What's wrong with living in a mud hut

What's wrong with living in a mud hut

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Nothing. Whities are just coping about being slaves to the electric jew.

Nothing. Might be dangerous in the event of a tornado though.

holy fuck we said "Nothing." at the same time, brother!

shit hut

:( shit hut is still a hut

nothing wrong with it - an ancient and excellent technique


can't shitpost or incelpost

who says? sat internet, cell internet, or install electricity

Inceldom is a product of capitalism so they wouldn't be incelposting anyway.

It wasn't the same time

Inferior to rock hut

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That looks stupid and gay, like you'd have to light it with candles and cook with open flames and it would always smell like smoke all the time. And it a windstorm comes it just falls down around you and if enemy tribes attack it'll be hard to defend.

There we go, that's much better. Look at all those rocks. Rocks aren't going to bitch out on you if it rains hard, rocks don't give a fuck if it's wet. And the man who built that has probably made sure any enemy tribes are already dead, and I won't get got by any foreigners. 10/10 Dark Age household.

>And it a windstorm comes it just falls down around you and if enemy tribes attack it'll be hard to defend
Why would wind knock it down? They're solid and sturdy as fuck

damn thats a mud mansion.

It probably is cold, windy as hell. All rats, insects crawling in. Also probably bitch to build. They should do that thing with straws and shit for walls. With lime.

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They probably dont have limestone locally and I think mud is better for keeping the heat out during the day.

if a creeper blows up next to it the whole thing will be destroyed. if you build it with cobblestone a creeper will do way less damage to it

>if a creeper blows up next to it the whole thing
Just put cats around the house like fluffy gargoyles. Creepers are afraid of cats.

bitch since when is africa cold and windy

I referred to stone one, you numbnuts.

We should build huts for the homeless. Big camps of them, entire territories to scare the modernos.

>since when is africa cold
It can drop to below freezing in the Kalahari during winter nights.
>and windy
How do you think sand dunes form?

Your wife will probably complain unless she's down with it.

I don't know if you're joking or not, but I actually like this idea.

Serious but it's just an idea. I was homeless for a while and would have loved to crash in a mud hut village.

Make a fire inside, open the windows to keep it warm. Close the windows to keep out wind. Aren't rats attracted to garbage? Just keep it clean and you're fine. Insects too.

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>Rocks aren't going to bitch out on you if it rains hard
Mud huts can withstand rain pretty well. They wouldn't stay up for decades if they didn't.

1. That place is the "masion" of muds not a good reference of your average mud.

2. Bricks are cheap and works much better and they're clean only retards would prefer muds over bricks or stones. this post is propaganda and its purpose is virtue signaling, integrating shitty "inventions" from black people the simple fact blacks don't have anything remotely architecturally relevant and somehow you need to guilt white faggots into thinking we're being judgmental while in simple terms muds are shit and blacks don't have anything good on them besides millions of gay porn addicts worshipping large penis size.

Ib4 /poland/!! I'm brown.

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You haven't said what's wrong with mud huts though. You sound awfully sensitive and easy to trigger, which isn't a surprise because you're a (((multicultural))) faggot.
>dude obsessed with blacks randomly deflects to Blacked
what else is new with Zig Forums

>Bricks are cheap
If you're talking fired clay brick, no they are not. You need to fire them, which requires lots of fuel, and so they weren't cheap until the industrial revolution.
>and works much better
Mud bricks can last for decades even when not fired. Fire them or cover them with stucco (it's why the OP structure looks more smooth instead of clear bricks, although you can still see the layer bands) and they'll last even longer.
One of the reasons brick ever became popular was because some places didn't have good, easily accessible stone.
Mud Brick is alright, you're just a contrarian nigger.

>1. That place is the "masion" of muds not a good reference of your average mud
But who cares? Even if it looks like pic related, literally what's wrong with it?
>Bricks are cheap
Are they cheaper than just scraping up clay from the ground? What makes brick and stone superior?

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>be African
>just build yourself a house in few days with a help of your brothers and move in

>be westoid
>you have to pay someone half of what you make or take loan for 30 years to have even shittiest apartment

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