Femanons, when did you realise that sexual "liberation" in reality only served men?

Femanons, when did you realise that sexual "liberation" in reality only served men?

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Is this a larp or just another blackpill on women not even noticing 90 percent of men

>goes after the top Chads
>top Chads are fucking every pussy they come across
>wonders why top Chads don't want to be in a relationship with her and only want to pump and dump her
Why are females so dum-dum, Zig Forums bros?

Even ugly guys behave this way

I wished girls realized this before they jumped on the cock carousel

True, ugly men are known for their diverse selection of potential mates

What a shit thread
Kill yourself, and I mean that

>even ugly guys are fucking tons of women at the same time
just lol
I know you're joking but I have no doubt delusional females actually think this

Why are you so fucking stupid? Is it that you refuse to think for yourself under any circumstance?

It is true though, no matter how many insults you want to throw.

two thirds of the dudes on here have never seen a vagina in real life and you really think ugly dudes all have their pick of several women lmfao

Not because they are ugly. Most robots are average and a good portion even above average. I've got normie friends now and even though they are all acne ridden nerds they have no struggles getting puss. Robots are retarded and boring. That's why they struggle.

>Most robots are average and a good portion even above average
> I've got normie friends now and even though they are all acne ridden nerds they have no struggles getting puss.

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There was a drill instructor would always scream that the one thing he couldn't fix is being retarded. Guess he couldn't fix boring either because I've still never seen a vagina haha

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Men could say the same thing.
Except men know that if the woman is not having sex with him, she's having it with some other guy.
We are just the simp that pays for stuff.

>blackpill on women not even noticing 90 percent of men
Hey, we have to accept reality.
It's not a blackpill, it's just the truth.

This is an interesting pic. At first I thought "Wow. This is surprisingly lucid for reddit. I've even thought along similar lines to this in the past." But slowly and slowly I started to read between the lines and see the typical roastie bullshit come through. The way she treats having sex as a burden. The way she acts like only normalfag men who use tinder exist. The use of the terminology "choosey" and "selfish" which frames things in egocentric terms - by that I mean, they don't care about a man being high quality, they care about themselves having a partner who is high quality.

Also can you niggerfaggots please fucking stop using the word femanon. There are no women here, only trannies. If there are women here, they need to post tits and then leave.

You gotta remember that for women we (as in shy/awkward/ugly guys) don't even exist.
We simply don't even register as people, much less as men.
So in the reality they live in the nerdy guy (who is actually a 8/10 who wears glasses when he's at the computer) is juggling bitches like Chad (which in reality he is, but not for women's reality, in that he's just a nerdy guy).

This statement could not be further from the truth.

Some ugly guys slay so theres hope for you user

There are things to gain and lose to both woman and a man in ANY social structure aside from very extreme cases. There is no ideal ideology that everybody would be content with.

I am completely fine with fucking on first date, because I dont see men as humans and only interact with them for sex anyways. I dont want to waste my time. So I benefit from the current situation. Women who want relationships lose.

>women need to get choosier and more selfish
The day of the grill can't come soon enough

makes sense desu
dating is fucked up for both sides in modern times, social collapse cant come soon enough

>when did you realise that sexual "liberation" in reality only served men?

This isn't quite correct. Sexual liberation serves the top 20% of men. It massively harms the bottom 50% or so.

Monogamy as a societal structure was created to ensure that average & below average men were able to have regular sex & reproduce. Without socially enforced monogamy, the average dude is a lot worse off.

Do people really get into a relationship just for sex? I mean I never have been in one but I think theymain appeal of it is to have someone to rely on and to expirence life together.

I use to say and think what you just said >I think theymain appeal of it is to have someone to rely on and to expirence life together.
Except when I started to analyze my behavior I was prioritizing relying on experience life together in a sexual way with someone I'm sexually attracted to above other considerations.
Oh man I can't even tell you how shitty sexless relationships are. I mean you can date a girl that won't put out for you for years, there are so many other guys she'd just have sex with the first time they met, or any time they met. They don't care about you. They don't like you like other people. You're just a disposable tool they're trying to use and manipulate. You're gonna get cheated on. They're going to try and lie about you. They're just going to make you look bad in so many different ways you're going to be lucky if they don't get you murdered by a lynch mob or put in jail or some shit after they provoke you and start to abuse you psychologically and or physically.

I find this picture pretty inaccurate honestly.
Statistics on Tinder, as i'm sure you know, demonstrate that women prefer only the top 20% of men, while men find most average women attractive to some degree.
Women can be and are a lot choosier than men when it comes to this I think.

Ugly guys could easily fuck ugly women but they think they are entitled to Stacy.

it hit me once i realized that most of the "sexual liberation, sex positivity, free love etc" bullshit was centered on young women, like twenty-somethings and occasionally teenagers.

it's a good thing that i noped out of any 3d relationships a good many years ago.

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Top kek. This must be true in the mind of a female, where all the men that arent at least a 7/10 dont exist in your mind.

They just want to fuck Chad and not get shamed for doing it. This is they always wanted, they are more than happy with it.

>go for model tier men and expecting them to stick around for some 5/10 roastie

Yeah it's a silly reasoning, sexual liberation means she can decide to be more selfish if she doesn't feel satisfied with what's out there.

ugly girls fuck brad and chadlite but they think they are entitled to a fully loving relationship with chad