Have you ever paid for sex? Would you recommend it?

Have you ever paid for sex? Would you recommend it?

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you are gonna pay for it either way. might as well cut the bullshit and get right to it.

not but I'm damn near that point right now and I want tips

I paid 3 times but the 3 times i was doing cocaine and my penis didn't got hard and i was pissed drunk too was around my early 20's, 2 years until wizardry now but i might get courage and go on sober at some point
yes im pathetic how could you tell

Yes and I was on acid at the time and couldn't get it up no matter what we tried. So I gave her half the money and left.

I hate myself

What on Earth made you think trying to get laid on acid was a good idea?

Thinking about it but I don't really trust online ads. Could be scammers or muggers. If I'm ever in the position where I don't give a shit anymore I'll probably try it out.

I've been with several prostitutes.

Most were pretty shitty and overpriced for what you got. I was robbed and thrown out of a motel room naked one time which left some mental scars and trust issues.

I currently have one regular I like to see who meets my needs and is pleasant to talk to.

It's worth it if you can find a good one, but most are pretty bad.

Everyone probably knows at least one woman who would do it, you just don't know who. Eye out some money-minded women on social media or some shit, it can be done. Pro tip tho, don't do it with a friend for money, shits weird + she'll tell all the people you and her both know.

Just say escort, it's not a big deal. That is unless you're an American, then for some reason it's a serious offense. Never really understood why you Americans have panic attacks when it comes to escorts.

>asian-american manlet
>ivy league degree, faang job
>mba, ivy league job
>still khhv
>lose virginity in a brothel in zurich
>get addicted to sex tourism, and sex workers in general
>decide 2020 is the year to stop
>about to relapse
>wuhan flu strikes
it looks like 2020 will be the year I kick the habit, for what I spent on whores (including travel to sex tourism destinations) I could have easily put a down payment on a home by now.

Many young females are grey area whores. While never quoting a price for a specific sexual service, it is tacitly stated that the pleasure of their company has a market value.

I wish I was tall and white every day.

Aren't escorts legal? You pay for their time which may or may not include sex after a date or something?

Yes and Yes*

You get what you pay for. I suffer from extreme agoraphobia but have a good job that I can work from home for.

Each month I buy a prostitute once every two weeks. Each time costs me $1200. But the girls are hot and no condom.

You pay to fuck escorts, only Americans pretend to think they're for anything else. Any time these escort threads are made, it's always an American. You guys are the only "first world" country that actually gives a shit about escorts. Literally no other first world nation cares. This isn't an attack on Americans, it's just a fact of the matter.

I need sex but am incel. Its illegal to just pay for it in america. Very frustrating

This is the kind of loophole some sniveling pulpul jew of a lawyer will desperately attempt to argue in court. After they've taken your money, of course. Because you're going to lose. But not before the jew gets paid.

Do what everyone else does, go to Thailand. It's not as expensive as most would think.

I've not paid a whore directly, but I "provided" for a live-in whore years ago.

I owned a 3-bedroom house where I lived alone. I had room and was already paying 100% of the mortgage anyway. It cost me next to nothing to have my own mini harem. Started with one early 30s girl and after a month we picked up a young 20s co-worker of hers after she gossiped about her living arrangement at work.

They cooked (poorly... they are women after all), they cleaned (kinda, but more than I did...) and they put out regularly. You'd be absolutely amazed at how many reasonably attractive looking women will let themselves be used as sex maids for literally nothing more than free rent.

what do you do to own a 3 bedroom house?

All you have to do is tape it and legally its pornography user.
Shes being paid for a "college art film"

Yes at happy ending massage parlors.
It's not worth it. Honestly the best part was the oil massage.
Honestly it IS nice getting a massage by a hot Korean woman you know is going to make you coom, it's nice groping her as she massages you, but as soon as you coom you feel kind of stupid and regret it.
You can get sex for free from any random 18 year old goth girl on Tinder if you're decently attractive and charismatic. Paying for sex is just pathetic.

IT work for the county.

>had an electrical fire in the basement
>was investigated for arson because they couldn't figure out a cause
>the place and everything I owned was destroyed
>lost everything to the fire restoration company committing insurance fraud
>had to declare bankruptcy
>having a bad GoodGoyScore with the jewbanks means you can't rent an apartment and it damages your chance at finding jobs
>my lawyer said to take all my cash money and buy a brand new car to protect it from being seized by the bankruptcy court
>at least you'll have one nice thing you can keep for 10+ years while you rebuild
>an asian then rear-ended and totaled the new car
>immediate massive depreciation means all that money was lost the insurance claim for the car
>oh no, goyim... you need gap insurance on your insurance if you want to be insured for all your losses
>destroyed my girlfriend in the crash who is now a completely different person
>she has spent the last two years in constant pain and no sex while Geico fights the claim
>payout caps means she's not going to get more than $100,000 max
>half of that goes to the lawyer
>the other half gets taken by the medical insurance

I am now unemployed, squatting homeless in a friend's house, and living in a city full of niggers. So there is still hope!

Sounds really nice but it's not in my nature. I inherited a spacious apt in NYC and have had this offer. I turn it down because I know for a fact that after a month I would fall deeply in love with her. I'm too soft.

I'd love to think I'm decently attractive and charismatic. I've had a couple of pretty gfs and good looking hookups.
I have never even come close to getting laid on tinder. I couldn't get pussy on tinder to save my life. Stop lying to people.

yes.....in Pahrump, Nevada, where it's legal.
i strongly recommend it.

acid/mush and sex don't go together ever.
maybe once or twice, it's okay. don't jerk off for a week beforehand though or you'll have a hard time...being hard. No emotional connection obviously.

i once paid for a blowjob. didn't enjoy it at all. do not recommend it

How much? I feel like it's probably costs too much.

Jesus, what a life.
>So there is still hope!
I laughed at this dark dark humor.

>for what I spent on whores (including travel to sex tourism destinations) I could have easily put a down payment on a home by now.
Every cent was worth it and you know it. You have had experiences that others only dream of, you have drank the finest wine from the gold chalices. Now that you have tasted these sweet pleasures the memories will linger on your lips. Eventually you will want more. Travelling to a foreign land, scoping out the scene and partaking of the carnal pleasures on offer. Sex tourism is one of the best hobbies there is.

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>Have you ever paid for sex?
>Would you recommend it?

Go to a licensed brothel, if there are none in your country then travel to sex tourist destination.

Yes. Paid 50 euro to have my dick sucked and bang a very beautiful, busty Serbian woman in Amsterdam's red light district.
It was a fun experience. She was one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen, and she was quite nice too.
Dunno if I'd do it again. I've grown against that kind of shit and porn too. But tht one time was a cool experience.

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Probably because they are still pretty prudish and retarded when it comes to things like sex. Prostitution is still actually illegal in most parts of the USA and the police even do sting operations to arrest guys.

I'm content with getting a blowjob or indulging in fetishes. Always thought it was gross to actually fuck an escort

what's your degree bro
Where have you gone for sex tourism? how's the Zurich scene, and others you've been to?

>Each time costs me $1200
I could fuck about 15 girls for that in Thailand. As long as it makes you happy I guess.