
angry ENTJ boss edition

>official Zig Forums what's your type poll


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INTPs are the most ideal people, but where do I get a sweet INFP morally grounded bf?

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If I had an angry ENTJ boss I'd probably just cry and go home and not work desu

Attached: A Centaur's Life - c000 (v01) - p030 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire] panel 7.jpg (1092x575, 355.16K)

xNTJ on all of those. INTJ most likely, just finished watching The big short movie on finance predicting the housing market collapse set in the mid 2000's, would highly recommend even though it's apparently dumb downed.Seems like an interesting job for any T type. Pic related.

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>tfw infp male with infp gf

>intp but retarded

>tfw infp male
It never even began for me...

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holy shit INFP men look like THAT????????????


>not a single week pass without suicidal thoughts
like clockwork

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I just want an INFJ that shares my beliefs. Life is cruel for not giving me my one wish

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>im an intp
it ended before it even started there is no hope time to get a waifu body pillow

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>your type
>actual dick size
>ideal dick size


give gf pls

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fuck you lucky faggot
how did you do it?

>INTPs are the most ideal people,
No, but I fell in love with an INTP and it was an amazing experience having a mind that seems to work so differently to talk to.
Ever since I got to know her, it almost feels like all the "normal" girls aren't interesting enough. It's like meeting her ruined them for me.
Eventhough it's been a few months since I stopped being in contact with her, I still seem to do things just to compensate for not being able to be with her.

This is hilarious, you can see their types from the get-go lol:

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yoohoo user! you called?

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Just do your fucking job. It's not that hard if an ENTJ is running the place.


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still don't buy this horoscope stuff lol.

>>official Zig Forums what's your type poll
>ENFJ just 1%

It's just for fun for me.

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>Ctrl+F entp
>0 results
Come on bros, this is the only reason I even go on these threads

>how did you do it?
she told me just thought i was cute one day. getting to know her from there was really awkward because we were both very shy, but we got past that after awhile

Some look quite masculine yes. Pic related, environment also has big impact.

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>she told me just thought i was cute one day. getting to know her from there was really awkward because we were both very shy, but we got past that after awhile
fuck off normalfag

>another saturday night alone
>taking drugs and jerking off with an onahole rapidly switching videos through a 3TB porn stash

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>he didn't choose enfp on the life loading screen
>he thought "thinking" would make him happy
you super duper fucked up

>he did choose ENFP on the life loading screen
>he became the most feely faggot feeler that will die the moment he gets in a room with less than 10 people

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INTP wearing glasses and a big ass ENFJ so horoscopes are real.

>be ISTP
>laid off from part-time second job due to pandemic
>apply for unemployment
>now receiving twice as much money than what second job was paying me
>still working full-time at first job
>now have enough money to splurge even after paying all monthly bills at once
My poorfag days are temporarily over. Thanks government!

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lol you have them that infrequently?

Nah, if I'm getting yelled at I'm not doing anything. idgaf if it's easy

>I'm liking ISFJ right now it feels comfy
>18cm x 13cm
>no idea, never used it for anything

How come you should find a girlfriend when I can't?

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I'm a ENTJ, feels bad/good man.

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Why do you think people that have INFP girlfriends are lucky?