Melancholic atmosphere v4

Melancholic styled images. Anything that can evoke sad emotions. If you're going to chat to other anons, please include pictures.

Attached: 1577002479785.jpg (960x949, 379.42K)

Will dump a few to start

Attached: 1577648622069.png (1000x1000, 386.29K)

Generally cold or intense images appreciated too. Related

Attached: 1587935263651.png (372x372, 126.95K)

Love these threads, really feeling like this for the past two years

Attached: 6AB68848-1341-4B9E-916B-D428A39E0F5B.jpg (1039x1091, 242.54K)

Thanks. Seeing images like the first one and the one attached are the only way I can feel emotions anymore unfortunately, hence me making these threads

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-FUAgUovk1W.jpg (1813x1024, 402.72K)

Loss of innocence is one of the only things that gets me going. Not sure why or in what way specifically.

Attached: 1586338171940.jpg (393x799, 72.19K)

Do you like dirty, moldy, dusty abandoned buildings?

Attached: abandoned8.png (1920x1080, 1001.15K)

What about empty malls?

Attached: mall.jpg (1920x1080, 1.24M)

Not as somewhere to abide, work etc. Representing abandonment can be thoughtful though.

Attached: 1577384660429.jpg (900x1066, 85.57K)

i wonder how long is the climb to happiness

Attached: ENnLcA3WoAAoWeh.jpg (720x960, 118.78K)

sorry this is just too fucking comedic

sorry for the sideways post, took this picture in one of the deepest depressions of my life

Attached: IMG_20191113_155005_941.jpg (1080x1920, 439.99K)

youth, lack of responsibility, nostalgia wrapping around you like a warm blanket

Attached: hallway.png (1600x1200, 1.5M)

Depends on neurological disposition. I'm neuroatypical, most likely due to a dopamine deficiency somewhere in the synthesis pathway, so the work needed to feel things at this point is great.

Unless you're talking about generic 'success' in terms of money, spouse, friends(?) and similar things. In that case, somewhat less than you think. Money comes easy if you focus on earning money and not being a better worker, the rest follows naturally.

Attached: 1541603663923.jpg (595x585, 283.3K)

It's a nice image. It's a shame it's not in a better resolution. Maybe a filter of some sort could make the resolution irrelevant and make the overall quality even greater.

Attached: 1537863699349.jpg (1200x1600, 341.23K)

sorry if bad image, ;(

Attached: fortuna.jpg (900x555, 109.83K)


Attached: cat_future.webm (640x360, 592.02K)

No need to be apologetic, the guidelines provided are vague and 'melancholic' is interpretive. Any additions are appreciated.

Attached: 1558752811199.png (760x839, 733.4K)

extra sad bc makes me remember shitty childhood

Attached: 1587310821949.jpg (1018x626, 53.01K)

places that you used to go

Attached: store.jpg (1920x1080, 1.42M)

ive lost a lot of close friends and immediate family members and none of their deaths made me wanna kms the way my childhood dog's death did. he died 6 years ago and i still hurt over it constantly. looking at pictures of him is agonizing

Attached: riley 2.jpg (640x480, 30.72K)

this was skewed on accident but it gives it a slightly surreal feeling

Attached: 1585701318781.jpg (1000x822, 72.98K)

I wish I could respond in kind with video-audio, but due to the seemingly redundant ban on audio streams I cannot.

Attached: 1577383029814.jpg (564x820, 75.95K)

Agreed. I had to strip the audio out of this one to post it. The music is beautifully sad.

Attached: 4syx490do8v41.jpg (632x767, 48.88K)

im tired lmao

Attached: 2019-08-29-doomer.jpg (1050x1485, 276.22K)

Wrong file, or are you just here to mess up threads?

Attached: waa7n9dz8qh41.jpg (1570x1637, 147.98K)


Attached: 1582216267701.jpg (1080x1078, 128.55K)

>textless posts are not allowed
>big nigger tiddies

Attached: 1280106172087.jpg (600x830, 119.51K)

one of the best so far.

Attached: 1585627047253.jpg (1268x711, 123.4K)

i dun oof'd

Attached: tech_help.jpg (4128x2322, 676.61K)

Omg I gasped lol

reminds me of this pic i have

Attached: 1586364760801.png (489x834, 951.66K)

will happiness ever outweigh misery

Attached: 1534877758540.jpg (1280x720, 90.21K)

Obviously, otherwise we actively would pursue misery over happiness.

Attached: DESt1JXVYAEMa2s.jpg (400x524, 30.4K)

That's very very ungood at me feels.

>feeling cute, might commit suicide later idunno lol

happiness and sadness are just either end of the pendulum swing

It's odd how polarising this image is. Two other anons found it comedic, yet it seems to be one of the 'best' for you and for me too.

Attached: 1558168455811.jpg (795x1082, 1.02M)