Why don't you just get an art hoe gf?

why don't you just get an art hoe gf?

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>talking to women

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she won't reply to my messages so don't say i didn't try

art hoes only fuck 30 year olds

I don't want to be lectured about the patriarchy every time I see her.

Because of the hoe part

Normal women are crazy. The "typical" art hoe is twice as bad.

Because every single girl like this have like 50 orbiters around her who are better than me in every single way I can imagine a person can be better than another.

>tfw only date art hoes
>get my heart broken every time

I'm not white btw. If I can do it, so can you. It was fun while it lasted.

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difference is they are orbiters and you're an alpha chad who'll get the girl and cuck them

Because I'm not black user! I'm basically the nadir of what women find attractive in a man and I just have to deal with it.

well i do (not op)

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Imagine still believing in the sjw meme in 2020

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I'd have to look and act like a hipster fuck just to nail some insufferably mentally ill c-grade pussy
No thanks

Where does one find an art-ho gf?

Do they still exist? I thought they all transitioned to tiktok hoes?


Get a girl that knows when to shut the fuck up, doesn't like to argue and only mildly-moderately commits to any given aesthetic.

I'm trying to leave them for something new, but in my town it's just normies/wokies or arthoes, so I end up with the latter.
The last one I met is chill and cute as fuck, we get along great, but her backstory is brutal and might blow in my own face
>zoomer abusive sk8r bf who knows she wants to cuck him so he threatens killing himself
>absent rich father
>manipulative mother
>very shitty-peopled scene


That's their default speech, but will change it according to convinience in private. Can't blame them.

Normies overcompensate crazyness with hard as a wall dumbness. The trad qt is just a fun meme. The only trad gf you'll find is an arthoe LARPing one (they are getting into it lately as they are expelled from bigger feminist groups, either for being cute, rich, independent, whatever)

If you're here you're better than those fuckers. Just let her know you (choosing the medium is the hard part). If she's a bitch to hell with her. The most irresistible to arthoes is a free man, fuck them bro

>t. boomer dating arthoes since they were just indie girls

I'm an art student and have to interact with them from time to time. Really annoying, and their aesthetic is overplayed as fuck. Plus they tend to be lesbian and/or taken. Shit thread about shit tier girls 0/10

These women are genuinely the worst types to be around, they're the sluttiest, have the shittiest attitudes AND have literal fucking mental issues ; the type of girl who will literally slash your tires just for 'cheating on her in her dream'

trust me I know from experience , had a relationship with a girl like that I met at a punk show

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Give me your wisdom, how do I get an art hoe gf? I'm going to community college soon so i hope that will help

Normalfag women are unironically 10x better

i dont want to get cheated on and i want to be the only person they talk to
also this there's no reason to have a girlfriend or wife in the year 2020+

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she got tired of me, dumped me and i miss her
her small titties were literaly perfection

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'Cause they're ugly as hell and stupid like shit, bring me a cute tomboy gf.

Art hoes want art chads

They only exist in cities

I know what works for me:
>develop your own sense of style through vintage and thrifted clothes
>but try to "conversate" with IG fashion always in your own terms (ironic, anti, memester)
>be comfy, act cool, keep your compusture, be interesting and ambiguously flirty
>don't lose opportunity to show you can be unpassionate about her too if you feel like it or she's giving you BS
>be passionate about something SHAREABLE like music, art, food, tech...
>hell, zoomerettes love dudes who makes memes, y'all bots might be saved after all
>build social status locally
>get reasons to be out there (projects in things you like)
>be present at MAX in their presence (they want your attention, and if both are cool you'll enjoy it)
>keep on with the times
>project enthusing future

It's hard at first, but they kinda make you stronger destroying you. You'll learn the tricks for the next one and it'll be better.

>i want to be the only person they talk to
lol okay incel

you called me my trigger word user, now im angry!

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If much rather live my life being a wizard than ever getting into a relationship with one of those disgusting creatures