical affection is overrated and people focus on it too much, knowing that someone cares and loves you feels miles better and in an LDR there's a lot less pressure and you have time to formulate your thoughts.

I am not fat and I also do not have a penis. I am a genuine girl of a healthy weight and my story is true. So what is the answer, Zig Forums? You clearly understand relationships very well, and are all so terribly desperate. Since you are fond of lumping together groups of people, which I definitely understand, let me ask you; Why do you treat people who actually like you a lot and want something with you in this way? Why are you yourselves the hypocrites you claim to despise? Before you say I am only talking about "chad", what makes them chad and what does not? Then I can check whether or not it applies.

I really can't share that sentiment. Talking just isn't enough for me if I have feelings for someone. Interaction through a screen is just so cold and lifeless to me.

I really just wanted to know whether you live near me. You're not German by any chance, are you?

I wholeheartedly concur... You have a correct state of mind. I also believe some people do not recognise that real life relationships are not put away for everybody, and that LDR is the best they can get. Still then, why do people lie? Just do not bother giving false hope if you will only be cold and distant.

Well where is he from? I've stopped speaking to some girls from here before because the distance was too much desu.

just that theres typically less consideration given for male anons feelings on stuff like this so i'm used to being silent.
i've never had anyone understand and accept my feeling about all this but the truth is that i feel exactly the same as you do here: i am aspie and feel the same way.

i've accepted that i'll never have a relationship again, again.

i wish you the best of luck in your experiences user.

>Why do you treat people who actually like you a lot and want something with you in this way?
If I like someone I'd get with them, LDR or not, I'm not a hypocrite.

>Why do people lie
Depends. Maybe the person doesn't care as much as you'd think, maybe they're lonely, could be a mental illness. Who knows? People lie all the time about all sorts of things

I kinda love seeing women get rejected by Chad but I also kinda hate it because it's a reminder that if I ever get a gf she'll only be settling for me.
Anyway op, you got what you deserve, enjoy.

Do you feel you have the choice of a real life relationship? Why are you even on this website if you have that option? I think for many people it is important to recognise that LDR is the best they will get. Apologies if I offend you by saying this. Possibly you do have that opportunity, and I do not wish to bring down your sense of self worth.

I don't see why it matters if we are close to one another... I do not necessarily wish to expose myself too much. Have you had a situation similar to that which I describe?

he wants to know whether or not you're the girl he's waiting for, can't you just answer the mans question?

I'm not that user but I have the 'choice' of a real life relationship but it doesn't appeal to me. There's something very offputting about IRL relationships that I can't put my finger on, looking at women on dating apps and seeing them go about really enables a sort of cognitive dissonance in me. I'm fit, relatively attractive but I'm autistic and I don't think I can relate to any woman in meatspace. I think that's what it is. My discord is robotanon#2763 if you feel like chatting in a non-user environment, OP.

I would rather not answer this, but we were not from the same country. I am also speaking about multiple experiences, though obviously the most recent one matters most to me.

I am also autistic, so perhaps this is part of the problem... Yet that is such a vague diagnosis, for autism varies so, and it is not something I personally consider to be negative. Either way, I am unable to change it. But it does amplify this difficulty with understanding relationships... I wish you much fortune as well, user.

That is so... It is such a shame this problem is so difficult to decipher. I truly do not wish to experience this yet again. It is a very heartbreaking and far too frequently reoccuring experience. Alas, thank you for providing your insight.

Again, what constitutes as a chad? Why do the people I mention constitute as a chad?

>Before you say I am only talking about "chad", what makes them chad and what does not? Then I can check whether or not it applies.

Because bitch, you went out of your way to have a relationship with some nigger or sandnigger on the internet who'll probably just rape you and throw you in a ditch afterwards then even look at the guys around you because they are just so beneath you. You didn't fall inlove with his personality, only his dick and we all know that shit. You got yourself in this retarded situation because you are a coalburner (shut up, we all know you are) and somehow think you aren't in the wrong.

Fuck off and go to bed europoor, no one here likes you.

>Do you feel you have the choice of a real life relationship?
I don't see why I wouldn't have the option available to me. It's definitely not easy finding someone, but I'm not giving up hope. Do you think you don't have the option at all? Why do you think that is?
>I think for many people it is important to recognise that LDR is the best they will get.
I've been in ldrs and I'd honestly rather be alone than get into one again. Talking to people online is nice but eventually it just hurts me to be so far apart from the person I love.
>I do not wish to bring down your sense of self worth
I'm far beyond having my feelings hurt from this site. But thank you for being considerate and polite. I appreciate it.

I rather would not wish to embarrass myself if the person/people *I* am referring to were to encounter this post. Though if I am the person he thinks of, he would know how to contact me.

That is quite interesting, and I suppose a "chad" approach. However, I must add, that what one sees of people as a whole on the social media and such, is not a proper representation of what people as a whole are like in the real life. Personally, I simply find it frightening and unrealistic.

If it is autism, I do wonder how people are able to tolerate it to the extent of expressing romantic and positive feelings towards me initially, only to retract them without any notice and go against their claims entirely.

>I am also autistic, so perhaps this is part of the problem... Yet that is such a vague diagnosis, for autism varies so, and it is not something I personally consider to be negative. Either way, I am unable to change it. But it does amplify this difficulty with understanding relationships... I wish you much fortune as well, user.
I understand completely. I wonder what would have happened if we had met under different circumstances and become friends. I probably shouldn't wonder about that. I should leave this thread, I have things to do and this isn't a good thing for me to dwell on.

Such a waste of glorious dubs.

I think it would be very arrogant and foolish of me to have such an expectation. My appearance is average at best, I am quite shy and have trouble making friends, primarily due to autism. Additionally, I do not leave my house to interact with other people, only to venture out into nature, visit family, study and so forth.* I suppose this enumeration is self-explanatory.

>(...) eventually it just hurts me to be so far apart from the person I love.
I understand.

*I recognise visiting family and speaking to professors is interacting with other people, yet I do not consider it to be equal to social pursuits

This thread makes me melancholic because I am in a similar situation as the boy in OP's tale. The reason why I had to stop with my girl was because I grew fond of her to the point that communication stopped being seamless and I was/am wrought with fear which paralyses me; fear of things failing which I have now manifested only adding to the irrationality of my actions. I did it so I could have it end and I suspect the complete insanity of this thought process means my girl whom I had such strong limerence for is struck with the same wonder as OP. Ultimately I was unable to get past my own trust issues and I fixated on my own insecurities and that formed the root of my paralysing fears. The only way this girl could have a chance now would be to be overtly forthcoming with me but I doubt that will ever happen.

What makes you think you're entitled to their love? they don't owe you anything. typical femcel

Kys normalnigger. Your problems don't matter.

>I do not leave my house to interact with other people
Maybe you should consider changing that. I'm sure you could find people that are similar to you.

PLEASE, I beg of you, communicate with her directly! Express to her your true feelings and the obstacles you face. Do not throw away something which can be so beautiful out of fear, please...

As for when you are in contact with a girl whom you feel so strongly towards, be certain to remind her of your feelings in every possible way. It is important to show interest in her, by asking questions about her day, her passions and feelings; allow her to speak freely, and reassure her after she does so, by sharing it is enjoyable/cute/relaxing/inspiring, and so forth; call her sweet petnames and encourage her when she becomes timid and insecure. If you have difficulties understanding these matters, I encourage you to read about how girls think, their insecurities, and so forth. I understand it may be difficult, so I hope this helped.

LDRs almost never work. Why would he waste time on such a thing? That's always been my rationale towards it anyway. Though I'll still speak to them occasionally at least.

I've rejected 3-4 women in my life because they were fat

I'm still a virgin though

The fact that they make promises to me and tell me my company is enjoyable, and so forth. Learn to read and extrapolate. Typical male.

Where do you advise I go? I do try to, on some occasions! But I am careful, because interacting with new people can be very exhausting, eheh

hey there femanon. my situation varies slightly from yours, but ive been put in the pace as the guy in your story. ive been in two LDRs so far, and its very pleasant at the beginning, but as you fall more and more in love with the other person, it really starts to hurt. some people dont prioritize physical affection, but for others, its really important. i guess it varies by each case though. maybe he just isnt into you. either way im sure youll find someone nice, whether it be ldr or not.
with my current bf, im still hurting over the fact that we are in an LDR, but im starting to realize that if you truly love someone, youd be willing to wait years and years to be with them.

Attached: 44 Seconds.png (470x470, 422.4K)

Why would one bother making advances then? What is the point of stringing somebody along? Why would he waste time first, by spending a lot of time talking to me and giving me the impression that he genuinely enjoyed it, only to take it all away in the blink of an eye..? Besides, as I said, it does not even have to be exclusively LDR. Just to chat as we did before would be so nice.

I'm not fat, and again, he "liked me back". It says this in the OP.

Instead of pondering what's wrong with yourself, try asking the guy directly why he doesn't want a relationship. Pretty simple really

>I'm not fat
Lmao cope.

>Where do you advise I go?
You mentioned that you like going out into nature, perhaps there are some hiking groups you could join? If there are other interests you have you could try some group activity related to those as well. Where one would meet other people with autism, if that's something you're interested in, I do not know. But that could be another thing to look into.

I suppose that is true, and I definitely respect this difference in needs... Yet I would do anything it takes to make him feel happy and complete (as long as it is morally acceptable and not a waste of time). Regardless, thank you for sharing your story, as well as the reassurance.

>Why would one bother making advances then?
Because it's fun at first, getting to know new people and growing closer. But then you realise that it isn't really going to go anywhere so you panic and drop it before you get too invested. At least that's been my experience anyway.

He blocked me, so it is of no use. At the time, I also did not see the point of chasing after him... He had rejected me, and it was important that I did not act desperately yet again. Though I did say that I did not necessarily need a relationship, just to talk as we did before. He did not respond to this. Very vague! Lel

hehe, imagine that

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

you do seem like a very loving and caring person. imo, he's really missing out on a great gf! and i forgot to mention this before but ive met lots of nice anons from europe. if you dont like interacting with people much irl, you can definitely find someone somewhat nearby here

How painful and rude. That genuinely hurts very much, though it sounds quite plausible. I could never understand such behavior, but it is a very sensible explanation. Thank you...