Why are women like this ?

why are women like this ?
what is wrong with women ?

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These women are based

Fuck fear mongering bugmen

wtf all our women is getting bleached


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buncha uglass hoes

Attached: A1P9ua2CQAAjgZ-.jpg (424x629, 49.82K)

i want drugss

why do they need to show their asses?


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i dont like sensational shit like that, i never did, even when i myself was at the party.
i don't get hyped up for no reason, like i need actual reasons. i think it was because of my childhood, i was around adults way too much so by the time i grew up i was already tired of parties, i got it all out of my system by 20.

older people actually do shit at parties, like play games or something. teen age parties consist of retards sitting on the ground getting drunk doing nothing.

>r9k robots go to college and never leave their rooms other than to go to class and get food

meanwhile chad's college experience....

Attached: college girls pic.jpg (640x742, 131.04K)

People in general are dumb emotional animals driven by instinct, women even more so than men. Expect behaviour like that and much, much worse

this is reason enough to not have children or if you're having a girl have it aborted.

Is it bad that my first instinct when seeing these women is to crush their heads with boulders and/or cinderblocks?

based. the true degenerates are the ones who sit at home all day using a computer.

each girl in the pic will make more money, have more friends, and be happier in life than you ever will.

each girl in the pic will end up a single mom with 2 niglets before they are 30

they will also objectively be much healthier. loneliness is a bigger health risk than smoking.

>stds and half nigger children

They can have it

correct. genetic trash (white guys) should not have children. but that photo does showcase how much better and more fun life is in america than the rest of the world.

and you think slutty porn is real life

maybe you are also homosexual ?

wait... whats so bad about computers?
are you sure you are not gay?

you'll realize when you older. hope it's not too late by then :^)
>anything real is gay
how many girls you been with?

the smartest and most peaceful people are genetic trash ?
no one is believing your shit. whites and asians are clearly the best races. jews could have been good too but they are satanic and evil
no one is believing your bullshit scum.
also fuck your new world order. its not hard to figure out the new world order involves taking the best races out of the picture. fag.. yes you are a worthless faggot nigger kike.

smart whites can work hard but under no circumstance should they have children.

asians actually have family values so they are based and can do whatever they want.

MGTOW will succeed. You will be replaced.

If it makes it better, these girls are apparently being hazed for a sorority and having them pose in front of the sign for social media was part of the hazing rituals.

what are ronies?

>that photo does showcase how much better and more fun life is in america than the rest of the world.
The photo is of University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, you nimrod

>you will release when you are older computer are bad things.

>anything real is gay
your opinion that computer users are degenerate is homosexual. your opinion is a real thing.. im sorry i offended you.

>how many girls you been with?

i think it means the corona virus

oh sorry north america then*

what is this nerd shit? chill bro.

>MGTOW will succeed. You will be replaced.

what the fuck is wrong with you.
why would no white people make the world better ?
it only benefits Jews right. so you must be a kike.
do you have some kind of sick fetish ? did white people some how hurt you ?

>tfw these chads & stacies are accelerating the destruction and deterioration of infrastructure, the economy, and the foundations upon which the political elite lord over us

I'm thinking BASED

>but under no circumstance should they have children.

sounds like some kind of kike priest lol. no one even takes jews seriously. everyone hates jews.

the reason is far too big brain for you to understand. we should just agree that MGTOW is a really good movement and that the internet is creating a much better world. if you are white and actually enjoy life/women/family, you might just be based enough to survive. but too many negative vibes and you will be brainwashed again.

take out the white link that connects all the other races ?

im not sure why the kikes have chosen remove the white link ?

does it even do anything ?

what the fuck is wrong with you. i am starting to think you actually might be gay.

yes everyone knows about these feelings. what is your point are you retarded ?
the way you type makes it seem like you are some 3rd world. is this how you have fun. by trolling ? are you retarded ?

>but too many negative vibes
that doesnt mean people are negative. that just means your agenda is not working out for you.
proving again you are homosexual.

you seem to take great offense at learning the truth about how stupid white males are. MGTOW will succeed.

Not if he someone does the thing he suggested :)

Hopefully you die of some disease before it happens, stupid nigger.

There are six individuals here. All of them unique in their heritage and DNA make up. Yet somehow these girls look fucking identical.