
daily drug enthusiast thread

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Should I take mushrooms for the 3rd time this week? It's kind of becoming a chore

Well my DXM finally arrived, but to be honest I don't feel in good enough health to do it tonight. I'll probably grab the bag and I dunno, get a salad or something.

should be the 3rd time today

How long does Benzedrex last for you anons? I did some today and after 2.5 hours I was laready feeling the comedown. Like, why the fuck does it last so short?
Are there any other good stimulants to replace it with that last a bit longer? I've been thinking of getting some mephedrone lately.

Sounds like a waste. Your bodies tolerance to psylocybin grows exponentially. Id save it for 1-2 weeks and then drop it

Nah, you'll lose the magic and your tolerance is probably sky high. Do some other drug if you can or stay sober. Wait 2 more weeks instead

I'm gonna. Did Sunday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Couple days last week. Been doing about a gram in tea.

Dude, unless you drastically up the dosages you won't feel shit.

I'm gonna do what I want. U need to mind your own business.

Hahaha says the guy hell bent on thinning out his psyche. I know what you're up to, user ;)

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Ayy, you asked if you should do it the 3rd time. i gave you my opinion.
Anyway since you're still gonna do it, have fun man. I myslef am feinding for shrooms right now

last 2 times I've take shrooms ive taken 3.5g (anally). Last time I did it I masturbated for the entire peak while watching a video where a woman's face kept morphing and the feelings the shrooms were giving me plus the visuals made it so much better but I didn't even cum my dick just stopped working after a few hours.

Looking to take maybe 4g and I know that's supposed to be approaching ego death territory so would prefer to drop in my room for that. Is there any other way to prepare for an ego death experience? Is it much more intense than tripping normally? I never felt any difficult feelings on psychs so far except when I was fearing strangers or getting caught

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>taken 3.5g
LMFAO. I hope you did the liquified shrooms and didn't shove actual dried mushrooms up your anus.

> there any other way to prepare for an ego death

Unironically, deep meditation.

wait how do you boof shrooms? wat

If u must know, I'm trying to connect to my emotional center. Whatever the fuck that is.

Ur responding to the wrong person. I never asked if I should. I was only telling that poster my dosing schedule

I can get u some shrooms if ur in northern mn

you make tea then boof it with an enema bulb, bag, or syringe etc

>never felt any difficult feelings on psychs
Have done 5 grams and I thought if I cried I would die...
I have alot of trapped emotions.

what kind of meditation

If you want to experience ego death instead of jerkin off, you should meditate and be ok spending time with scary thoughts

Ya but you can't brute-force something which would be better approached by taking a breath for youself and a step back, first

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>but you can't brute-force something which would be better approached by taking a breath for youself and a step back, first
Pls explain.

Nah sorry dude, too far away. Also, no offence, but it sounds kind of dumb to sell on Zig Forums.

Just that despite wanting to do or learn something immediately, it's better to lay an actual foundation first. It takes some sober time to appreciate the psych experience, and some psych experience to appreciate being sober. Let things process, ferment, stew, churn. Then go back at it after a kind discussion with yourself.

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>taken shrooms
>up the ass
hahaah what kind of a weird fuck are you

I've already done all that

Sure you aren't stuck on the last part?

it's the only way I can avoid nausea

Guys, I'm gonna do LSD sometime soon for the first time, thinking of doing 100ug. That being said, I do already have experience with numerous trips on LSA and shrooms. I have a question for those who do LSD:
Is the following video a good a typical trip on a 100ug (intensity)? It seems pretty intense, but then other people say 100ug is almost nothing.

Attached: Acidemoji.jpg (828x824, 65.05K)

All in all is all we are. Your brain can't really comprehend the thought, but an "ego death" is the brief state where it's possible to do.

It's a liberating experience.

I'm sure. My 1.5 gram tea is brewing...

My first trip was 150, and we went biking into a forest. We were swarmed by mosquitoes, then a thug attacked my friend and broke his nose. Afterwards the police almost took me into custody.

That said, the experience was really beautiful and I enjoyed it a ton - probably because I was so relaxed. I'm a practicing Buddhist and I think it allowed me to embrace everything so openly and calmly.