
>be me
>BE scottish
>have a thing for only french men

and it sucks becos im a flat chested fucking women and cant postt tits on internet and theres no frenchiss here. NI-

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omg i'm french iN a SeNsE plz astral raveling to me!!!
C H E C K E xD


Please be in Fife.

just outside of glasgow, sorry user :c

i'm a french male.

What the fuck is the logic behind this ? Enlighten me

i dunno, i just wanted it off my fuckin chest. i was playing r6 and i changed my game to french as a joke then posted this.

Hello french male :D

hi scottish "female"

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Also something that you could do is learn french. Use duolingo. Once you have enough vocobulary and general knowledge read children's books in french. Then read adult books in french. Then read CANDIDE BY VOLTAIRE. In the meantime find some french discord and speak with the anons there. Avoid LDR because.... well they usually don't work out.

Now that you have officially learned french, it's time to immigrate!!! It would help if you had a degree of some sorts, not to mention that your frenchman would like to have a partner, not a housewife. And don't worry about tits, there are plenty of men out there who like girls on the itty bitty titty committee. Once you're in France, you just need to find a man. Don't go to dance clubs or bars, because thats only if you want a one shot hook up. Cafes? Apps? Friends from workplace who could introduce you to men? Also if you're ugly, no worries! most men can get past that so long as you're nice, and also have nice features. Whats that you say? Something about our tits being small? well put some meat into your arse woman! That'll get em!
And thats how you get a frenchman

Come on. You know the rules

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AWWW user, THANK YOU FOR THIS ADVICE, I will try my hardest to keep to this. It means alot you put time into this, thank you!! ^^

I PROMISE IM NOT LARP HAHA unless you want me to be?...NAH I'm female ^^

well we are on a board and everyone can larp as someone. Especially larp as women

I really don't like/want to larp tho, It's not my thing. I just like reading all the wee stories that happen on this board and sometimes post ^^

100% larp. Refuses the timestamp. Leave this thread while you can.

I'm not larp user :c I have no idea how to prove it and IM NOT SSENDING TITS good lord

Guess any pic that proves femininity + timestamp would be proof. You willing to prove it?

Idk if thats proof but thats my hand ^^

Attached: F04CCA8C-9204-44EA-973E-4F73DF22C5B1.jpg (640x640, 73K)

Looks legit. Guess you pass. Sorry for the measures. You know a lotta people LARP as femanons. Also, welcome femanon.

hmm, now I know you aren't larping, do you know why you have a big thing for my fellow french brothers?

Also, I'm saving this pic to coom to it. >:)

No worries user, and thank you ^^

I have no idea why I love the french men so much, It's how they look and how they act and sound just everything. It's extremely frustrating because I live in scotland, Why can't I just love scottish men the same way? : D French are so much more beautiful to me. ^^

auld alliances strikes again

You just haven't found the right scot IMO. Consider that there are good options.

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of course, I would never be so narrow minded and discard all scottish men. all men are beautiful in their own way. ^^

What about a scot, but he's only born and Scotland, but moved to France at a young age and has a French accent now, but still a pure blood scotty! Wouldn't that be perfect?

thanks scottish woman :)

You drew a shit hand as a female since Scottish accents aren't even qt.

>only attracted to women taller and older than me
>women are exclusively attracted to men taller and older than them
Being alive was a mistake

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I like my accent, but I understand your opinion user.
I feel you. You will find the perfect girl one day. :D

>can be seen as cute/normal guy depending on the girl
>small + bad teeth

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Femanon post discord!

That actually does sound perfect.
Good Lord, user you are giving me a lot of new ideas LOL

yeah they are retard

Scottish female accents are extremely cute.