Normies literally spend hours posting on Reddit about how race isn't real, beauty is subjective...

Normies literally spend hours posting on Reddit about how race isn't real, beauty is subjective, and IQ isn't hereditary. Okay this all sounds fair and everything. Except two minutes later when they see an incel they say "lol ur genetically inferior, you don't belong in the gene pool. go kill yourself."

Attached: just be confident.png (450x325, 268.86K)

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Classic doublethink, you need to ignore it before you go insane. They don't really care when they say shit like "just be confident bro it's not about looks", they just want to feel morally superior at that moment.

>race isnt real

lol dont feel too bad incel

they still hate black males all the we are all one race shit does not apply to black males even there

Yeah, I see a lot of people do this.
I don't why honestly, even if I were chad I wouldn't like the thought that some people are just simply helplessly fucked.

Why are some guys ugly but still attractive?

Attached: Belmondo_1960.jpg (948x1300, 323.43K)

Ahh how could they know

Normal guys aren't, only the rich and famous ones are

Becau- ah fuck it you know how this unfolds kek

Only retards use the word genetically without knowing your actual genes.

Looks dont matter since ugly guys have more sex than hot models

Belmondo isn't ugly

So why not work hard to become wealthy and maybe famous too? Not all successful ugly men were born into wealth so why not try to repeat their feat?

>just become rich and famous bro


if incels were capable of accomplishing anything, they wouldn't be incels

If you're dumb you can't not be dumb.

>We live in a meritocracy and everyone rich and famous worked harder than you and had more dedication!!! CAPITALISM YES!!!

Attached: soy maga2.png (1200x800, 18.26K)

> Not all successful ugly men were born into wealth
Name 5 that actually come from hard environments, and not an upper middle class one that they use in the mantra "I WAS ONE OF YOU! ONLY MY HARD WORK GAVE ME THIS!".

>we live in a meritocracy and every good looking guy gets really hot girlfriends. LOOKISM YES!!!!

literally all of them. look it up.

being rich and famous is literally a combination of luck and being born into a family with connections
the reality is the vast majority of people, no matter how hard they try, will never be rich and famous and it's even harder for ugly manlets

first of all everyone makes their own connections. while getting famous requires luck, getting rich requires almost no luck, just a vision for where there's more opportunity. trust fund kids actually do worse than immigrants that have nothing most of the time.

Yeah you should just pull a gimmicky idea out of the void of ideas and if that doesn't work you didn't work hard enough to pull a gimmicky idea out.

Ok, lets grab the first tha came to my mind: Jeff Bezos:

Where is the "hard past"? "Mommy and Daddy divorced"?
Give me a fucking break...

How much of IQ is hereditary?
Is beauty totally objective?
How real is race (based on your definition of it)?

Just want to see your thoughts on the matter, thanks.

jeff bezos is a high iq jew, doesn't count

yet somehow you learned english. do you call that luck? why didn't you just use a gimmicky nonsense language to try to communicate?

Normies have been brainwashed into a particular paradigm through propaganda since elementary. It's a soft and vague form of not tolerating the intolerant, establishing the "in" and "out" groups, revulsion of those who don't fit in, etc.

It's kind of like accepting the concept of Free Speech, except now the cat's out of the bag and with internet it's harder to police/control and we also have the concept of hate speech so everything is schizophrenia and the other side is all fake news & propaganda and they fall for it because they're idiots but we definitely dont do that here

Attached: popper.jpg (800x1000, 150.59K)

So even in your racist mindset that believes only in conspiracies, you see that the real world isnt fair..

ironically outcasts are the biggest "in" group of all. everyone your age currently thinks that "normal" people are brainwashed and that they are woke just like you. assuming you are the kind of person who doesn't judge a book by its cover and can respect an ugly male, you are literally the most normal person alive right now.

bill gates was the son of a successful lawyer
warren buffet was the son of a congressman
zuckerberg was the son of a successful dentist and psychiatrist
they're literally all upper middle class at worst and went from prep schools to private schools to high tier colleges entirely off of their parent's dime

what about famous rappers.

Same thing with all celebrities. They got lucky by being at the right place at the right time and seeming marketable.
Life outcomes at 90% luck. It's just like the lottery, you can't win if you don't play, but 99.9% of people don't win.

luck, making it in the music industry as some random dude with no prior connections is entirely a matter of being lucky enough to have some entertainment jew notice you and be willing to market you

It's not about coherency, it's about appearing a good person in view of others by saying something nice that requires no effort or acceptance and then hurting people they deem bad.

that's moving the goalposts but ok. celebrity is a vague term but it's more like 10-20% of people who work hard don't win. most people don't work hard at all, and most of the losers just don't realize their limits fast enough. someone who can't do music can produce. someone who can't produce can promote or teach. it's not that complicated, as long as an industry is growing or advancing.