What do you think of the cutest couple of the new decade? The madman did it...I wonder if they've already done it?

What do you think of the cutest couple of the new decade? The madman did it...I wonder if they've already done it?

>inb4 who are these lmao im so edgy and boomer

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>What do you think of the cutest couple of the new decade
They ugly

Kys and please don't post on r9k again

I agree with the second post!

Yellow fever is big cringe my user

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>I wonder if they've already done it
Declaring you're a couple as an adult is pretty much the same say screaming "YES WE FUCK EACH OTHER ON THE REGULAR" so obviously they've had sex. Only children have and married couples have sexless relationships.

is he that disgusting jew who makes those reddit meme tech videos?
isnt he like 23? why is his skin so utterly dreadful?

>is he that disgusting jew who makes those reddit meme tech videos?

>isnt he like 23? why is his skin so utterly dreadful?
22 I think, it just got that way, dunno why

They're both above average kek

This is a really bad picture of her.

I think it's cringe and fake

literally who

I don't watch jewtube or twitch, come at me faggotz

Above average??? Bro that little guy is so fucking ugly it's disgusting. He makes cool videos and has amazing ideas, but my GOD is he ugly. Short, ugly face, bad skin, ugly

Lily had plastic surgery done. His kids will have surprise deformities.

Hes not really ugly it's the acne the fucks him

I actually had no idea.

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>tfw no qt ps1 polygon gf
why live bros?

How so? origio

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This guy has so much potential to look decent if he gave even a smidgen of effort into his fit. He's certainly not ugly, but he could just wear a cardigan or thin striped undershirt and he'd be solid. Chick looks like a weird alien.

Omg I love them! They're so cute, Especially when Michael teases her. They both seem to be good people and have a really cute dynamic

both of those photos are post surgery, the one on the left is immediately after when her face was swollen as fuck
she got jaw surgery to fix a misaligned jaw and overbite

He is above average

Huh didn't know either, I'd like to see pre-surgery too, but if it was just oberbite I guess it didn't change her looks that much

Didn't except a wholesome answer like this, it makes me happy. They are really cute indeed, almost as if they're made for eachother!

How tall is he anyway? He looked kinda small next to Sam and Nick.
I'm glad he's doing well though, his skits were some of the best content MDE released.
I take it Charls didn't take losing his hair too well. Neither will I though.

It did make a pretty big difference desu, she had one *these* mouth/jaw areas before, lots of gum. I don't really blame her honestly, she had legitimate medical reasons to get it done, it was suggested by her dentist and it made her look better.

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who is she originally?You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

Chick looks alien but still a stacey. From a lot of videos and pictures charls seems to be successful with women. His weird mustaches and hipstery street clothes are part of an aesthetic. Hes white, tall enough, has a good facial structure, and is kind of a dick while being charismatic. That's all the necessary ingredients you need to have women.

>I wonder if they've already done it?
Pretty sure he has been smashing the fuck out of her tight pussy for a while. She needed a cock to cream on after her bf cheated on her.

nobody cares about your 70 IQ ecelebs, fuck off back to shiteddit you fucking retard.

>His weird mustaches and hipstery street clothes are part of an aesthetic.
I get the look, but I don't think he's doing it justice with his current fits. You can go for the "hipstery street" vibe and still look clean-fit. I think it's the color and detail mismatching that is making it bad. I agree that he has good structure, just think better coordination in his fits (even if he goes urban) could make him pop. Imagine this guy if he wore something that brought more contrast and color to his skin tone. Well, whatever gets him laid, I suppose.

>tfw no lilypichu r9k gf

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Aria best girl

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This seemed epic at first, but after looking it through I'm gonna have to call fake&gay

why did his acne get so much worse, it makes his videos nearly unwatchable