How would you break it to your gf that you want her to gain weight?

How would you break it to your gf that you want her to gain weight?

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I would like you to gain weight.

And then watch her start to get fat without even trying. Every girl Ive dated has put on at least 20 pounds once they know they can. Some way more.

Show her you're a man of class and she'll take the hint.

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i dont think i would
i think id just enable her, give her sweets and touch it until she figured it out or stopped caring

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Already said to mine that if she ever loses her Hcup tits I'm leaving.

impregnate. no words needed

Get married to her?
Fucking hoes getting fat right after marriage.

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just lace everything she eats and drinks with protein powder

I wouldn't I'd just start baking like crazy if i wanted that

Make sure to always have high calorie snacks and soda around. Take her out to dinner often. Generally pay for food, that lowers her barrier to eat.
Actively intervene when she wants to do sports.
Make her believe you like fat tits and asses and its completely fine when she gets bigger.

Works everytime

I would not unless I was confident that she would not leave me, and it only would be a few pounds.

I have a huge fat fetish, but I want to grow old, have kids, and see the world with someone I love. I could not bear to see them miserable, disabled, and stuck at home all day due to my fetish.

>Brad: having your gf gain weight.
>Chad: porking up a series of girls and then moving on to another, leave countless piles of quivering excess flesh and litres of regret in your wake.

You don't have to. She'll do it all on her own.

I only date girls that are hogs to begin with.

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Fembots need to become big.

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my boyfriend wanted me to gain weight,
i've actually lost about 10kg since we started dating

i think it's healthier

You sound like a buzzkill, I wonder what he even sees in you

i am a buzzkill,
l wonder the same thing.

Yes I know, that is why I said you sound like one

Can you sneak in going out to eat multiple times in the week with her?

>There's a girl at work who's pretty skinny.
>I buy her energy drinks when we're rostered on together.
>Two days ago she asked me "do I look noticeably heavier to you?"
>Take the opportunity to perv with permission
>"Turn sideways"
>She's by no means fat but her stomach and ass are marginally more pronounced than when she was hired
I don't want her to get scared and start dieting. And ideas for how to enlarge this lady?

Clearly the solution is start dating her

I know I am one,
That is why I said I am one

Can you two please just fuck already.

>Can you two please...
i think you mean
>can you four

Also did you read the start?

i should say that I () am an impersonator posing as in order to stir the pot

my conscience has since compelled me to come clean

I am also an impostor pretending to be
pretending to be
because i recognized who it was and they said they didnt reply, which i thought was funny and wanted to join in.

All fembots' troubles can be done away with if they put on 50 lbs.

All fembots should make it a goal to look like this.

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Good for fighting back against the jew meme that anyone likes fat people. They aren't beautiful. They aren't healthy. They're subversive, lazy, tools of the kike.