White male "loneliness"

>white male "loneliness"

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Actually I'm a spic and no girl wants me.

Attached: cringe.png (600x543, 332.41K)

i can't even talk to my peers and you expect me to travel half the world and get into a relationship with a women from a complete different culture. i just want to crawl into a blue whales vagina, plug an umbilical cord in and live in there forever

do not be self loathing my olmec buddy.
Be proud of yourself and your ancestors who built great civilizations

Attached: 100% olmec phenotype.jpg (1082x1034, 600.1K)

I'm a white male and multiple indian/mexican women I've hit on have straight ignored me or said no, without even one date.

Attached: Sad Despair Alex Jones.png (309x313, 126.04K)

you fool you date one of them and you would get to the chance to date all of them

How indian looking and brown are you?

pure olmec like most mexicans

Attached: olmec phenotype, phenotype most common in mexico.jpg (386x397, 104.7K)

>>white male "loneliness"
well then fucking throw a hijab wearing melanated QKWAAAEEENE at me

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>race mixing
Kill yourself, foreskin eating subhuman.

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It is not my fault the blue eyes are so aesthetically pleasing

>waaa muh must secure a future for white children waaaaaa
fuck off if i can live a happier life by going for an asian girl i'm going to do so

Not really I'm more of a mayan with light skin. I still look like a nerd

Attached: mayan spic.jpg (1600x900, 379.71K)

fsjalup jeepl

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I'll take an asian and just not reproduce, but anything else is subhuman. only whites and asians are real humans

You are a mayan olmec mutt, pure mayans looked chad

>tfw keep getting approached by black women

>woah you think race mixing is disgusting? you must be white natzee
No and kill yourself, yellow fever filth.

asians are neither human nor subhuman, they are inhuman

>implying you're not
there's literally nothing wrong with race mixing, i'm going to choose the partner that makes me happiest regardless of race
why would you choose a white girl you are less happy with than someone of another race that makes you happier

Racemixing is not always good but you should not care about other people racemixing. Only your offspring matters

This is not true. God I wish it was. I set my dating site preferences to black and brown. I hit on these girls all the time.
The only few times I've gotten laid were with mediocre looking white girls. It sucks.

Ah yes. The namesake of San Diago.

>why don't you date an ethnic roastie
The same reason I wouldn't date a white roastie, because it wouldn't mean anything to them you're just a walking dick to them and as soon as they get tired of you they'll leave. Which will most likely leave you worse off especially if you loved them

my parents own a Vietnamese restaurant and theres this one white guy that always comes in for lunch at least twice a week. Even comes in for take out with the virus. Most times he just sits there and smiles at me or if Im working the register stands there and smiles. He tips good. Never was interested in white guys much but he seems nice but he wont talk and my family says he likes me and makes me wait his table and then laughs.

Those are nahua-looking people, toltec, chichmeca, aztec etc. Mayans looked more like olmecs I guess.

That guy with the jade orb on his forehead looks like a drag queen tranny

This is infuriating to me as someone who is afflicted with the knowledge that many dumbass women would think that, just because you can construct this image at all, it represents a tenable argument.

Wrong! Mayans have aquiline noses

They really don't. organ

lmao couldn't be more wrong, I would take anything I could get, sadly there is noone!

I don't have a problem with dark skin, I have a problem with dark hearts.

I would give literally any non-morbidly obese girl a fair chance after I make sure there's no hidden camera. The only girl I've ever been with was black, she just acted white.