The cruel cycle of nature

the cruel cycle of nature

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imagine the sound
>cronch cronch


no need to imagine

>the cruel cycle of nature

But why

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Chicken nuggets. Its kind of crazy that animals just eat living animals, do they really just see all other creatures as food?

Barbarians, the lot...

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>being grounded up alive
that bites...

Nature is more so chaotic than cruel. Distancing yourself from nature is the most human thing a person can do.

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mmm nogget

No that's why most animals don't eat everything that could potentially be on the menu. There's still necessity and adaptive advantages they develop to eat certain species. It's kind of common sense I don't know why I'm explaining this to a grown ass man. Not eating is not an option unless you're some monk or some shit

Kinda fucked, but not nearly as fucked as the chicken industry just straight up putting all male chicks into a meat grinder.

lil nigga should have kept hauling ass ;-;

This kinda shit make my pp so damn hard

Its the opposite, actually. The modern environment is an anxious nightmare to live in.

Thought horses were herbivores....

how does the autistic attention whoring vegan defend this one
does he know about the existence of opporutnistic carnivores
meat is not part of their diet either

>Nature is more so chaotic than cruel.

>Its the opposite, actually. The modern environment is an anxious nightmare to live in.
Okay incel

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>Kinda fucked, but not nearly as fucked as the chicken industry just straight up putting all male chicks into a meat grinder.
wtf why don't they at least let them grow? what do they make out of the ground up chicks?

Humans aren't real. We're just a compromise between machines and animals. Humans are biological creatures but we can program our own behaviors. Society is just a way to program individuals with behaviors that allow people to coexist. What you think is human isn't a core of being, it's a border between two.

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no point in helping them grow
they provide nothing, god i was i was a male chicklet

Sometimes herbivores like cows and horses will eat small shit like a chick, mouse, or frog if it's convenient and right infront of them I think, not sure how often it happens though

Letting them grow costs money. They make them into a chicken slurry they can make into dog food, hotdogs, chicken nuggets, basically anything with chicken that isn't an actual piece of chicken.

Not even talking about tfw no gf you animefaggot.

>google male chicken meat grinder because of this
fucking hell those videos from kinderworld are fucked up

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horse crouton

theres simply no money to be made in male chickens, so they are killed on their first day of life

same thing as male cows. male cows are killed on their first 1-3 days of life because theres no money to be made growing them

male pigs get grown, but they are castrated so they can grow larger, as castrated pigs grow noticeably larger

pic related is dead male cows

no profit to be made = you die

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>implying incels don't adhere to traditionalist/tribalism in their moments of outrage over their inability to get pussy
All they see is consumerism because they lack the ability to create real relationships with other people. While I do admit there are flaws within society it's certainly a better alternative to chasing meaningless shit that doesn't have a system in place other than an individuals need to survive, copulate and exist. Eventually we will reach a stage of complete omnipotence for every individual with all the freedom of the world when the singularity does happen. There is meaning to it all you just choose to be a pessimist autist

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>see incel in everything
>"i'm completely healthy guys, life is good"
Pathetic roastie

>>"i'm completely healthy guys, life is good"
>>see incel in everything
I don't but you are on an incel/perma virgin board of Zig Forums.

Why can't you just admit you're fucking stupid

>admitting anything

I have a gf and sex weekly and I still see how modern life is unnatural as fuck and a meaningless rat race.

>I don't but you are on an incel/perma virgin board of Zig Forums.
Yeah it clearly got too much into your dumb coomer head.

>mother tries, but loses spirit and backs away when the crunching starts
Why does it feel like this isn't the first time that happened?

>I have a gf and sex weekly and I still see how modern life is unnatural as fuck and a meaningless rat race.
Okay so? I wasn't merely explaining why incels choose the ideologies they choose. Why does it bother you so much?
>Yeah it clearly got too much into your dumb coomer head.
wrong again dumb ass. I'll admit tho you do have a very incel mentality
>victim complex
>thinks society is a rat race

I mean you do hit all the marks lmao. Are you sure you're not larping?

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Nature is inescapable. Look at all the disparity and abuse in the human world and see that for all of our language, technology, clothes, and any other thing we may use to claim we're "civilized", all we've done is changed our predators and prey to be our fellow humans.

You clearly are too far gone if you see nothing wrong with bringing topics(muh incel) that are irrelevant to the discussion.
Leave this board for a bit, its not being good for you.
This is my last reply.

chickens have an attention span of about 3 seconds, with like an absolute maximum of a few minutes. their brains aren't built to deal with problems, just react.