Just found out my abusive boyfriend of 1 year has been cheating on me and lying to me the entire time

Just found out my abusive boyfriend of 1 year has been cheating on me and lying to me the entire time
He is the only person in my life to ever act like they wanted me and I gave up my virginity and my closest friends to be with him

Can I get some anons in here to call me a dumb whore

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hahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahah nice intuition!

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Find someone else, or not.

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I'm not going to indulge you, because it's genuinely not your fault. You were taught from a young age to act like this, you're just executing your programming. If you were wise and knew better, yeah I'd blame you, but you aren't.

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You already know it, we dont have to say shit.
I wish you die and rot alone OP

Sorry bout that shit, but you obviously had terrible foresight. Time to heal, reach out to friends. Dont exhaust their capacity. Also dumb nigga played urself get cucked Stacy

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>Can I get some anons in here to call me a dumb whore
no, you already know you are one

Well I won't call you a dumb whore. Sure you might be dumb, but IQ isn't something you can change. One thing you can change is where you live. Break up with get out while you still can and then find another guy.

Query: did you fall for him because you liked the bad boy meme or is he actually just the first person to ever approach you? If you fell for the bad boy meme, well then I hope you learned your lesson. If he actually approached you and was the first person who liked you then I can assure you, there are plenty of men out there who are afraid of showing a girl they like them. If you ask a guy out, 90% of the time they'll say yes so long as you aren't an overweight landwhale. If you have decent physique and a nice face, you officially now have the majority of the single male population in the bag. Are all of them going to be your dream guy? No most are probably gonna be some overweight neck beards that washes once a week or some weirdos who do nothing but masturbate, but there are bound to be some decent dudes.

TL;DR ghost your bf, work out so you look nice, and find someone that won't see you as nothing but a walking fleshlight.

>working out
>for a woman

He was the first person to ever approach me, and he wasn't a bad boy. He acted like the nicest, most caring person I've ever met and constantly tried to shower me in love, but recently his act had finally started to fall and today I found out from a friend that he's been cheating on me and lying to me about everything since we started dating. His cousin charged him with rape a while back and after seeing all of the shit he did with other girls (including sexually harassing them) I'm certain he did it but he got off the hook.

I can't go outside because of my boomer parents. I can't hold a conversation with anybody. The fact that I even got a boyfriend was a miracle in itself and I should have realised his act was too good to be true. Nothing feels real anymore

You gave that trash bag your first time, but you didnt even give a decent guy a chance.

How much acting time did it took for him to open your legs? Im betting it wasnt more than a couple of months...You are a worthless whore.

You're not a dumb whore. You got tricked by an asshole pretending to be something he's not. Please don't give up on finding a guy who is really like that because they're out there.

What I meant is that she can lose weight. If she gets to around 20% body fat and has a decent bum and chest, she's a guaranteed 7/10, even if she's a complete butter face.

this is my biggest fear. that's why I'm still a khv at 22 and a half. Well and not going outside or socializing.

all men are like that. there's no surprise.

>chad cheated on me give me sympathy
No fuck off you disgusting whore.

I thought he was a decent guy because I never experienced what having a decent guy wanting me is actually like. I waited so long for somebody to love me and once the opportunity came I instantly gave in thinking that I was finally saved.

For more things for you guys to laugh at, I sent him nudes because if I didn't he said he'd masutrbate to someone else and my dumbass didn't want to risk losing him. He very likely sent my nudes to his friends.

I'm severely underweight, 5'8 and 103 pounds. I'm trying really hard to gain weight but my body doesn't hold onto it and I only can go up around half a pound a week with my current food supply. I look disgusting anyway though

that should've been a red flag, right out the gate with manipulative tactics. he had you easy lolololololololol

did you let him fuck your tooter?

Obligatory: become my gf.
We both hate unfaithful scum and are social misfits.

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i'm partial to 25-30%. too little is bad for children

It was a massive red flag but I was too delusional and hopeful to even care

I don't know what a tooter is, but if you mean asshole then no. He begged me to let him constantly and that was the one thing I didn't give in to because I'm very weak and didn't want to get hurt.

I would if it was legal

Well the important thing is you gained some experience. The real thing you need to do is go and socialize. yea i know it sounds weird but trust me its the truth. Also how old are you? I guess if you missed out on love back in highschool and college it would make sense that you are desperate for affection. You really need to land a job because living with your parents (even though you're a girl) severely limits your options. Get a room mate or something.

>fucks chad
>gets cheated on
>teehee look guys I am le robot too!

I want to hate you for giving something I would die to get (to a piece of shit) but I will never have.

But I know you were lonely and went full retard, even with obvious signs like those. People like him are the problem, not you.
Im sorry that you were being used, but you should learn from this, dont let him win.

Simp brigade.

if i was your brother i would perform an honor killing on this man, as a piece of performance art. if you got a brother, tell him. not enough performance art today

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her feels are unironically stronger than most robot feels.

> if it was legal

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>getting cheated on because you went for chad is worse than a lifetime of isolation

ok so weight isn't an issue which is a good thing. You have 15% bmi, and to be around 25 you'd need a good 30 pounds on you. Visit a nutritionist maybe? But 15% looks good from google images so I'm sure someone will like you. Just get out there, thats whats important. Tell your boomer parents you're going for a walk or to the mall or to your friends.

I didn't really miss out on teenage love, this was supposed to be my teenage love. I was extremely stupid and desperate to experience romance after everyone else I liked rejected me but it ended up ruining my ability to trust

Thank you user, and thank you to all the other anons in this thread trying to give me advice as well.

Ok well there you go you've still got plenty of time. I really hope you made it to college or uni because thats important. Those places are perfect for meeting new people.

I don't think I'm ugly, my personality is what sets guys off. My parents dont allow me to walk outside the house and think I'm going to get raped or something if I do so I have extra difficulty meeting people

He wasn't even a fucking chad, he cucked me by sexually harassing other girls including molesting his cousin and he hid it up and threatened them well enough for me to never find out. When he got charged with molesting his cousin, he convinced me she made it up because she had a crush on him and was jealous of our relationship. I honeslty didn't find him very good looking but I didn't care because I thought he loved me.

How did he even approached you? Where did you met him?

I met him online in march of last year because he randomly followed me on Instagram. He went to my school and about 2 months later we started dating because he acted like he was in love with me and I thought this was my chance.

Tell them you're going to someone's house or some other safe place. Also tell them that keeping her cooped up inside their house won't get them grandkids and that times have changed, which means that the dating scene has changed. Convince them that they keep you with them forever and that you don't want to be the cool aunt and that you want a family too some day. Spin something like that on them.

Also whats wrong with your personality?