Someone redpill me about Bianca Devins, I just watched an old Jim stream about this and never fucking heard of it...

Someone redpill me about Bianca Devins, I just watched an old Jim stream about this and never fucking heard of it. Apparently she was a thot on /soc/.

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Why did she even date that ugly balding crazy fuck?

Shut the fuck off


Balding and crazy I can see but that man is not ugly.

If a guy is balding he's automatically ugly

i'll give you the bare bones summary. bianca was this bpd, anxiety, and ptsd ridden thot that basically toyed with simping faggots on /soc/. she was supposed to meet up with one of her orbiters but went with this other dude. the orbiter got so mad he went out of his way to behead her but stopped half way, causing her to die due to bleeding out. it's an old tale about the consequences of thotting on the internet. sad but funny at the same time.

He's a manlet allegedly.

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how is that abomination not ugly?

e thot with fake depressions and problems to get attention got stabbed in the neck by pic related simp orbiter after she went with another simp orbiter to a festival. After he killed the bitch he wanted to hero but was too much of a pussy and scratched his neck a bit. She went from who? to literally who? in two weeks. He did the world a favour. After a month or so her orbiters moved on like they always do.

Strong masculine features like a thick neck, sunken, slim eyes, broad, jaw.
I don't agree.

>he threw away his life for this

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this might be the only girl tahlia mogs, and that is saying something, consider the fact that every girl mogs tahlia.

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eyes too close, giant forehead and receiding line i will consider him a 4, kek.

she also mogs the fat one

This is the most fucking generic looking egirl who has ever been worshipped on this board. Like seriously, if you go outside you'll see at least several girls who look just like her

I was catfishing as a male my whole socialization with Zig Forums but now as I am honest about being female I realized something: men here are insanely delusional.
When the story first came out I was amongst the reat here who believed she brought it on herself. And maybe she did. But men here have lied about me and spread rumors. I try my best to avoid orbiters and never took anything. Never led anyone. But just being friendly to a incel is enough to "lead" them on. When you reject them for legitimate reasons (like them being insane) they bitterly attack your image, and you are made out the villain because you are a woman and it comes with the territory here. R9k will always believe a man over a woman.
I've been on Zig Forums since I was very young, I am one of the few who were here from the beginning. Yet I no longer belong here but I don't belong with normies/redditors either. I'm not sure where to go now.

Looks non-white.

>if you go outside you'll see at least several girls who look just like her
But they won't have her beautiful mind.

>these are the fembots in small tit threads

>Yet I no longer belong here but I don't belong with normies/redditors either. I'm not sure where to go now.

Such a roastie thing to say, dude. When you enter into the social media sphere you're bound to deal with delusional people all around; you ought to know this.

She was yet another victim of the murderous incels.

>Yet I no longer belong here but I don't belong with normies/redditors either. I'm not sure where to go now.
Be my wife

Tahlia mogs them all in my heart.

>But they won't have her beautiful mind.
If by sucking cocks while underage, cutting herself and blackmailing you for heroin, sure.

I think you've confused her with that other girk

I have only a cursory knowledge of this nonsense.

>she was one of those e-waifus who collected a community orbiters on discord
>constant in-fighting between orbiters for her favor, as they do
>one got particularly close but the girl was just toying with him, she made this very clear to him before "apologizing" and doing it again
>this happened more than once
>girl started seeing some other dude or wanted to cut off the too-close orbiter, don't know which
>too-close orbiter decided if he can't have her, no one will
>bad thing happens
>in a weird twist of cosmic humor, the girl actually had a tattoo on her that reads "My sexual fetish is to be murdered".

tahlia has bad ache.

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just stay anyway.
given what you've said, you seem rational enough to bring nuance to the conversation. this site needs more people like that here.

instead of leaving because you no longer feel close to what this site represents, maybe be a part of bringing what the site represents closer to you. Rationally if you go, it's one less person like you here.

>But men here have lied about me and spread rumors.

You're calling them men?

Ciara? I know they knew eachother but not the same person

I don't think she was innocent or saintly by any means, she definitely did some degenerate shit, but most girls do some degenerate shit. Especially popular girls and double that for popular alternative girls. But Brandon really intrigues me as he reminds me of my current girlfriend's ex in his mannerisms, his style (or lack thereof amirite?), and I wanna know more about what simping he's done out of a morbid curiosity. Something I'm interested in is see his interview with police as well, just to hear his perspective.