Have you ever been mired in public?

Have you ever been mired in public?

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everywhere i go

also I don't lift, I'm just handsome

hmmmmm (oh yeah masks exist now so ignore this post)

Based. You don't see enough shameless straight-faced physique flexing anymore. Everybody acts like they're above it like there's something wrong with it. They'll only do it ironically or in a professional setting like a bodybuilding stage or Instagram account. FUCK THAT. Beat your chest like the gorilla you are.

cringiest thing i've seen thus far today

Doesn't this just prove that being natty is hell when you aren't naked?

That is literally me, except I don't look like that

Yes, once in a train a teen took a pic of me, but she forgot the flash on, fun moment, her face became red in a second

based chad look at the seething weak betas ITT calling it cringe

You were put on a list, sorry buddy

these tik toks are getting out of hand
fuck you chinese rice eating covid modafokas

Damn... You destroyed a nice moment

He's wearing some kind of loose zoomer overcoat so no, not at all.

looks hot af to me

These women were all paid to react like that for the camera. If you did this in front if some random girl in the street she'd think you were a weirdo.

turbo manlet

bros please tell me this is real

>implying these whores were not paid to mire that dyel

Imagine needing to get people to pretend to mire you when you take your shirt off in public and not even do a believable job of it.

But u are gay, right?


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I mean girls look at me, but I think it’s just because I’m tall and handsome, not because I’m fit.
One time a chubby neo nazi chick at work felt up my arms and chest tho

Cringe & Bluepilled™: Sink Your IQ to New Lows Today

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>The second girl spits her drink like some cartoon character
Yeah it's fake

>um huh we are filming a video project.. a short film heh
>do-do- you mind if you react to this guy taking his coat off? Act like ur in shock at how good his abs look.
>Oh..heh...ok here is 5 bux.. I swear itll take like a few minutes

How much did he pay that slag to spill water on herself?

Only by men

Yeah, but from homos which is gross


>Look at this fatass ahahahah

Why are Russians such chads?

>it's another fake viral video from some shithole
At least it's not Chinese this time.

The cringe on this video is on another level.