>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>older than 27
>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>uses recreational drugs
>fat or underweight
>wants to go to university
>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are fine, no loops)
>dyes her hair
>eats fast food
>is an atheist
>is a liberal
>homophile friends
>whore friends
These are my red flags for females.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>posts on r9k but has almost impossible standards
why do you deserve a women like that

>mentally ill

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you forgot to add
> breaths
> was born out of vagina

>almost impossible standards
I deny your assertion.
>why do you deserve a women like that
I seek a woman that meets basic moral standards, isn't a retard, and has a compatible personality and looks. I meet basic moral standards, I'm not a retard, and I have above average personality and looks.

>yet is posting about not having a gf and is still actively looking for one

> isnt a retard
> wanting to have education and not believing in some bullshit jewish faitytales is considered a red flag

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I'm not posting about not having a gf. I'm posting about red flags for females in hopes of learning new perspectives so that I can learn how to avoid damaged women.

do you eat fast food?
whats your bodyfat%?

How the fuck is being underweight, going to college, having dark skin, or having gay friends morally wrong

>talks shit about her friends in their backs
>is a stacy
>likes animal crossing
>hugs her male friends
>is always saying that she's lonely and autistic

mines are
>breaks the law
>doesnt take things seriously
>smoking fags

nothing against smokers btw i just dont think its appealing,

NOT wanting to go to uni is an actual red flag, fren. That means that her main hobby in life is gold digging or straight out whoring.

Why are all christcucks like this?

the only damaged one is you, the last thing you need is more fucking standards
>breaks the law
????? like any law?

I fully agree with the rest but what does playing animal crossing say about a girl? I thought it was just a comfy life simulator

Even if you believe modern university is educational, and it isn't, why do you believe it is a woman's place to go to university? Are you a feminist? Of course you are, fedora.
I don't eat fast food.
I don't know my bodyfat%.
>How the fuck is being underweight,
It's unhealthy and a sign of problems.
>going to college
If she is already going to college or has gone, then the mistakes of the past can't be helped. The red flag is only for pre-college aged women that want to go.

University is for men. Women should be pursuing marriage and motherhood.
>having dark skin
>or having gay friends
Acceptance of evil is wrong. I can't be friends with a murderer and being friends with a homophile is just as bad.

The things you listed aren't all moral problems.
You're a feminist. Your worldview is fundamentally wrong and I don't care what you have to say.

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like shoplifting, tax evasion or screwing people over, possesion of illegal items, or looking for blood

stuff that is gonna attract attention you dont need. ive dealt with police before and i think they are nice guys but seeing poeple who fuck up try to wiggle their way out isnt good,

on women or men

attention whore who thinks she is a snowflake most probably. Not 100% but all the girls I know that like or most accurately praise that stupid game are like that.

>ive dealt with police before and i think they are nice guys

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how often do you exercise?

> ive dealt with police before and i think they are nice guys

>feminism bad because girl want to do more with her life than cook meal for me wahhhhh

ill post a separate thread story soon youll see

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22%, apparently.

Not counting going on walks, I lift weights once or twice a week.

>bootlicking this hard
anytime a cop talks to you he is fishing and trying to figure out if he could charge you, they are nice as an interrogation tactic
it is never beneficial for you to talk to the police outside of an emergency, and even then they might shoot you for no reason and get away with it

You're a progressive liberal feminist. Nothing you have to say matters, so please leave my thread.

No wait, I had the female category checked still. I am 12% according to this website.

hahaha this nigga is in the women range of bodyfat%

there is no way you are 12% bodyfat when you only go for walks and lift once a week

Physique has more to do with diet than anything else.

they took what we said at face value and trusted us which is why they got angry when my mates tried to screw them over,

one of them even recognised the other since he knew his mother and thats when the lie was discovered.

anyways they came out of nowhere and did a "random"search since we were looking shifty (rightly so we were looking to kill a guy) keep in mind this is northern ireland and the police has plenty of exp with shitty teens out doing shit

I am not really a feminist, I'm just rational. It is not really about getting smarter from unis, the point is that everybody who has a little bit of brain will naturally want to apply it to something and just use their capacities. Also humans who don't have any retardationd diseases need to feel engaged with a thing to do. Formerly, women used to be busy with caring for house and children from around the age of 15. That is a lot of work and quests to solve.
However for a modern woman it is not an issue, chores are way more faster and you can drop the baby to grandmother or kindergarten. So she has a lot of free time to spare. And trust, when they have it and dont have any ambitions or anything that peaks her interest to want to learn it, they will just use this time to be degenerates.
Funnily enough it is not just a theory, it totally hold true to life. All the whores always drop out and don't even attempt to go back. Woman with no education is far more likely to be engaged in some form escort sooner or later. Woman with multiple educations are most loyal and moral out there. The only things, and is probably the actual things that bothers you because you are pathethic, is that they are not afraid to call people out on being wrong and challenge twisted and cruel morality that men or society may force unto them. You know that you are wrong and far from being morally pure, thats why you want your woman to be retarded.