Human races tier list

1. Jews
2. Koreans
3. Whites
4. Japanese/Chinese
5. East Asian
6. Indians
7. Muslims
8. Latinos
9. Blacks

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no such thing as whites
There are

1. Auburns
2. Redheads
3. Afros
4. Blondes
5. French Braid
6. Twintails
7. Ponytails
8. Black
9. Brown
10. Dirty Blonde


98. Mozart-era wig
99. Dyed Hair
100. Wig

This list makes no sense. what are you ranking here? Wigs? Hairstyles? Hair colours? Only an am*rican can be this retarded.

You're mistaking linguistic groups for racial groups. For example, Finns as most people know them are more closely related to their neighbors, the Nordics, than to the other Ugric speaking peoples. Simlilarly with Slavs, with some descending from Nords through the Rus, and others descending from the Greeks. Also, it makes no sense to break up the Anglos, Germans (where do you think the Anglo-Saxons came from?), the Nordics and the Balts, but to leave Iberians, Basques, Italics, Greeks, and certain celtic peoples simply as "meds". Either commit to very loose groupings or very narrow ones.

1. Ashkenazim
2. North Western Euro
3. Meds
4. Slavs/Other eastern Euros
5. North East Asians
7. Central Asians
8. Latinos/Inuit
9. SEA
10. Indians
11. Nilotic Africans
12. Austronesian
13. Native Americans
14. Horn Africans
15. Bantu/West Africans
16. Khoisan
17. Abos

It was left as an exercise for the reader to interpret. B- You Fail.

Beautiful woman desu ne.

hello kim

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1. Germans
2. Brits
3. Jews
4. Japans
5. Korean
6. Slavs
7. Arabs
8. Indians
9. Latinos
10. Niggas

>Japanese and Chinese are separated from East Asians
>Muslims are a race
>Latinos are a single race
Retard. Besides the actual ranking is
1) Southern Europeans and Levantine Arabs
2) Slavs and Balts
3) Iranics
4) Japanese
5) Turkics
6) Northern Europeans
7) Chinese
8) Western Europeans
9) North Indians
10) All other Arabs
11) Non-Mesoamerican Natives
12) Mesoamericans
13) >50% European Hispanics
14) North Africans

>Slavs and Balts

1: Black
2: White
Everything else is irrelevant honestly.

>1. Jews


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1. Nordics
2. Germans
3. Bavarians
3. Celts
4. West slavics
5. Sami
6. Finns
7. Gauls
8. Anglos
9. Japanese
10. Every single other non-written ethnic group
11. Jews
12. Niggers

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>you will never be her special goy

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hello? based department?

>indestructible race
>highest IQ on average of any race
>highest amount of Noble Prize winners per capita in the US of any race
>large amount of writers/artists/philosophers are jews
>most wealthy people on earth are jews

>>indestructible race
Besides neanderthals, which is borderline, has a human race ever actually been destroyed?

there are no "real" jews anymore because they have been cucked and raped by other races into oblivion. This is why the jew blood is carried on by the women. jews are literal parasites that only survive by using other races as a host after they have been fucked to death.

Homo floresiensis.

yep this is based indeed

They're not actually human-human though. That's why they're Homo Floresiensis, not Homo Sapiens Floresiensis. They're more distant to us than Neanderthals, who are properly Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis. I was wondering if any race we consider "anatomically modern human" has ever died out.

This is kind of true. Ashkenazi Jews, the only subgroup of Jews who have an impressively high IQ, the ones who win all the Nobel prizes and own all the movie studios, were created in Europe over the last 2,000 years through admixture of about 300 primarily male Western Asian migrants with local populations.

From 23andme:
>The ancestors of Ashkenazi Jewish people migrated from Western Asia into Southern Europe around 2,000 years ago. Then, in the Middle Ages, many Jewish people living in southern Europe moved north, primarily to northeastern France and western Germany near the Rhine River. It was there that a distinct religious, cultural, and genetic Jewish identity formed, and the people came to be called "Ashkenazi" after Ashkenaz, a descendant of Noah in the Hebrew bible. Fleeing from violent persecution in Central Europe, many Ashkenazi Jewish people moved east to places like present-day Poland and Lithuania during the Late Middle Ages.

And this seems to be the most likely explanation for how they came to acquire their advanced intelligence.

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>that list
fuckin LOL, found the jew
kikes are below niggers

>1. Jews


Those people haven't done a thing. All they've done is sit down and steal while reproducing their intelligent members. Here is the real list

1. Koreans
3. North-Western Europeans
4. Central Europeans
5. Eastern Euros/slavs
6. Caucauses Europeans/My mixed-race
7. Castizo/Argentines/Chileans
8. Southern Europeans (Italians)/Greeks/Jews/Ashkenazim/Mestizos/Malaysians
9. Mulattoes, Turks, General mixed-raced
10. Iranians/Amerindians/Filipinos/Indonesians
11. Iraqis
12. Moroccans/Egyptians, general MENA
13. Indians in India
14. West Africans
15. Khoisan/Pygmies

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Not a single person here has ever seen a vagina in real life before.

SeeEven worse, an anime poster.

>Indestructible race

The holocaust almost destroyed all of the European Jews. They are only alive because people are nice to people.

What makes you say that? I think your overvaluing people having a little fun.

>What makes you say that?
Tier list making is as virgin as you can be.

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I think I'm just as bored as you can be.

4.Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese
4.Native Americans
5.Scandinavians/excluding one
Shit tier begins--------------
12.Great britain. Excluding Scots and Irish
The devil--------------

imagine taking any of this seriously retarded reddit nigger

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Also jews belong to devil tier too. Forgot to add.

>Literally a seething virgin.

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You are so sad and biased. You didn't even include balkans.

Who tha fuck are balkans?

Yeah i'm not but keep saying the line like people here care

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Women stare at men more than vice versa.

I agree.
If anything is abominable and cruel, it is Ashkenazi Jews. One of the worst and most immoral races on the face of the earth.

Literally Mexicans with Intelligence.

>human races
>the only human races aren't even the top two.

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