The most interest race of extinct people

The selk'nam or ona people, lived at the tip of south america. Near antartica. They were cold tolerant, as they would walk naked. Men would commonly exceed 7 feet tall. As bigger bodies conserve more heat.

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Uhh I don't think there is much content for this type of discussion. Where did you find this info?

and it is called Patagonia becuase when the spanish conquistator saw them, call them "patagones" translation would be something like big legs or big foots.

Bump for intrest annon

I have never heard of this. why am I skeptical now?

Are these guys where the myth of bigfoot comes from like how the pygmies were really real?

No, bigfoot is a North American "myth" that dates back to times before whites inhabited NA.
Bigfoot is or was real, user. There's a lot of evidence for it.

Your talking about the fuegians from Isla del fuego right? They were not that tall. Just taller than other native Americans.

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we should have kidnapped them and forced them to play basketball

Guarantee that if these people still existed there'd be an entire fetish genre for it

Isn't it odd that North and South American natives share very similar traits to Asians? Makes you wonder if it's just from the adaptation or if they came over from Asia.

They came from Asia
Similar genetics and phenotypes point towards it
They probably came over the Bering land bridge and made contact with the Clovis people

>tfw no qt brown giantess gf
I wonder what they would think of an erect white penis.

>Extinct race
>1 billion population
Make a better thread

This. They are asian derived and so are the selk'nam

There's not even a million of them, you imbecile, let alone a whole billion.

I dunno man I figured primates and hominids just evolved separately from scratch in the Americas.

Hello I am a native American user from Canada who has been involved in several genetics studies due to my ancestry.
Your theory is plausible and supported by both current science and native myths.
Many Inuit tribes today still have legends of crossing a land bridge from the east, and modern genetic testing has proved that northern tribes contain very similar DNA to that of native Mongolians.
This is still uncommon knowledge however, since the scientific community is surprisingly slow to change.

i assume hes saying the whole population of south and central America but thats not a billion by a large margin. also they are all mixed with white and other ethnic groups obviously.

>They were cold tolerant, as they would walk naked. Men would commonly exceed 7 feet tall. As bigger bodies conserve more heat.
nice meme you retard those are myths

history always exaggerates shit to the extremes
most taller native tribes where around 5'9.5 on average while europeans where around 5'5.5
those guys op is talking about might have averaged 6'0 at best

bro i swear the hyperboreans are real my nigga

The nigger is chilean. Fuck Chile

they'll snap it off with one hand

Hey OP, I'm that one retard from last night who said he's into unique racial morphology and anatomy. So, do you think these people are the descendants of denisovans or something?

just go find a 6'0 tall native girl
since that's as tall as the top 1% of females in that extinct tribe

They were a different species. But Asians and abbos have some of their fna. Like less than 5%

I know they were a different species, lol. But since Asians bred with them and now carry some of their DNA, surely these people do to considering they originally came from Asia. They're basically proto mongoloid too, and had less of a variance in their genetics so maybe they kept more denisovan traits

.....??? What's the point of this worthless thread, and your life for that matter.

seething faggot fagola

>also they are all mixed with white and other ethnic groups obviously.
some south american samples.

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