Based I hate dogs just uploaded a new video. Thoughts?
>inb4 noooo muh doggerinos

Attached: shovel.jpg (500x450, 41.76K)

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I hate dog owners just as much as dogs

noooo muh doggerinos

based. hate the dog and the owner. i might even hate their disgusting owners even more for bringing these mutants into our communities.

Why are dog haters such low IQ subhumans? I literally never met a respectable person that hated dogs.

there's no logical reason other than having a personality disorder if you hate animals of course the person in question would never admit or deflect

dog owners are so dumb that they need to have a retarded little friend to make themselves feel smart.

>too much of a bitch to post the actual shoveldog
typical frogposter

Based and big brain pilled
Keep it up user

>you have a disorder if you dislike having pooping fleabag child rippers roaming freely around your community
this is why i hate dog owners. they can't, for one second, imagine why someone would dislike being near their slobbery beast.

I'd probably get banned by some dog loving janny. My main purpose is to connect with other people that hate dog culture.

>they can't, for one second, imagine why someone would dislike being near their slobbery beast.

I wouldn't want to be around a dumb nigger like you either.

Story time? Story time.

I had a dog growing up that chased coyotes away from our property and kept our cows, sheeps, goats and chickens safe from strays and coyotes too. Our neighbor had some kind of hatred for all dogs, he used to drive off into the ditch with his truck to try and hit our farm dog. My dad go fed up one day and we spent the weekends digging the ditch out and filling it in with leaves. My grandpa made some kind of metal wire contraption and placed them along the ditch. Eventually the dude pulled his same stunt of trying to go offroad to hit our dog and ended up following the ditch. Scraped the hell out of the underside of his truck and probably busted it up, his tires got shredded, his truck rolled to its side and his airbags deployed. He wasnt too badly injured, burned from the airbag and internal bruising if I recall. He tried to get the cops involved because he knew we created a trap but we just claimed we were digging the ditch for emergency fill dirt and we were going to fill it in the next weekend. We got asked to not dig outside our property but that was it. Neighbor had his truck insured but he had additional work done to it, so they only paid for a single cab truck even though he had it welded to a dual cab and extended the bed. He got some 2wheel drive Silverado after that, so I imagine he took a big financial hit. But he never attempted to hit our animals after that one.

whats wrong? can't articulate why dogs are so great? you probably smell like dog shit anyways so why would i want to be around you and your mutt?

Stop projecting. You never leave your mom's basement other than to maybe work your job at McDonald's.

your neighbour was unhinged but he was still based. in a just world your family would rot in prison for trying to kill a good man.

I have a great job and work from home. What does that have to do with anything dogshitter?

>I-I'm actually a really cool and successful person! I swear!

keep coping dogshit


Maybe that's because smart people don't even bother to discuss the topic because most dog lovers/owners are brain-dead or NPCs. It won't lead anywhere.

Vast majority of people who own dogs don't train them or knows how to discipline/raise them. I know a woman who pets/feeds her two rat sized dogs when they bark to shut them up. You know how that ends. Many dog owners just treat them like things. In rural areas dogs spend their entire life chained outside, or worse - free to roam. Lonely people with boring lives cope through owning dogs. Why not get an original and interesting pet? Nope, I'm gonna get a smelly, barking, biting, and shitting creature. Sure, dogs have some uses: helping disabled or security related functions.
I have a problem with dogs because I cycle and these fuckers always try to chase me. Also I grew up in dog free neighborhood but lately some retards got dogs that bark and bark, it's infuriating.

>I cycle

Cyclists are some of the most insufferable faggots out there.

god i fucking hate these annoying little bastards. wish i lived in a place with strays wandering

Attached: doggo.gif (394x700, 938.21K)

>Lonely people with boring lives cope through owning dogs.
Right on the money.
>Also I grew up in dog free neighborhood but lately some retards got dogs that bark and bark, it's infuriating.
Brutal. I don't remember there being this many fucking dogs around. Dog shit is EVERYWHERE. When it snows, theres yellow patches EVERYWHERE. I dont even walk on grass anymore because I know a dog definitely pissed there and I dont walk to track dog piss in my house. Not that filthy dog owners give a shit. They kiss and fuck their dogs after all. Social media has really been pushing this dog cult on everyone lately. No more kids, just dogs dogs dogs.

>Cyclists are some of the most insufferable faggots out there.
and dog owners are THE most insufferable faggots out there.

They won't shut the fuck up, fuck dogs. An untrained dog needs to be gassed, along with the owners who didn't bother to train them.

Well, some of them definitely are. I ride mostly on dirt/forest roads so I don't bother cagers, and I don't wear lycra. Happy now?

Yeah he was rather extreme in his approach, but it sounds like your dog would chase/jump in front of his truck? Some dogs so that

honestly, the modern society has destroyed the point of dog ownership much like everything else
i live in suburbs densely populated with cats and crazy cat ladies so having a dog is a necessity unless you want cat fur everywhere in your yard
i have a little mutt who is a guard dog and inst too intimidating but will stop unwanted guests
dog breeds are just forced incest and should be restricted by the law just like it is for humans
it should be forbidden to walk your dog without a leash and mouth basket for larger dogs
also should be forbidden keeping dogs in a densely populated area like a apartment building

unfortunately dogs are a fad now, so normgroid NPCs will just get them to boost their status and not give a shit about actually training them properly.

>people deserve to die because they hurt my dogoo :)))
holy shit dog owners are psychopaths

isn't it funny how the suburbs are the most inappropriate place to have a dog but they're always infested with them.
look at these demons trying to eat a child

forgot to mention that when i said suburbs i meant the european ones with big fences on the edge of the lawn instead of the half open american style
also strays should be taken by the local shelter and if they are not adopted within a month they should be executed

oh okay i was confused because its too common to see dog attacks happen in the suburbs of america. i saw this one vid of someone's young daughter walking out their front door only for their mother to pull them back in..moments later 2 giant pitbulls stormed their front porch. its like being under siege.

Talk shit get hit fren. The man was aggressing and got shat on.

btw i appreciate the fact that you seem like a sensible dog owner. Europeans are just more sensible than Americans in general.

here dogs tend to be around schools which is in my opinion worse
we dont get those pitbull attacks since at least retarded pitbull owners are insecure enough to keep their dog inside their lawn since they are paranoid of having a thief break into their house even tho you can just shoot the fucking bitch
tho having 10 dogs attack a child is also scary as fuck