I don't trust people who have white skin but brown eyes. It's unnatural. There is something not right about them...

I don't trust people who have white skin but brown eyes. It's unnatural. There is something not right about them. If you have white skin then you should have light colored eyes.

Attached: mitt romney.jpg (800x1014, 154.52K)

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bump desu does anyone else see what I mean

I don't trust normies especially conservative ones or women

The liberal/conservative dichotomy is a gay meme. Most so-called "conservatives" in America are liberals anyway.

i find people who say that are just crypto nazis I escaped right wing thought and I lost all respect for people like you just part of the problem, unless you're rich or racist there's no reason to be a conservative.

Brown hair brown eyes is the absolute worst (in any race)

I agree. (t. brown-eyed White-man)

It's an instant greenflag for me when someone is conservative, votes republican, or is at least anti-leftist/anti-liberal. Despite our elections being decided by a few percentage points every time, it seems like 90% of the population is leftist. Maybe it's just because I'm young though.

If you support democracy and capitalism, then you are a faggot liberal rat and you should be gassed.

based and true. whites are only blonde and blue eyed, anything else is non white

Green eyes are also acceptable, but of course blue eyes are ideal. Hazel/brownfags should kill themselves.

I'm a National Socialist. I just find republicans to be better people than democrats.

The final redpill is monarchy.

>the final redpill is becoming a cuckold to a random family

>not wanting the spirit of a nation embodied in a strong leader
kys boomer democracyfag

Attached: white wolf with blue eyes.jpg (600x600, 48.12K)

That's how we ended up in all this mess in the first place. I'll take my liberal pills any day of the week, it's actually not half bad, progressives really are progressive, at least there's some self awareness and non retardation. Conservatives and right wingers are just like evil.

>I just find republicans to be better people than democrats.
Maybe they are slightly less gay, but both parties work for Israel. Voting is pointless. Democracy, capitalism, liberalism, globalism, Zionism, and Marxism are all Satanic, anti-nature filth.

Attached: white wolf.jpg (1200x675, 71.97K)

Equality is anti-nature. There is a natural hierarchy. To deny this is Jewish faggotry.

Attached: white tiger.jpg (1920x1280, 629.72K)

Red/ginger hair is also shite

He looks like such a faggot. Why do Americans look like this

No, the Enlightenment and liberalism is how we ended up in this disgusting mess. Europe in the Middle Ages was the greatest civilization of all time. The Holy Roman Empire was the crown jewel.

pick one

He supports Israel and he looks like a cocksucker so that is pretty American, user.

the harbors shall overflow with tea once more

What is the difference between hazel eyes and brown eyes? Is hazel just a lighter shade of brown?

Your country supports Israel.

>caring about the collective over the individual
Retard. Freedom over all.
Typing on a computer is anti-nature too, and you're still doing it. Nature is gay.
I bet the peasants of that time would disagree with you.

Every time I see a blonde haired, blue eyed man; I automatically assume that he's a little bitch. I've never seen one that isn't a skelly and soft spoken, never looking you in the eyes. Now, the women, I'll fuck every day of the week. They seem to be like asians. Very feminine features in the males.

I bet you wouldn't say that to his face.

Attached: 0c593cb83dc8504a024940cf4a6f196d.jpg (640x644, 69.85K)

Not to his him, because he's a buff dude. He's the exception to the rule. Most blonde men don't look anything like that lmao.

>I bet the peasants of that time would disagree with you.
I bet you're the kind of brainwashed retard who thinks Medieval peasants were always starving and ate disgusting gruel and had no good food.

Oh and Medieval peasants also worked a lot less than the typical modern day wage slave

You are talking about the Nordic phenotype. There are other types of blonds. Faelids have blond hair and they are very robust.

Attached: phenotypes.jpg (1882x1690, 1.07M)

>Is hazel just a lighter shade of brown?
bump desu

What about the Golden One

what about gray eyes