What have your experiences with Salvia been like? Is it worth trying?

What have your experiences with Salvia been like? Is it worth trying?

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You have to take a huge hit out of a bong with a torch lighter and REALLY hold it as pong as you can to get an actual psychedelic experience.

Miss any of those components and it wont be that great

does Salvia hit that bad? What if I just rolled it up in a j?

That's not true for everyone. Not at all.

OP, it's probably worth trying once just to see how incredibly crazy af existence can really get, but I bet you won't want to do it more than once.

I'm afraid it could change my vision of reality forever. I'm also scared I could completely go nuts, like I've read that, unlike mushrooms that still make you feel like being attached to your world, salvia can make u feel like you're in another world

I did this with the most powerful salvia I could get a the time. Felt like I was fucking dying. was convinced reality was broken for a minute and I felt like shit mentally for week after. There's a video floating around of me somewhere right after I took the hit, I'm rambling nonsense and convulsing in my seat. If you're gonna do that for the first time, take it fucking easy I guess is what I'm getting at.

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Not to mention I don't even remember the fucking trip, I literally blacked out after holding it in for like 10 seconds.

>salvia can make u feel like you're in another world
Another "world" is an understatement. If that makes you anxious, I wouldn't try it. There's really nothing pleasant about it.

Well it was definitely Big Money

What do u suggest me doing then?
I'm in uni rn n I promised myself I would've waited until my brain was fully developed to try any psychedelics and I kinda don't know what to do atm.
I was thinking of Salvia bc it's legal here and it can be bought online but oh boy did reading online experiences make me change my mind about it

Smoked it once in college, I was watching a trippy video and it felt like I fell into my laptop and thought I was stuck in it. Lasted 5-10 minutes, came out of it sweating bullets but otherwise alright. Maybe worth trying, it's pretty crazy.

If you're avoiding psychedelics because you're concerned about brain health, it would definitely make no sense to do salvia. At least we've done *some* studies with psychedelics.
Legality and safety are essentially not correlated at all, especially when it comes to drugs. Just my two cents.

Any comparison with other psychedelics like mushrooms/lsd/dmt?

I know that legality doesn't mean safety, I was just thinking about Salvia since it'd be reeeally easy for me to get my hands on some


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I have experience with none of them, but from what people tell salvia is way more mindfucky and likely to make you freak out. Also the disassociating aspect of thinking you are innanimate objects and will remain that way forever while completely forgeting about the real world.

Never tried DMT, but it's different from mushrooms/LSD in that it feels more like a dream than just an altered version of your current reality. It's not really "fun" but it's definitely interesting.

Would anyone here recommend using Salvia to masturbate?

Woah, epic bro. HAHA! only if you put it in your poopyhole ahehahheh xd

yes, this is indeed very common. BUTT STINK. IT CAN DEFINITELY BE A TURN OFF IN DATING AND SEX. when its hot. people butt can get very stinky. This can also occur when folks dont properly wipe their butt after taking shits. if the butt ios not shaved and wiped good, its going to stink. This means bad bacteria will occupy the butt and make the but areas less healthy. IF THE PERSON IS VERY SEXY AND ATTRACTIVE, MANBY OVERLOOK BUTT STINK
fuck me daddy

Well, the first time I saw a lightning bolt come down and tear a whole in the fabric of space and time, and through the rift I saw the eye of God looking upon me. I nodded to him in acknowledgement, as an equal, as one workman to another, and I felt his approval as the rent in space-time closed back up.

The second time, my experience was more profound. I don't talk about the epiphanies I had during that trip. It's a private matter, strictly between me and the Green Lady.

So yeah, salvia's pretty good.

I take you haven't done it before but opened this thread anyways. Do you really find acting like a dunce fun? Does it never get old?

its dont hit to bad its quite nice to hit i recomend in a bong with a jet lighter because you need it to be hot i dot thing a J will be good enuf ive hit it in a can pipe with a normal lighter and it dint compare to bong hits and jet lighter

it dosnt compare its more like a psychedelic K hole but more like made out of fucking ponchieos dreams or something theres these things called the 8 circuits of consciousness right lsd ect only take you to the 7th salvia takes you to the 7th and the 8th meaning you have a complete disconnect from your human form and mind and can leave your body for a good amount of time

i dont know if this is serious but if you wanted to do this i wouldn't recommend extract maybe just make tea out of it and you might be with it enuf to masturbate

I have done it before, retard.

This is me.

To add onto it, I traded that same salvia to a buddy for some weed because I didn't want the salvia anymore. Let him smoke the salvia in my car right after I sold it to him, and he kicked my fucking window out he was thrashing and freaking out so hard. It was 80x according to the package, so Op if you're doing that make sure it's not as strong as you possibly can get it, like retarded me and my retarded friend.

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Salvia s the tits but its not worth doing over 25x imo 15s a good level im not sure if below would be worth it so 20xs is great but yeah above 25x its starts to feel really fucking dark and industrial and unpleasant and the trip is more fucked up 25x is amazing tho and best done in the woods imo i've done it a good few times 10+ maybe and i miss it i want to get a plant but you cant get seeds for it its an ancient plant that's grown from clones from the mother plant (how crazy is that ) you can boil it into tea or make extract yourself and best smoked with a jet lighter and a bong hit it and then hit it 3 or so times after the first time holding it in you'll start to feel it after the first hit its going to feel really odd so dont panic and just let your self go have someone to take the stuff off of you because youll probably start to knock the fuck out start dribbling and drop everything thats pretty normal youll go to another realm you might even walk off that's fine its amazing and its gonna last 5-15 or so minutes but when your completely out of it its going to feel like an eternity and when your coming round those last few mins are going to feel long as fuck but yeah there's nothing like it and def one of the best drugs out there and massively underrated

It felt like being pulled into another dimension in a very unpleasant way

smoking extracts is retarded


get extract, cos i bought leaf and haven't got much out of it, i dont have a jet lighter tho
must've posted this before but hey thats drugs for u, its a lot so ill just put the highlights
most i felt from it i'd made a gravity bong out of a bin and was sitting in my garden at night
took the hit, looked down at the water in the bin and the thing fucking felt like this field a few miles from my house, like it felt like i would if i was looking at that field
also got the feeling it had played a trick on me and this weird like middle aged woman energy from the lighter i used
fuck knows, shits properly fucking weird, work's on KOR or smth which is pretty rare apparently