Serious question: how fucked am I in the contemporary mating market with my 5'9"?

Serious question: how fucked am I in the contemporary mating market with my 5'9"?

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5'9 is inoffensive, but girls that like tall guys won't like you.

>but girls that like tall guys won't like you.
Basically all the girls

Hot normie girls like guys over 5'11

Thanks. You confirmed that I am fucked indeed.

If you are going for long-term relationships, you are definitely not fucked as long as you are not uggo, though it might take a bit to find someone that loves you for who you are, as is for most people. However if you want to fuck a roastie at the club you might not have as much luck.

You are just about OK, I'm 5'10 and I've been told I'm 'acceptable but over 6ft is ideal'. My friend who is 5'7 is treated like a literal clown and girls can't take him seriously regardless of any other merits. I think 5'9 is the cut off

Am 5 11. At least I am the king of manlets but it still feels bad

This is the biggest cope ever. If you're good looking and 5'7" it wont hurt you in the slightest. Ive hooked up with plenty of girls who were taller than me.

5.5ft here give me all your shit.

You can still have success with really fat ones.

5'10 here. Have had sex. I think you're alright, user.

They were all clapped though weren't they? I'm sorry though, I have nothing but respect for you guys. I had my growth spurt late so I know how it feels.

>thinks hes entitled to hot normie girls
>thinks theyre his only option
U deserve to be alone

No 10s but plenty of 8-9s. My friend who is also 5'7" is by far the most successful person Ive ever seen with girls. It really doesn't matter when at worst girls require that you be as tall as them as the average girl is shorter than you.

>>thinks hes entitled to hot normie girls
All the girls want a tall dude. Whether they are hot or ugly, fat or slim, short or tall.
Hypergamy. Never heard this word before, right?

So this is me (5.5ft male) and this is a real story.

When i was a kid i wanted to be short. I always was the shortest kid in class and now i am an adult and still short. Don't get me wrong, i wanted to be short in the first place (i know sounds ridiculous but that is it). My life i can say is really fucked up. Lived by abusive step parents and got all tons of shit from this hypocrites. I fucking hated society since i was a kid. Observed all the shit you gave me i kinda liked it to be always the boo man. Now i am an adult and successfull as a software developer but when it to my private life i want to be alone. I am a loner and i like it. When i am in society, especially in my job environment i have to act like a fucking normie. I hate this so much but i need the money so i can live my life. But in the first place, why do everyone give a shit about women anyways? They don't like short guys so what? I fucking hate women cause of an abusive step mother since i was a kid. If you wanna have sex go to a prostitute. WTF man always this "oh they don't like me cause of my height". Don't give a fuck they are women. FUCKING WOMEN. Worthless whores. Their opinions are as worthless as this of a monkey.

You can be a success. First of all lie about your height by about 2 inches. You can go up or down here depending if you want an average sized girl or a midget, go higher for a midget. Lie about your income, wear flashy stuff. When I say lie you don't have to tell them you're doing well like rent a nice car to pick them up or wear a fake rolex and exaggerate gestures when you're checking the time kind of stuff. Limit your social interactions with them. So your life is a meme you're a product of your environment. 40/40% is environment and genetics, like 80% of your life is already made up by this shit and there is no changing that. 20% is you can bullshit your way into this like a Nigerian Prince. What I do is figure out how much material you have, so pretend you want to be a stand up comic you got like 2 minutes of original jokes and you need to stretch this into an hour of bullshitting them into taking off their pants. It requires a lot of talking. I would suggest talking about taking off her pants, because I really don't have that long of an attention span or stuff to talk about.

5.5ft manlet here. To lie and bend to impress women. What a fucking simp you are hahahaaha.

5.5ft manlet here again. No Joke i had a lot of women who had a crush on me but seriously i just ignored them cause of my past.

No really, women had a crush on me. ON ME THE 5.5ft manlet. You don't believe me i know but thats how it is.

I know what you think now, they must be ugly, short, deformed, fat. No they were also above average looking girls.

I'm not on the market, I quit dating years ago. OP is obviously frustrated and wants advice. It's not pretty, and a lot of it is pathetic. However this is typically what works. So, don't be yourself. Limit your social interactions in location and what you talk about. Avoid the height thing unless you can come up with a witty thing to say about it. Or perverted, she won't be half as tall in heels when she's on her knees or whatever shit like that. So for dating shorter girls you want to lie about being taller because they have a complex. Short guys and old guys have some creepy weird they're much stronger than they look, females lack that and get a inferiority complex about it and kind of look for a taller guy usually. If you're already short and you lied about the height she doesn't have a fucking yard stick to say differently about it, just tell her stuff like the heels thing or whatever. You basically have to imagine you're doing a stand up comic bit for a crowd of hostile hecklers that complain about anything or everything because women live life on easy mode and just complain non stop about anything and everything..

5.5ft manlet here again. Don't get me wrong i am single but i know how things work. It is all about chemistry. Have you ever heard about love on first sight? This is not a joke. I had this phenomenon and i saw girls and they saw me and at first sight it was clear she had a crush on me. Her reactions were so obvious. In some cases the chemistry matches and you will feel it to.

If you thought people would believe you, then refer to pic related.

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5.5ft manlet again. I know i wouldn't believe myself if i hadn't made this experiences. Don't know why this happened to me but i also don't care what you guys believe or what not. Some dudes believe still in flat earth so what?

>tfw 5'9"
>tfw gf is 5'9
feels goodman

Put some meat on your bones and dont take any shit. You'll be alright.
Unironically looks max but don't overcompensate for your height.

Get an intimidating look and you'll be fine.
Accept that you're short. I've heard that some small guys in prison can really fuck a dude up.

Take a look at some Mexican laborers some of those guys are short but look like they could kick some ass.

>Get an intimidating look and you'll be fine.
This is not the route to go if you're a manlet dude, short guys are not intimidating even if they are ripped

>mike tyson
>not intimidating
>joe rogan
>not intimidating
imagine trying to be an alpha as an incel

mike tyson is an entirely different story, mike tyson would not be intimidating if he was some random dude on the street
>joe rogan

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Do you realize that women do not care about muscles and fighting abilities? If you have a gun, it does not matter how tall you are.

Of course they do. That is what makes a man attractive.

"all girls" are 9/10 or 10/10s. nobody here would date an ugly girl, period. 95% of males have sex.

Have you ever spoken to a woman before? Yes they do. Women are attracted to traits in a man that suggests he is capable of protecting them, for evolutionary reasons that are blatantly obvious.
Guns don't negate countless years of evolution and the majority of altercations do not involve a gun anyway. Are you going to whip out your fucking AR-15 just because some dude shoulderchecked you in a bar? lmao

>b-b-but thats different!
the mental gymnastic routine begins hahah

Mike Tyson is intimidating because he was an internationally known world heavyweight champion boxer and one of the greatest to have ever lived. Some random manlet nobody knows lifting weights to get muscles like Mike Tyson is not intimidating standing next to some guy that towers over him
This is not hard to understand.