Thanks for taking me out user

>Thanks for taking me out user.
what's the correct move here

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>My pleasure, Becky. How's your crepe?

Take her in.

>No problem user.
>What are you doing later?
>Maybe we can hang out at my place after this.

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Fuck. This girl and that meal remind me of a date I went on that went so fucking badly.
>not religious but go to church with my parents when I move back in after college just to be polite
>they made friends with another family and sit next to them every week
>they talk for like 10 minutes after each service before leaving
>family has a very cute daughter that looks like OP's pic but with shorter hair
>she always wears sweaters like that with a collared shirt underneath and a long skirt, which I think is beautiful on her
>after a few services we kind of branch out and start to talk outside while our parents talk
>find out she works for a nonprofit that kind of remakes donated clothes for poor children/families, like she sews them into new clothes and stuff
>tells me about how she cooks for her family most nights, tells me about her meal the night before
>I say it sounds delicious and she heavily implies she'll make it for me sometime but I figure she's just being polite
>she is so nice and polite and well-mannered
>super cute quiet voice yet still speaks in a very well-conposed manner with lots of passion about her hobbies
>now I just go to church for her
>she is definitely out of my league, but not by more than like 2 points (I'm relatively fit, blonde hair like hers but a weak chin)
>get home after church one day
>parents say they were talking with her parents about us and they like me and said they think she likes me
>chest flutters like crazy upon hearing this but I just kind of say "haha okay" and go to my room
>can't even bring myself to masturbate to her because she is so pure and I am unworthy because I have no confidence after being a loser throughout all of school
>also she is very religious while I am not at all but she thinks I am

Sure, whatever. Remember, I told you if you get extra refills we're not splitting the bill, so you better make that ice tea or gingerale or whatever dumb ass drink you got last, Becky. You can still drive me home, right? I have a raid at 2. God, you eat weird. My omelette was delicious, by the way, not that you asked.

Eagarly waiting for Part 2!

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The correct move is to take her out for breakfast every day until she's fat and self conscious a d dates you out of desperation

Hold back my tears as I inhale deeply.

Bro, if you talk like that to a women in front of my again, ill hit ya! Ill actually do it to. Show a bit of respect and let her enjoy her meal.

>dad comes into my room that night and we have a "man to man" talk (first time we ever had anything like that
>basically him just asking if I like her and saying I should ask her out on a date
>push back and say she'd probably say no and then things would be awkward between our families
>he laughs and assures me that wouldn't happen
>apparently her dad told him that he heard her talking to her mom about me
>just the thought of that feels like my chest is melting
>"just give it a shot, user, you wouldn't exist if it weren't for me doing the same with your mother"
>at this point I fell asleep with her on my mind every damn night and it was starting to eat at me and distract me at work
>just the thought of a girl like that actually thinking about me when we're not together made me confused
>the concept was so foreign to me that I felt like it'd be more realistic if she was an actress that my parents paid to make me less of a loser
>we have a good relationship but my parents knew I was very introverted and inexperienced with girls and hardly had any friends
>eventually just cram all my concerns and conspiracies and insecurities into the trash and say fuck all I'm just gonna do it that coming Sunday and be friendly if she says no
>not like rejection could crush my self esteem any more
>although I knew rejection from her would hurt more than from any other girl, I could rationalize that she was so much better than I was, better than any other girl I tried to ask out
>but she was so friendly with me even when I had no confidence, which girls apparently like
Anyway, fast forward to that Sunday

>literally finds a future wife
>planning on pussying out on the "too good for me" excuse
you're either larping here or you might actually be a sperg. ever heard of fake it 'till you make it?

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>Thanks for taking me out user.
>yw anonette, and you were sooo wrong ehehe... thinking I wasn't gona find you qt just because you don't like to wear makeup like the other girls.
>You don't need to be like them to be my girl

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split the check pls

>why'd you take me out for burritos you cheap fuck

Sorry for rambling, just cant get how I felt at the time out of my head. I've never felt like that since then. Or before her.
>at church
>we're sitting next to each other as we usually do how
>still don't believe the stuff but have a newfound respect for the church after seeing how great of a girl it could make
>do the peace-be-with-yous and my god touching her hand when she smiled at me was the best part of every week
>that alone gave me enough willpower to follow through afterwards
>so we talk outside as usual and she mentions a Mediterranean style wrap she was planning on making
>see my opening
>playfully say "That sounds delicious, so when are you going to teach me how to cook something like that?"
>she kind of blushes and looks down for a couple seconds
>fucking silence is rotting my heart as I start to think she's looking at the ground because I fucked it all up and made things awkward, but then she says something like
"Well I was planning on bringing it to this youth group I meet with on Wednesdays"
>more silence as I'm not sure what to say, then she looks back up at me for half a second then the ground again
>"you should come, if you want to, I think you'd like it"
>not ideal, but it's a good opportunity to build on a real date from there, like us meeting outside of church, even if it's a churchish thing and with other people
>so I tell her I'd like that
>then she finally looks up and even my socially retarded ass can tell her face is beaming and my confidence felt like it temporarily skyrocketed from that alone
>so I ask for her number to get the address info and blah blah blah, then she says see you Wednesday
Continue? If nobody's reading I'm just gonna go to bed. It's not a super exciting story, just stupid and fucking embarrassing and you already know I fuck it up because I'm posting on r9k alone on a Saturday night.

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Go to bed, I'm not reading that.

you can't just drop a scenario like that and walk away pretending you didn't stab people's heart

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i'm reading this bro keep posting. bigs ups for trying even if you did end up fucking it up .

>what's the correct move here
Rape i didn't even smile as i typed that. I felt nothing. I know i don't find it entertaining. I'm just sad. I felt like being edgy but the impulse was different this time. I wish i had a girlfriend. god i love rape

Keep going but change the ending to a happy one.

why don't you actually try praying and searching for God, then you can be the godly man she deserves

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lmao idk why this was so funny

>Wednesday comes around
>parents are visibly happy for me
>at this point I haven't even masturbated in like 5 weeks because maybe it's a combination of her and the church getting into my head or something
>I text her asking for the address and she says that I can just pick her up and she'll lead me there
>obviously I do this because it means more time with her
>meet her there, speak with the parents for a bit before leaving, they're just as nice as she is
>we get to the place and it's at another person's house, so kind of an informal sort of bible study thing I guess
>about 12 people in total, most around our age (early 20s at the time)
>then this fucking ripped surfer-looking dude with long blonde hair and a Jesus tank top steps up in front of everyone and starts an introductory prayer
>everyone holds hands
>I get to hold her hand
>they are so tiny and soft
>I peek over and she looks so cute with her eyes closed in a purple sweater and denim shorts
>fucking striped shorts, I had never seen her legs before
>not super short shorts, but just a few inches above her knees
>she was cross-legged, so they pressed against her crotch and I could not stop thinking about the fact that two thin pieces of fabric were separating her vagina from open air while I held her hand
>and her feet
>she had sandals on, but we took our shoes off at the entrance
>I've never been a footfag, but her feet gave me an appreciation and understanding for footfaggotry
>start getting erect, but attempt to banish my growing boner by focusing on the prayer
>feels like my dick is about to rip through my fucking jeans, so I take my hand and quickly reposition it in a less-restrictive spot
>realize that I basically just touched my dick and then touched her hand again and the only thing separating my penis from her vagina was four layers of fabric and three feet of atmosphere
>boner starts getting harder

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>You didn't tell the waiter to hold the ketchup? Wait, you actually LIKE ketchup on your eggs?
>Serve her two smacks across the ears
>You have a pussy.. you have a pussy right?
>Okay, pussy lines up straight like that, right? To the right of it and to the left of it are pockets right? In those pockets are money. Look in either one of them... Pay the bill!
>Stand up, turn 360 degrees and walk away

Just start throwing up all over the table

who else here is a vomitchad?

Thanks. It really isn't that bad, but I still just wish I didn't even do it to begin with.
>surfer guy wraps up the prayer
>boner is painful at this point
>"looks like we have some new faces here today!"
>he has everyone go around and introduce themselves and then asks me and some other new guy to stand
>the other guy jumps right up while I kind of hold back
>then I feel a hand on my shoulder
>look over and she smiles at me and says to go on
>boner is seriously concerning me now
>but instead of making a big deal and drawing more attention to myself, I begin to stand
>as the fabric from my jeans rubs against my dick, I feel an orgasm coming on
>halfway through standing up, if a breeze entered through the window, I would nut myself
>I freeze and close my eyes for a second to focus all of my energy on not creaming in my pants
>taste blood because of how hard I'm biting my tongue to distract my stupid horny brain from the boner
>I am now the center of attention
>surfer guy asks if I'm alright
>"h..heh-heh, yeah, my leg just fell asleep"
>soft chuckle from group
>somehow manage to regain composure and stand up without cumming
>holding my hands together in front of my crotch to hide erection as discreetly as possible
>then like he knows and is toying with me, asks what made us come today
>I say her name
>"I hear her cooking brings everyone closer to god!"
>the crowd eats it up
>my boner starts to subside
>then we sit down and start talking about some god stuff for the next hour
>the people are actually pretty cool and I'm even enjoying myself a bit despite my close call from earlier
>as the god stuff wraps up, most people have some food they brought that they're now laying out on the table
>I help her take her dish from the fridge and assort it on a tray
>she says she's glad I came (I'm glad I didn't)
Next part should be the last

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>Continue? If nobody's reading I'm just gonna go to bed. It's not a super exciting story, just stupid and fucking embarrassing and you already know I fuck it up because I'm posting on r9k alone on a Saturday night.

Noooooo user, what... It was going so well...

I don't even know this surfer faggot and I want to kill him. Given how long it's taking you to write the next part, I'm assuming its bad.

>I'm extremely lactose intolerant
>I'm also culinarilly retarded so I didn't realize that her Mediterranean wraps would have a lot of feta cheese and tzatziki in them
>I realize this after one bite, but have to eat them because I want to be nice
>and they tasted amazing, so I had a few
>people are eating and socializing inside
>we step out on the deck for some fresh air
>we're sitting on a bench
>things are going very well
>we're talking nonstop
>we're making eye contact
>we're sitting so close I can feel her body next to mine
>my penis starts getting hard
>she mentions it's a little chilly outside
>I don't know where this came from, but I immediately wrap my arm around her, which is received very positively
>I have never done this before, but I think I'm doing it well
>my penis gets harder
>she snuggles a bit closer to me
>in doing so, her empty plate falls on the ground
>she bends over to pick it up
>no more than a quarter-inch of her white panties become visible when her sweater comes up a bit to reveal her back
My erection from before has come back with a vengeance.

Ah, the terrible pain of not being open with sexuality.

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Come on man i dont have all day

>she sits back again, placing the plate to the side
>she leans into my arm again
>for the first time since I've known her, we're sitting in silence (excluding during mass)
>but it's not an awkward silence, it's the best silence I've ever heard
>my stomach hurts like hell but I don't even care
>she scoots a bit closer
>she tilts her head into my shoulder
>with her left hand, she softly grabs my left hand from underneath, interlocking our fingers
>she places her right hand on top of my hand
>she slowly drags it to rest them upon the area our thighs were touching
>in doing so, the back of her left hand lightly grazed the tip of my penis
>all this, along with the building tension throughout the last few months, and (of course) the image of that sliver of her panties still in my mind was to much
>I immediately jump up
>due to my lactose intolerance and stomach full of cheese and yogurt, this proved to be a terrible idea
>despite all the stupidity leading up to this moment, I at least knew I didn't have enough time to run inside through everyone for a bathroom
>I just yelled something about being sick as I dashed towards the stairs to the backyard (we were on a two-story deck) while undoing my belt, button, and zipper
Basically, I managed to get my dick out in time to dump a half-gallon of cum all over the handrail before tripping forwards and somersaulting down the stairs as liquid shit sprayed out my ass and all over myself and the backyard. I woke up on the pavement with my pants around my ankles, my body covered in feces, ejaculate, and blood, to the voice of the surfer guy saying something about getting a hose. You can add tears and snot to the list of shit on my face because I started crying like a child as I ran to my car while trying to pull up my pants as everyone stared from the deck.
And I left a shoe there.
And I never went to church again.

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