Pic related is the ideal relationship between a male and female

pic related is the ideal relationship between a male and female

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A mother and son relationship? I think it's important to have a mum but why is it the ideal?

that's not his mother user!
older women are the best for many reasons, such as
>emotional maturity
>intellectual development
>financially stable
>motherly and gentle
>usually taller depending on the age gap
i don't see why anyone would date below 10 years their senior c:

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yeah but they are also uglier, fucked tons of guys and carry emotional baggage

only the terrible ones!
true mature christmas cakes are desperate for a younger man to care for and have her first time with

some of them are really attractive!
and those negatives only apply if you're insecure
i'd still rather date an older woman than a girl my age

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>desperate for a younger man to care for and have her first time with
Where are they?
>making me want it more with pictures
thanks user

Imagine justifying cuckoldry with "you're just insecure brah"

Not but is having sex with someone who has already had sex really being a cuck?

>Where are they?
i wish i knew :c
>thanks user
you're welcome!
past romantic/sexual experience isn't "cuckoldry"
of course i have my limits (i don't think i could date anyone with over 4 previous long term partners by the age of 25, and i'd stay away from anyone involved in short-term relationships)
but holding them accountable for something like that without reasoning with it is kind of dumb

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>so insecure that being wanted by a woman over anything else she has had or could have is cuckoldry to him
You're literally the one "cucking" other men in this hypothetical situation. You've been targeted for brainwashing into somehow believing that you specifically will always be a cuck if you choose any woman who's been with another man, to convince you to eliminate yourself from the gene pool by keeping you from being the one who ultimately claims women in the end. inb4:
>muh beta provider
>muh chad cock carousel
You are insecure. Your insecurities have been targeted and exploited. "Providers" are claimers, they are the ultimate ones who do the cucking in the end. This is of course assuming that the bullshit you believe about all women following the slut into settling for a provider pattern is true, which is rarely is. I'm sure you have plenty of cherry picked examples, but the fact remains that you have what it takes to be the one who takes a woman for yourself. You just refuse to because it's easier.

>the guy is that small
fuck i cant relate now

positively basado

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>tfw no older mommy gf
life is suffering

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You sir are a pusillanimous faggot who will end up taking it up the ass as a result of your ceaseless pusillanimity. I disdain your pussilamnity, and I disdain faggotry.

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I'll be too old to live this soon. I want it so bad bros. I need mommy.

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boy, I wish I had the cultural capital to reframe all of my prejudices, small-mindedness, and psychological scar tissue as "experience" and punish women for not wanting to put up with it!

sorry user! you can just pretend the woman is really tall c:
good taste
i know the feel, thanks for the image user
maybe, or maybe i just want an older woman to tuck me into bed and stroke my hair as i fall asleep in her arms
i'm lucky i still have a few years left on my side, but it seems they just don't exist

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>maybe, or maybe i just want an older woman to tuck me into bed and stroke my hair as i fall asleep in her arms
And like that you sound even more of a faggot. You aren't a child anymore, and your efforts to fetishize the care you were never given as a child will eventually make the women you end up with loath you in due time.

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i don't know why you're so angry user, you don't even know me
that wouldn't be the only quality of a relationship, i have other preferences too, but the idea of a gentle older woman makes me feel at ease, that's all

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>I'm edgy you're weak for wanting love blah blah
yeah ok kid cool, have fun being a tryhard loser and how totally not sick of you every fucking girl who ever meets you is going to be

That hentai is so fucking hot

Hit the nail on the head didn't I?

Let's here those other preferences then.

i wish i knew source, but i only have that one image :(
still don't get why you're concerned, other than getting off to some weird idea of self-righteousness, but sure!
>similar interests (art, reading, music, cooking, etc)
>somewhat similar beliefs, but i'd also like mine challenged to an extent, so open-mindedness would be nice
>doesn't use social media (or at least in moderation)
>has life plans
i could go on but it'd probably only get more semantic
also, hear*

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I'm well past the point of self righteousness. This has turned into disdain for the very demographic that has corrupted society and led to women acting like men, because the men want to be women. Your effeminacy is responsible for the degradation of society, and such staunch reminders anger me.

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is user sad because he doesn't have any traditional notion of masculinity to cling onto anymore :(

>gf says she wants to be my mommy gf
>she's two years younger than me
>she's a little taller than me, and also weighs a little less than me
what do

There is nothing wrong with being into a woman being caring and motherly, and taking a leading and loving position. That is literally having a fetish for their "role". I'd argue that the degradation you describe is more due to women not being able to live up to these standards, and being into a woman who wants to is a stand against that.

that's sweet!
go for it if you're into it user!!
this is a good point desu

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Not at all, traditional masculinity can't die as it is one of the few things holding this society together, though what masquerades as masculinity with regards to appearance will burn in a fucking fire, like the cowardice it is.

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Worked for me as a relationship, would recommend.

i think you're looking into this too much user, it's just a sweet relationship dynamic that very few people are into

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If you want the women to coddle you like a child, you are fetishizing her caring and motherly qualities as an instrument of your own pleasure. I'm not saying you shouldn't seek out that kind of women, but if you just want to use her as a surrogate mother who you can lie in the lap of, suck the tits of, and fuck, then you're softening yourself and exploiting her feminine qualities.

you are a good man op for realizing this

It's a soft core oedipal complex, meant to compensate for love you were never given.