
Nice chilled night with the anons.

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Say something nice about nubs lads. .

Zoomer fag admitting to being a pedophile and into "Shota" (underaged boy porn)

Thoughts on this? They've taken a distinct disliking to the night lads as of late.

Just fuck off with personality drama, cunt.

this thread looks like the comfy one
i think all the seethers will gravitate to the other one

The ones shouting "nonce!" The loudest are always nonces themselves, Zeus was the first example, now unsurprisingly Zoomer.

this one wins because it was first

The tubs is dead.
All hail the new queen of /britfeel/
That lad's ex thai gf.

Vile little disgusting cretin wanking to shota. Makes you feel sick.

>these are the same mongs who spam their radio 8+ times a thread and get others banned for posting frogs


pure perfection music lids

Chopin wrote some of the finest music there is, so emotional, can really feel the feels in his nocturnes and his peices


Going for beer. Fugg it.

It wears me out.

It wears me out.

It wears me out.

It weeeaaars me out.

If I could be who you wanted

If I could be who you wanted

All the time

All the time

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also this is an iconic piece of music from my childhood lids, gimme some (You's) if you agree

Cracked eggs, dead birds, scream as they fight for life
I can feel death, can see its beady eyes
All these things into position
All these things we'll one day swallow whole

And faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade ooooooooooooooooooooout agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain
And faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade ooooooooooooooooooooout agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain

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she looks gorgeous lid who is that?

is that metallica ride the lightning?

Gr8 game to be sure to be sure

the last time i pissed in a bottle was in 2015. i am 5 years piss bottle free this year

is this a king crimson song

I bet her pussy has a nice must to it.

#NonceNest rumbled yet again
Zoomerfag should expect a knock from the police child protection team, the only arm of the filth i actually have respect for

>I wish it was the 60's
>I wish we could be happy
>I wish I wish I wish that something would happen
Such a quotable band

this is ABBA isn't it?

Not wanting to be a dickhead (even though I am being one by even saying it) but these renditions are fairly sterile.
That's fine for some and I know people may even prefer them but I'd say Pollini is the go-to for Chopin and that no-one else really comes close.

wish somebody would actually call me

Not that lad but damn how do you not know who Alexandra Daddario is
She's a nice lady

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post number lad, ill have a cheeky night chat with ya

*calls you*
*waits for you to pick up*
*farts into phone*
*hangs up*

No sign of HHL yet... until then lid..

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i agree, i meant the original composition for piano is the best but i like the violin accomp too.

Yea the pollioni performances are outstanding

Radio isn't even on and you mongs are shitting up the thread with it, Poley really does run this place

S tier tits as well

It ends in 537 lad. You have to guess the rest.
Meanie :(

What movies is she in that I should watch and dus she ged naked?

*bbbrrrrrrrrrtttttttttt wwwhhhrrrzzzzzzzzzz bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr grrrrrr*
*sprays you with scalding hot burnt coffee*

Not really, just exposing a member of the #nest for who he truely is
Funny how he was throwing accusations of others being nonces, glass houses and that

I'm glad you took it in the spirit I meant. Wasn't having at go at all, it's a legendary piece regardless.

*constructs an elaborate punji stick trap by the thread entrance for HHL*

wait i thought poley started the britfeel threads? thats what someone told me the other day when i asked about the origins anway, i aint been coming here long

Nowt wrong with nubsie. Shame the seethers kept seething. Enjoyed the stickie posts I did.

this is from a john maus song, right?

aznude.com is the best site for nude celebs, just ignore all the porn ads, search for your actress and click on them and it shows everyything they've been in thats sexy

She did that annoying thing where she lost weight and the boobs disappeared

See also: Alison Brie

True Detective Season 1
The Layover
also there's one starring The Rock about an earthquake, I forget its name but she runs about a lot in it meaning it's a real jigglefest

Na don't worry lad. Poley runs this place. He makes all the OP images and posts all the new threads. You are on the right track.

She looks pure evil.

nah course not dude, this isnt a uk subreddit full of salty cunts, we're all lids here.


sexy anna kendrick

you're kidding me lad? Fuck sake why does this keep happening, who is telling these girls they need to be thinner? Don't even get me started on breast reduction surgery


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*seethes into the thread*
heh...nothin personnel kid

you're safe as long as you don't stare directly into her eyes

I remember when her iCloud leaked as a part of the Fappening - no nudes but there was coke on the table in front of her.
>YWN fuck a coked-up Anna Kendrick

look into my eyes look into my eyes not around the eyes not around the eyes look in to my eyes

you're under

Attached: lookintomyeyes.jpg (962x644, 76.25K)

Did any of you lads actually find Little Britain funny?
I always thought it was stupid, like a couple of funny ideas but jesus it was the same every week, and the most popular sketches were fucking awful

holy shit lads the coffee machine started talking!

It was funny when you were about 13 but watching it now is painful

>Did any of you lads actually find Little Britain funny?
yes but i was in primary school

cant beleive those gay cunts revived the charcters for the rona bollocks thing on the bbc

its aged awfully, matt lucas is alright but david wIlliams is a nonce and and ponce and a cunt.

i'm so bored of wanking christ