Is there any good sissy hypno out there that tries to brainwash you into becoming an actual tranny?

Is there any good sissy hypno out there that tries to brainwash you into becoming an actual tranny?

The risk of it is so hot to me.

I find normal sissy hypno to be kinda meh.
I don't want a situational trance, I want actual brainwashing.

Does anything like this exist?
If so, can you link some of it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bumperino for sissy hypnino.



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What the fuck is sissy hypno


Go check it out for yourself.

it doesnt do anything
hypnotism is pseudo science it just prays on in the closet schizoids

I have seen some of you fags posting about Bambi sleep. It has dedicated subreddit full of schizos claiming to lose control of their lives.

porn for people with autogynephilia

if you are educated, you are less likely to be accepting of any hypnosis, this is a fact. So maybe you should go get yourself a bit of brain damage in the cerebral cortex.

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heard it can give you a split personality

Yes. People claim that the persona will take you over and you will not even remember it. You may walk into your job dressed as a whore.
I am usually skeptical to these things but don't listen to it, user.

it's an undervalued market right now

bambi sleep it's so you become a retard bimbo with a specific name. we really need a tranny oriented one that doesn't want to fuck your entire life over. sure, make the listener more feminine, but not a straight up dysfunctional moron.

Bambi sleep for real, nothing else compares. Just don't be a dumbass and expect it to work after like 10 minutes. Listen while laying on your back under the covers, relax completely and just do whatever the track tells you without overthinking. Listen every day and be a good girl. That's all there is to it.

brainwashing isnt like in movies where you catch a glimpse of a swirly circle and your brain is rewired. It's slow, and you have to believe it. People with mental disabilties and issues tend to be really susceptible or really resistant. Bambi sleep works best when you're on your own, headphones on with it loud, in the dark, staring at maybe a slideshow of hot girls or something. it takes alot of sessions, but you can rewire your brain chemistery pretty effectively. I mean hell, it's made me go from just fantasising about dressing up to straight up ordering clothes off amazon (tho after i came i cancelled the order) but it can vastly improve your life by awakening who you really are
true, if you're more self aware and smart it can have more of an effect, but if you're smart and totally willing it stills works


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Based quads of truth.

It would be really interesting to see a hypno program that claims to make people trans.

Like, it would basically make your personality more feminine, and make you want to transition.

Maybe you wouldn't be trans in the same sense as other trannies, but as long as you are happy with transitioning, the program worked.

Maybe this is not hypno exactly.
It's more like subconscious conditioning.
There would be no triggers, no particular trance or split personality...

Here you go OP, I advise you not to listen, unless you are 100% sure you want this. I'm not saying this is the real deal, but boy has it made a number on me.

You might have watched the most degenerate sissy hypno vids and listened to some "extreme" audio files but this, is really going to change you. It's not that hardcore in nature but the feelings it instills in you are going to feminize your mind to the girliest way of being possible. Be sure you want this tho, because it will leave you with a literal female brain and with dysphoria about your body that will make you want to kill yourself when you see a pretty girl and know that you will never be like her.

what the FUCK is bambi sleep
im reading this subreddit and this is fucking weird lad what the fuck

split personality isnt real either its just pyschologists using unethical shitty therapy techniques and inducing it in vulnerable people

How do you know all this?
It seems like you've experienced it yourself.

Can you share what has it been like on your journey?
Have you transitioned?

quit porn, you'll thank me later

hypnotism only works if you believe it will, and it wont make you do something you dont want to do
from the CIA interrogation research on hypnosis
As we have seen, there is little or no evidence that trance can be induced against a person's wishes. (discussing soldiers resisting hypnosis) It might be better simply to warn them of the techniques of trance induction and inform them that they can prevent it.
hypnotism cant be used to do something you dont want to do
Hypnotic Veracity. Considerably less data is available on the veracity of information furnished in trance. I have been able to find in the professional literature only one author--Beigel 4,5--who deals with prevarication under hypnosis. He writes in a personal communication that people may lie, refuse to answer, or wake up when asked direct questions on sensitive matters. Our own clinical work has amply convinced us that hypnotized subjects are capable of lying when they have reason to do so.
hypnotism working has nothing to do with the effect of hypnotism, it just removes a subjects guilt/anxiety from doing something that they want to do
we would hazard the suggestion that at the core of their resistance is the sense of extreme guilt which would be activated by collaboration with the enemy while still in control of one's faculties. The alleviation of this sense of guilt, therefore, might be extremely useful to the interrogator. Both the hypnotic and the hypnoidal states induced by certain drugs are popularly viewed as ones in which a person is no longer master of his fate. This fact suggests the possibility that the hypnotic situation, rather than hypnosis itself, could be used to relieve a person of any sense of guilt for his behavior, giving him the notion that he is helpless to prevent his manipulation by the interrogator.
and then at the end of the study
Finally, the hypnotic situation, rather than hypnosis itself, seems likely to be a more effective instrument in interrogation.

this part seems pretty similar to bambi sleep or whatever its called
A captive's anxiety could be heightened, for example, by rumors that the interrogator possesses semi-magical techniques of extracting information. A group of collaborating captives could verify that interrogees lose all control over their actions, and so on. After such preliminary conditioning, a "trance" could be induced with drugs in a setting described by Orne 19 as the "magic room," where a number of devices would be used to convince the subject that he is responding to suggestions. For instance, a concealed diathermy machine could warm up his hand just as he receives the suggestion that his hand is growing warmer. Or it might be suggested to him that when he wakes up a cigarette will taste bitter, it having been arranged that any cigarettes available to him would indeed have a slight but noticeably bitter taste. With ingenuity a large variety of suggestions can be made to come true by means unknown to the subject. Occasionally these manipulations would probably elicit some form of trance phenomenon, but the crucial thing would be the situation, not the incidental hypnotic state. The individual could legitimately renounce responsibility for divulging information much as if he had done it in delirium.
the best way to end your sissy bambi fetish/not get hypnotised? realize it doesnt work
An effective defense against this hypnotic situation, as against hypnosis, could be provided by raising the level of sophistication of those who might be exposed to it. Even one or two lectures warning them of possible devices to trick them into believing themselves hypnotized could show them that people cannot be hypnotized against their will and cannot be compelled even under hypnosis to tell the truth or to follow suggestions really contrary to their beliefs.
sorry for ruining the fun if u enjoy it

It's still fun, even though you are basically just doing it to yourself.

I guess something similar would happen if you were to read a lot of pro-tranny stuff, hang out with trannies, watch/follow them on social media, etc.

Well, you are correct, I have experienced it for myself. The files sound so vanilla and relatively harmless compared to the more harcore stuff you can find online. Where these files differ is that they don't focus so much on the raw sexual aspect of things, that usually go over when you cum. This targets your neutral state and makes it as feminine as possible, that is the part when you are still waiting to get horny again and repeat the cycle. So if you are like I was you only feel this feelings when you are horny, right? if you listen to these files there will be no more what can I say "temporary escape"? and thinking it's just a sexual fetish. Feeling like a girl will be an all consuming thing, both when aroused and unaroused. You will literally be a woman, at least in mind. So make sure you want to feel real dysphoria towards your male body, because you will definetly want to change or kill yourself after listening.

That sounds so hot, user.
I don't really want it, but I'll do it anyway.
What else could you expect from a fellow coomer robot?

Also, are you an actual tranny now?
Did you have tranny feelings before it?

I listened to these awhile ago on a dare for a few months. A year an so later I started hormones because the feelings became so strong. Don't listen unless it's really what you want.

hahahahaaha based

Post conetits.

kinda interesting psychology too tho

I'm not a full blown tranny yet but It has made me dead set on that goal, a literal laser focus. I'm on a super strict daily diet and workout routine crafted for maximum leg and butt growth. I'm holding off on purchasing a dildo yet, but I do have a baby pink chastity. When I achieve my goal I'm gonna take my anal virginity for the first time, as a final nail to the coffin.
I'm not this user.

Just checked it out.
If anything, this seems like therapy for low self-esteem women.

Some parts make me cringe, others make me feel sorry for insecure women and everyone else out there.

It's decent content, but you were probably just trans to begin with.