Post your result

Post your result
Raised by single mother Edition
Thanks femenism

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This is what I got a while ago. I used to get higher on the test. My mental state is the same my circumstances around me make my personality flaws less overt.

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It's impossible to get higher than Moderate for Antisocial. The only time I've seen it, they shooped and doctored the results which to be fair is fitting or maybe slightly ironic.

don't really know what these mean but alright

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schizoid hours

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What can the average Zig Forums user sum up about me thanks to these test results?

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ParanoidPersonality | Low
SchizoidPersonality | Low
SchizotypalPersonality | Moderate
AntisocialPersonality | Moderate
BorderlinePersonality | High
HistrionicPersonality | Moderate
NarcissisticPersonality | Low
AvoidantPersonality | High
DependentPersonality | High
Obsessive-CompulsivePersonality | Low

Surprised I'm not higher on narcissism and lower on anti social. Seems about right though, I'm a stunted, inept mess who needs a carer.

>Neglected as child/controlling parents
>Some One you trusted (close friend family member)betrayed you gussing between when you were 14-17
>No father figure either never knew him or left later in Life
>if First option neglected child
>if second before he left controlling parents later neglected
>rejected by First crush
>unable to fit in with peers
>commited minor crimes before vandalism and/or drug related
>I guss you suffer from paranoid episodes from Time to time
Ok how Good armchair psycholgist am I

This schizotypal category seems to get me in a nutshell. I'm certainly not neuro typical but others have said I have a unique way of speaking and that I seem aloof. Everything else is par for the course on a site like this I guess

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not him but inb4 about 90% correct

>suecide thoughts
>mood swings
>not ubderstanding ownemotions
>problems with controlling your emotions
>low empathy while angry regrets and quilt after calming down
Forgot that

The moderate borderline is probably from the cutu stuff which I did years ago, and perhaps the suicidal thoughts. I'm not borderline though since I have zero fear of abandonment (I'm more likely to do that myself), I think I'm more anxious avoident with traits of schizoid pd if anything.

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Don't really know what most of this means.
I'm low on Paranoia and Narcissism tho.
Standard Awkward, Submissive Hard Worker to Boomer Family and Co-Workers.
Unsurprisingly depressed, bitter virgin on the inside
Friendly in a group setting and fun at parties tho.

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can you do one for me too user

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So, how did I do?
Also, does anyone else have a problem with the more info thing? All of them redirect me to the page about schizotypal personality.

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i think this fits well

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Holy shit spot on wtf
i am user you replied to

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I'm sorry your dad was so shit user. Maybe you'll be a better father and won't abandon your family like he did.

What does this tell about me

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hello! make some assumptions about me based on my results!

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Should I be worried? I always thought I was mentally healthy, if a bit shy, like a cyborg.

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Okay here we go again with an updated one. I also took a 300 question one with my psych but idk the results. Go ahead and make you assumptions

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What is the point of these tests? You KNOW this shit isn't thorough enough to really say anything concrete about how your mind works

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I have always felt that people where gossiping about me behind my back and have been backstabbed many times by people who where bullies from Elementary to High School.

Recently I have felt that no matter how much effort I put into school or work I will always be inadequate in my ability to succeed.

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Hope shit gets better for you user

Try other website

Most as other user
>single mother
>not much privacy(shared room at some point)
>siblings were taking care of you or other family numbers aunt grandpatents etc
>sheilded from the "Evil world"
>somthing tragic happened
>if to you then gussing said sibling/family member that took care of you did it (im split 50/50 between you somehow you blaming yourself for it when it wasnt your foult and and you blaming said person when all in subjective manner tegardless of facts)
>if to someone you cared for you think its your foult or you were blamed for it
>depression at some point or still present

Someone can do for me Im the OP

Yeah I know and it dosnt say or imply that anywhere
If you have Above high it just means somthing MAY be wrong with you and you should think about seeing a specialist to determin that

Most of what you said was right but I am an only child and I think I had privacy but was paranoid that I didn't for the longest time. Was basically raised by the internet or school as my parents didn't teach me anything at all just restricted me from having fun. Dad's death early in highschool was pretty tragic to me but I don't blame anybody and was definitely not blamed. Have been depressed my whole life still am now.

I would analyze yours but I'm too stupid to know how to do it or understand how to pull events from the disorders

Im sorry for your dad user I hope you will find streght and motivation to turn your life into positive one day

don't be sorry it's not that bad I didn't mean to word it in a way to spark pity I'll be fine

life seems harder to fix with each passing day boys

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what do dis be meanin oogie boogie

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>blaming your mum for your problems

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