Do you enjoy drunkposting?

Do you enjoy drunkposting?

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Yeah, but I'm always embarrassed to read my posts the following day.

Ofc. Been drinkin for 9 hours straight

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No, my drunkposts are just shitposts turned up a few notches. I like being drunk though but drink + painkillers are way better and have almost ruined just drunk for me.

Absolutely! I usually regret it the following day if I get to the black out point. I feel kinda bad because I know most people wont enjoy my posts.

I'm more a high poster myself.

i pretty much exclusively post when i'm drunk, so 1 - 3 times a week. there another kind of posting?

I don't remember, I mostly only do hangover posting.

This just in, the normans are miserable, rather be loser NEET for the rest of my life than to join the game

How does that work? How many painkillers do you take? And do you take them before or while drinking?

Of course! ^o^
I just don't get to do that very often! :(

I'm not. I'm just curious about how my posts were received.

>drunkposts are just shitposts turned up a few notches.
That's what's so great about them! :)

I never get into the blackout point.


I've never experienced a proper hangover, but I have done semi-hangoverposting. It's not fun.

I'm curious too, although probably too scared to ever try it myself. :O

My niggas, let's all get high and/or drunk together tonight and enjoy ourselves.

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Of course not. It turns ito incoherant blog, sadboy, and schizo posting

yes but now i can't get absolutely shitfaced anymore because i am on blood pressure medicine

What ya drinking OP

A bottle of red wine, a Spanish grenache that I am especially fond of. You?

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Well over 90% of my post on this site are made when I'm drinking, I am pretty sure. That includes this one. Cheers everyone.

I got blackout drunk and posted on r9k and found out like a month later

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Here, here! Any of you gents drinking vodka tonight? I just enjoy getting drunk as fast as possible and therefore it's a favourite of mine

fuck yeah broseph.

I don't like vodka personally, but you do you, brutha, if you enjoy it.

t.Cool Wine user

I want to be straight edge again. I don't enjoy drinking at all. Except the drinking part. The not drinking part makes me irritable, but the slightly doing it just makes me so fucking angry. I enjoy the process of drinking, I don't like actually being drunk. It's fucking annoying to kind slightly drunk. Then you hit that I can drink until I'm too drunk kind of thing once you topped off at a buzz earlier. You know if I wasn't already drinking I'd start complaining about how I should try to bang girls I usually wouldn't bang when I drink. I already make really bad decisions about that when I'm sober. I make even worse decisions about that when I'm druk. I can think of a bunch of girls I turned down when drinking and then going for girls I turned down whens ober. IT's not a rational thing to do. I'm not going to pretend like that's a good thing to do.

sounds like you can't handle your liquor. you should probably stop, or you'll end up being an old abusive drunk with a string of failed relationships and some estranged kids.


I immensely enjoy drinking and being drunk, except for the part when your energy gives out, or the hangovers. I don't want to be sober, I hate myself lol.

I enjoy drunkeverything desu.

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cookin some borgers n chuggin some brewskis cmon over bros can even slam some 'zas in the hotbox later aha vodka too ay

Damn, user, you sound cool

Would hang out with/10

I down 10mg oxy with about a 6 of hard liquor, very soothing. All my troubles washed away for a few hours.

No the captcha pisses me off too much when I'm drunk so I just stop posting

Yes. I've talked to a lot of other anons and almost became frens with one. If I were sober then I would just lurk but when I drink I become social.

What's oxy?

Synthetic opioids,
I don't know much about drugs, I got them by chance recently from a relative who suffers chronic pain.
They're apparently very dangerous when mixed with alcohol, but I don't care anymore I just want to dull myself to life.