In one thousand years, we'll be considered savages for eating meat, tranny surgeries, and abortions

>In one thousand years, we'll be considered savages for eating meat, tranny surgeries, and abortions.
How do you cope with this fact?

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I'm ok with being considered a savage.

The meat one is true, but the abortion thing will be a necessary for overpopulation

Americans are already considered savages for mutilating their children at birth.

The fuck should I care what faggots think long after I'm gone?

I'm pretty content in the knowledge I'll be forgotten a few decades after my death.

Imagine giving a shit about what future generations think of you.
People in the past enslaved niggers, burned people on stakes, and they didn't give a single fuck, died happy, and are now too dead to care.
So why should I?
I'm gonna keep enjoying meat and my undying spirit is going to laugh at those faggots forced to eat Onions Green (movie reference you wordfilter).

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You're right but it's strange to think about the fact that years from now we'll probably be criticized and looked down upon for things that are considered completely normal in society.

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Its not normal its retarded and primitive. You will all be wiped out.

Criticism only matters if you are receptive to it.
They will be completely alien to your current worldview, and we will look primitive to them.
Such a great distance makes any actual validity of their "critique" worthless in the end.

eating meat is the reason we developed our brains.

>Such a great distance makes any actual validity of their "critique" worthless in the end.
Great point. Sometimes I wish I could live forever just so I could see the direction humanity goes in. Think about it, we'll probably never see the end of the United States and other world powers. We'll never see how much space travel will progress. We'll never see how people dress in a completely new culture. We're missing out on all of these things. It makes me really depressed.

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Of course, if you compare your limited timespan with the vast length of human history, then of course you'll feel like missing out.
There's vast things in history you will never get to experience, zoomers didn't experience 9/11, you will never experience WW2, or the american revolution, or the fall of the Roman empire, or any other significant historical event.
Every human being has their own slice of history, and they should come to terms with the fact that it's all they will see.

My approach to all this shit is the same as most black people. Us white people are the "early adopters" who are in the forefront of this degeneracy. Have you ever seen a black tranny? Not likely because most blacks hate LGBT etc. Make fun of them as much as you'd like but black people know what to stay away from and when to tuck-tail and book it better than white people.

You know how in the history books they talk about the early abolitionists or whoever that were extremely anti slavery?

That's how the vegans / intactivists / naturalists of the future will see us

>>In one thousand years,
In one thousands years everything humans ever did will be in the part of the databanks that are rarely accessed by the AI system that now dwells on Earth.

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It's simple. Hum,nity has no right to continue. We've destroyed the entire planet in pursuit of short term pleasures and greed. Complete total extinction is the only way to amend our sin.

in one thousand years I'll be respected as one of the oldest cyborgs alive.

>thinks abortion is savage

first of all, there wont be a future because once ai reaches human level intelligence it will take over the world and make it impossible for human affairs to continue

second of all, you cant be a robot unless you're vegan. id have shitposted more about veganism today, but i spent the day in a food coma from eating too many raisens and s()y chocolate milk. not even joking, i regret nothing

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>All white people are for trannies no exception
>All black people are against trannies no exception
Peak identitarianism

I would gladly give up meat until I die if it meant we stopped trannies and abortion

I'm not religious, I just think that it's wrong to take a life that you are responsible for and isn't posing a lethal threat to you. And before you respond and say it isn't a life, I want you to tell me a very specific line where an embryo becomes a human life worthy of protection/agency

Very based user. I wish more people were like you.

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>I would gladly give up meat until I die if it meant we stopped trannies and abortion

wow, the animals tortured for your tendies and chicken nuggies REALLY thank you for your lip service

dude, honestly, you should run for public office you are so good at giving lip service. you remind me of normies who say stuff like "he was a nice kid, everyone liked him, how could he kill himself, omg i would of totally made friends with him! =O" when some autistic loser kills himself

> it meant we stopped trannies
morally speaking, why are trannies bad? literally explain why they are immoral

because it disgusts you? so your standards for whats ethical is your feelings of disgust? are you serious?

although trannies disgust me too, i dont think they are immoral or bad

infanticide is evil, but what we do to animals is a million times worse, you fucking lip-service hypocrite

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I eat em cause they taste fucking amazing, you need protein and meat or you become a skinny fag. Also pigs don't have souls retard.

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>you need meat or you become a skinny fag.
not true at all. There are plenty of natural sources of protein that aren't meat (beans, nuts, etc)
>Also pigs don't have souls retard
Souls don't exist retard

>in the future
>not being able to switch your fertility on/off whenever you want.

Out of all of these, the meat one is the less savage.
You cannot yet grow efficiently meat in labs and there's no other option.
Abortion and trannoids would be perceived as insanity.

I don't have to cope.
I just can't believe you put eating meat in the same sentence as tranny surgery.
Surely we will still eat meat it 1000 years we've done for longer.

Tranny surgery is miles beyond eating meat in terms of the future considering us savages.

Like eat. Make mouth happy. Mouth happy, Thog happy.
Thunder scary. Angry sky god make Thog sad.

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>Tranny surgery is miles beyond eating meat in terms of the future considering us savages.
not really.