You realize it will only benefit humanity if low quality males aren't allowed to reproduce, right?

You realize it will only benefit humanity if low quality males aren't allowed to reproduce, right?

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Lol op today it's
High quality men= Rich

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>I am smarter than everybody in every civilisation that instituted monogamy

sure you are

>It's another episode of user doesn't understand natural selection.

how about low quality females?
are you gonna round them up and kill them?
cause they are the origin of all the shitty genes out there my boy

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Poor people have more children

>if all illiterate savages in the past did something it means they were right

>n-noo its not natural selection if I can't get laid, its when some roastie is killed by her black bf or something

You're actually correct, OP. Hand over your balls.

>relevant for only 2% of all of human history
it was literally only smart to prevent spread of disease. soap exists now, dummy. humans evolved to form small communities that raised children together and passed down knowledge. nuclear family only makes sense in a depressed economy where people have less than they need to survive. we live in an economy of excess

Natural selection doesn't care one bit how you manage to reproduce, it just cares that you do. There is no "allowed" in nature, just what you can get away with.

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it's still natural selection when we send weak retard men to die in wars and work extra hard in the fields/office.

well I am still fighting bro damn back off

But they don't want to stop low quality males from simply reproducing. They want to totally steal all friendship and kin from their hands.

They want to condemn them to a miserable life, toiling and living in fear forever.

Literal theft and murder.
This is why we have KINGS like the RODGER

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I'm inherently high quality, I've just had bad luck and bad environment, but the sperm game need me

Yes, and? Incels can't reproduce by any means

>when we send weak retard men to die in wars
That only happens if you only conscript and actively select for "low quality men" and if you're some ultra shitty fighting force that relies on human wave tactics. Not a single force worth a damn has ever done this.
>work extra hard in the fields/office.
That doesn't prevent people from reproducing, so it does fuck all actually. I don't think you know what you're talking about.

educate yourself and come back to me bud.

t. can't refute me because he knows I'm right.

But who gets to determine what's quality or not? Roasties? They haven't made good decisions since the stone age.

you are right, low quality males should be removed from gene pool

Low quality males like myself should be assigned to attractive women as slaves to make their lives easier

>ow quality males should be removed from gene pool
So I take it you're going to castrate or kill yourself, right?

i already have a kid tbqh. i was talking about actual low quality males, like incels.

No, brainlet. OP states that low quality men not breeding will only benefit humanity. He doesn't understand that the only thing selected for through natural selection is ability to reproduce in the current environment. The quality which is being selected for isn't something akin to the ability to lead humankind to a prosperous future.

I wasn't making some retarded fucking comment about the state of society: You did that. I was simply pointing out that OP doesn't understand what natural selection is at the most fundamental level.

This natural selection is insanely flawed human concept. Everyone saying other wise is a fat neckbeard or with diseases or conditions. As a matter of fact most elite are inbreds from trying to keep it "sacred". If you really want the best to strive your in for a big fucking shit show.

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>people that aren't reproducing anyway shouldn't reproduce
You made a thread to make such a pointless statement? Well, I guess you've backed up to this more defensible, albeit pointless position, after your retardation about wars and offices.

low quality females shouldn't be allowed to reproduce either.

Will it? So you give countless millions, probably multiple billion, people no reason to participate in society, society does not function anymore, how is this of benefit to humanity?
Humanities entire existence so far has essentially been dangling women and the ability to have a wife and reproduce infront of men like a carrot to facilitate anything and everything. Take that carrot away, everything collapses user, that's just the truth of it. You might be left with 'better' genetic specimens, but they'll have a shit world and a shit life just like the rest of humanity at that point

>humans evolved to form small communities that raised children together and passed down knowledge.
just because you raised them together in a small community doesn't mean they all shagged everyone you retard. if they got to do that, then they would all pick the strongest most well off dude to have kids with, and the others would do what? just hang about to raise and be protectors and feed them? lmao fuck off. if you don't have your own kid you have no investment in the community to even bother giving a shit about it.

i didn't make the thread. it's just good that low quality men are not reproducing.

>Poor people have more children
Poor couples did have more children. Poor women still have more children, but poor men aren't involved. Please go outside or use social media, you are very detached

This is my point. Women don't know what's best for them. Nearly every girl I know has admitted that she doesn't know what she wants most of the time. They seem perfectly fine with this too

Yeah except men keep giving low quality females attention and validation for simply existing. Even fat ugly bitches get plenty of sex if they actually try.

why the fuck should i give a shit about humanity retard?