The funniest thing about being under-average in terms of looks is that women don't even consider you to be a man

The funniest thing about being under-average in terms of looks is that women don't even consider you to be a man.

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Giga Chad doesn't even look like a human

he's pure Chad, no humanity to bog him down

They do, you just don't approach them in a set up you can actually win (no online dating site is)

that's the joke
PUA copefag

yes he does retard

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hes not human, hes the spawn of Zeuss seed and Aphrodites womb

Fucking where?
If its not that, it must be through friends, and if theres no single female friends in your social circle...what the hell did you do?

this question comes up enough that i think it's a meme. if you seriously don't know where people meet each other you are simply not alive or human. online dating is literally the worst way to meet a partner according to every known statistic, and there's physically no way to have a male only social circle if you are interested in girls.

Wheo is the guy on the right??

No he doesnt you fucking faggot

nick mullen of cumtown fame

bitch if I say he does he fucking DOES

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>and there's physically no way to have a male only social circle if you are interested in girls.
t. an attractive man

small baby rapist Nick Mullen

nickoia mullis, russian serial rapist

traditionally unattractive men and women are a much bigger part of the population. it would actually be more reasonable to say you have a small social circle of only guys if you are a male model.

Literally every female in my circle is in a relationship since highschool, and they dont bring other girls into the group.

I dont know, maybe Im the only exception, but it doesnt feel like it would be that hard to have a similar case than mine.

how hard do you think it is to meet new people and maybe join a new circle that actually values starting relationships rather than just maintaining current ones?

Maybe you are too young and to much of a normie, but you dont normaly meet new people after hs or uni, even less so when your objective its to find people that know single females.
Even in my workplace there are few females, none of them single either.

i met a lot more people after uni. it actually gets easier when you're older up until maybe 35 depending on the area i guess. younger guys i've noticed are more nervous about meeting and opening up and being honest. after a certain age obviously there are just not enough single people that will be into you.

what kind of autistic response is this? you meet people through social events and activities. tell me this: do you truly believe that before women entered the workforce or dating apps, people just magically entered marriage without knowing their partner?

I'm a bricklayer. The only friends I have are men, I know no women.

All of those men are ugly. We like Chad prettyboys.

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People had a more active social lifestyle back then, it was easier to meet a potential partner through your social circles.

Now people live online, its much harder to meet woman outside of dating apps (and we already know thats not a real option if you are not at least attractive).

your brain is rotted, just give up

Im honestly trying to think it in your way, but I cant apply it to my life, its not as easy as you make it out to be.
Sorry for the bother...

This seems like the place and time to tell you incels to have sex

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But Edward Snowdens wife is Hot

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They always tell you to have it but not the how to

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>They always tell you to have it but not the how to

Because it's the easiest things in the world. Single cell organisms manage to do it

if it's so easy why do they tell you to have it instead of already assuming you did?

people often forget to do what's easy when they are stressed out or overthinking things. for example, we tell women in labor and athletes to breathe, and we tell students to pay attention. both of these things are very easy but sometimes overlooked.