Moving Out

At what age should you move out of your parents house?

Attached: leaving-home.jpg (640x360, 124.8K)

If you're american probably 20. Anywhere else by 23 to never

never, you gotta get your revenge for putting you in this hell of a world

if you have a brain? no later than 23.

Thanks to poor health and a shitty economy I didn't leave home until I was 26 and had enough for a house deposit.

You couldn't get a job?

Interesting view. originalu

Better question:
How much money should you have saved up before you move out? And how much income should you be making?
Down payment alone will likely be 50k plus to live in a decent house.

Who the fuck moves into a house straight from their mom's basement?

t. rentcuck of five years

Where in his post does it allude to that?

It really depends on the relationship you have with your parents and the amount of privacy you have. Mine were terrible and I can't imagine spending my 20s there.

Renting is the most retarded thing you can possibly do

>just live with your parent until you're 40 bro
>just inherit a house from your grandma bro
>just buy some money bruh

>shitty economy

Parents helped, but I bought me a house at 24 because I worked hard. Fully paid off and tons of equity. Cope

i don't understand why anybody would ever want to move out unless their parents nag and harass them about it
why would you give up a free place to live, free meals and the comfort and security of family?
the independence meme is jewpilled social conditioning to turn us all into npc workers, and if you're using this board you were never gonna get laid anyway. there's no negatives. accept the comfy life, if something goes wrong there's always rope

>I bought me a house at 24 because I worked hard

Yuroshit here, I'm moving out soon at 25 but the average here is like 30+

Privacy is the greatest thing you can have.

I don't know, man. I could afford a modest house if I wanted to, but being a robot I couldn't deal with the upkeep. I like having a groudskeeper do my yard and a maintenance guy come fix my shit when something breaks.

My parents moved into a new home in 2013 only to find out less than a year later that the roof was fucked. Boom! $30,000 unforeseen expenditure.

Being your own man. Not everyone wants to be a comfortable softy their entire life.

14 or 15. Women should move in with a female roommate so they dont get murdered by a man

Buy a condo then, they do all that shit. Anything is better than renting

down payments are insane

20% up front if you don't want to get dicked down by mortgage insurance, plus closing costs and all the fun expected extra costs that are bound to happen, plus you're supposed to save a little extra as emergency fund in case shit happens right after you move in

i finally have near 100k in the bank but now i don't know if i can even do it because of corona crap

Renting is obviously bad value for your money but it's the best luxury you can get next to buying a house, which is a big commitment.

That would require me to live in a city though. I'm currently renting what's basically a semi-detached house in a village of

>any age over 18 and you have failed in being normal

>At what age should you move out of your parents house?
16-17 if you don't plan on college, 18-19 if you do.

I moved out at 20 and had to move back in at 22. I literally cannot find an affordable place to live, fuck landlords, especially the chinks.

OP here. Pretty much.

OP here. Can someone bump my thread?


I really want to move out but it's virtually impossible in my country.

Attached: crown.png (650x638, 24.56K)

What country's that?

18-20 tends to be the sweet spot

New Zealand.

A shithole in the outer suburbs will typically cost you half your weekly income, the city is naturally even worse. The only way to move out if you're young in this country is to share a rental but even this is hard to do because every house has 1000 applicants and all of them are wealthier than you. FFS I hate this country so much.

I moved out 6 months after turning 18. I don't know how much of a loser you would have to be to still be with your parents past 18

>tfw 24 and still living at home
Can't wait to be done with uni and move out so I can finally kill myself (after paying my parents back, of course)