How do I cope that I can't satisfy any girl like this with my 6 incher?

How do I cope that I can't satisfy any girl like this with my 6 incher?

Attached: hoeinecstasy.webm (640x1136, 1.82M)

You realize that you dont actually care about a womans pleasure unless you love her and she loves you back, because in that case, she shouldnt care about the size of the dick of the person she loves (because you will do things to give her pleasure, things that dont involve your dick).

Uh 6 inches is actually pretty respectable my dude. Many girls will find it to be the perfect size. My gf loves my dick, and I am "only" 6.5. Don't let the Zog propoganda get to you.

can i have the source for this? pls?

holy fuck that looks like so much fun fuck this gay life

I have longer videos but the 2 mb limit won't let me dump

Attached: hoeslapped.webm (368x704, 1.24M)

She's clearly faking dude

Porn has warped women just as much as it's warped men. Maybe even worse. I've had more than a few girls that got off on being choked and slapped. And I don't mean lightly choked and slapped. I mean they wanted to be choked until they passed out and slapped as hard as I possibly can. That shit freaks me out, man. I'm not with it. I just wanna fuck a girls pussy and finger her asshole or something. Now I've gotta damn near kill a bitch because porn has warped her coomer brain. I'm 29, and even ten years ago, analbuttsex was something girls wanted nothing to do with. Now it's completely standard for a girl to love getting fucked in the ass. I hate porn and what it's done to us.

How can you tell?


is your blaming of porn part of your act?

>is your blaming of porn part of your act?
the hell are you talking about nigger?You're high if you think porn hasn't warped females

that's an interesting take, but yeah makes sense that women would get hit with the same coomer tendencies, except with men we tend to just get into more illegal/gay territory and women prefer to just get abused

if she loves you girls are retarded and add like 3 inches to your dick mentally. ive had girls say my size is much bigger than it is constantly

Stop giving a shit. In the words of Edward Morgan Blake
>When you realize the world is a joke being The Comedian is the only thing that makes sense

this is why women are based and incels are not

pretyy hot dammmnnnn

This guy is clearly not any bigger than 6 himself.


His dick is pretty thin, though.
Looks almost like mine in terms of thickness (5.3 inches).
She's probably faking it.

>tfw i have a pencil dick
;-; feelsbadman

You came here just to cope eh

This chick is fucking ugly and it doesn't look like she's being satisfied. She looks like she's in pain.

This board is fucking disgusting. How do you people browse and not realize there are at minimum 3 dick shaming threads active on any given day? R9k is under constant psyop attack

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you totally can though. It's about girth and shape and what you do with it that matters. you can get a girl off super easily with just your fingers bro

how is she ugly


What they don't realize is the enemies they're making.

try doing the same thing as in the video

She looks like the nigga from Luck of the Irish. Not feminine in the slightest.

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girth matters. i have a 7'' and it doesnt even matter

>tfw 6 incher only as wide as 2 fingers
God, I miss constantly being told whatever I wanted to hear.

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How dare you remind me of this terrible movie. I went for well over a decade not so much as remembering it even existed and you stole that from me.

Attached: its dare.jpg (1280x720, 142.96K)

Lol all this cope. Only 7-8 inches can pleasure a woman with penetration alone. I didn't care for the sex I had with my average sized exes but of course I pretended to love it.

Just get a short girl.

Just get an asian girl.

7 inches flat here, most girls tell me that it hurts a lot until they get used to it, I'm pretty sure bros that are 6 inches are fine

1) get a small girl (relative size)
2) the motion of the ocean is more important than the size of the ship (technique)

>(relative size)

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