How would your parents if you got a girl pregnant?

How would your parents if you got a girl pregnant?

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well seeing as I'm 23, they'd probably do nothing
i did get someone pregnant when I was 18 but I convinced her to do a redneck abortion with citrus pills directly in the vagina. it was pretty funny and one of the few normalfag experiences I had desu

I have no clue.
What about you op?

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I got a lady pregnant years ago on a family vacation. My parents had to pay her money and were all hush hush about it.

>I could have reproduced, but I chose to be a genetic dead end lol
do you regret it?

Did it twice. Parents were thrilled. But then I'm a married normie, so that's not an uncommon reaction.

They'd possibly be the only people in the world happier than I would be about it.

>I convinced her to do a abortion

You should be killed

Can you get me pregnant user?

>How would your parents if you got a girl pregnant?
Surprised and accepting. Maybe even a bit disappointed since I don't have my shit quite together yet.

Why does she look like a fucking seahorse? I forgot flat girls look disgusting when pregnant.

no because you are a boy

not really, who cares about some seed you've planted in a literal who, especially when you're leaving town to go to college?
besides, if I really want kids then I can take care of that later
>dude have kids at an early age and be fucked lmao
okay christian
we both know that you'd do the same thing if you were a dumb teenager and it's better than being a deadbeat

based on the pic she's still fairly early in the pregnancy
her tits will grow more to feed the kid

>it's better than being a deadbeat
Maybe you could, you know, take care of them?

They would probably be like "so you werent gay this whole time huh user", thanks dad

>Wowwwww, congrats, son. Took you long enough. Glad to know you aren't gay after all.
>I'm so happy! I can't wait to be a grandmother! I knew I could count on you and not your idiot brother!

They'd be fucking thrilled LOL

Is this the first time you realized you're gay?

I dont get it. I don't understand it. Why do you browse this place?

fucking hell take some responsibility.
or get a soul or something.

they would be mad but they would still love and support me and my child, because i have good parents.

>convincing a girl to cram some fruit gushers up her pussy so she could shit out a dead baby
>normalfag experience

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I'm fresh out of hs so I imagine that it would depend on how girl handles it, I doubt they'd care too much if it didn't stop me from going to uni, maybe they'd be a tad bit disappointed at first but I think I'd be able to handle it.
That being said I've still never even held a grils hands ;-;

Given the fact I never leave the house they straight wouldn't believe me, then prob feel bad for the girl because I'm currently NEETing like a mother fucker. Gotta get those DJ gigs, m8

the universe/earth is a dead end. who gives a shit about suffering through raising another ego tripping bald ape and then rejoining the void besides brainlets who can't think past cooming?

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You can't be serious. That image is hot as fuck.

Shit, I need to step up my Sims modding game

i set up a breeding farm and all the kids get taken away by cps

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probably really fucking glad to have grandchildren
my sister keeps jumping between boyfriends as far as i know and my older brother has a job but is probably a cyborg or something who posts here, closest thing he had to a gf was going to prom with a girl as a "friend"

10 years ago they would be sad, now they would be secertly happy.
maybe they shouldnt have repressed me from going to Le-evil-society concerts and parties as a teenager if they wanted grand kids