Is she still alive? What's her new youtube channel? Vintage lass disappeared.

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Hope she creates a pornhub account soon.
I would very much like to see her gangbanged!

>shapes personality after what she thinks incels like

how has she changed?
she always was mentally unstable and easily influenceable

her body is objectivelly disgusting

>her body is objectivelly disgusting
in what way

she is flat and has a bad skin full of moles

I love these threads so much, all this drama to follow, all these spicy rumours. I just can't get enough.

So you're basically admitting you have the maturity of a histrionic higschool girl

the truth is that all people are like that
this is what supposed adults do with trump


>Is she still alive?
what does your gut tell you?

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if the fat fuck cooomed all over her ice cream and told her to eat it, you think she would?

guy, do you think this is her? is she naked here with a man? is she imagining a smell?

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what a nasty little slut she is.

>is she naked here with a man?
looks like it, prob feeling up his cock too.

tahlia is a lot cuter in motion than in her photos, huh

most of these girls are, expect for audrey. lmao

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Sunny turned out pretty cute

i should've been the skinny fat fuck that cummed all over her
but life is pain and misery, thus this will never happen

>as an objective 3/10
I'm starting to understand how brendio managed to get her now, she got deep into the lookism shit after being bullied and now sees herself as worthless lol

>i should've been the skinny fat fuck that cummed all over her
don't let your dreams be dreams lad.

yeah but if she has already been touched by other men, i don't want to even be near her

i would love to break tahlias weak mind. she's so easily manipulated and so clearly mentally inferior. probably one of the weakest minds on the planet. i'd love to put a dog collar on her and make her get on her hands and knees and walk her around my neighborhood and punish her for being disobedient in front of all of them.

>I'm starting to understand how brendio managed to get her now, she got deep into the lookism shit after being bullied and now sees herself as worthless lol
It's genuinely sad. Poor thing.

>Sunny turned out pretty cute
lmao she looks like tahlia's dead nan

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She is, and it's not like she isn't cute in her photos to start with.
I wish she knew how beautiful she was.

nah man, i think she's cute


what did tahlia mean by this

>Is she still alive?

probably not

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She has the soft skull of an infant

Tahlia's story makes me sad desu

why would you want to humiliated or force to suffer a human being?

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Me too. I just hope there's a happy ending.

jesus, she already has grey hair

>human being

well, a large portion of it is her fault, her over reaciton to stupid bullshit and her inability to deal with stuff that robots deal with without having significant mental break downs (most of us)

the happy ending would me cumming inside her

oOOOOO imagine cucking tahlia and fucking brendio in the ass in front of her

2 squishi 5 u

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She has such a big face and manly looking head. Its really fucking weird.