/creative robots/

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A post nightcore album
Maybe someone here can appreciate it



Attached: 2C8EC6A5-45A9-40D9-9C4A-943BB3E67889.jpg (1165x1005, 375.98K)

Enhanced this picture among other things.

Attached: 1587346577401.jpg (2048x1080, 313.02K)

I made a beat in ableton and threw some vocals over it


I made this EP for my birthday, I put my my heart into it


Made some lyrics for a song. I know how i want it to sound but have no programs to actually make it sadly. Mostly a rock song. Deals with pain and regret. Has a side of crazy. Will post first verse, so i dont hit the text limit.

A gift

I offer you a gift. A gift made, specially, for you.

Verse 1

It feels like this is a waking nightmare
Never even going to get anywhere
Gifted with intelligence, wit and power
Feeling just like an emotionless brick walled tower

Chorus (first verse ver.)

With my spirits all around me
I cant even try to understand
What makes me do the things i do
To everyone around me

Ive forgotten how to feel
Does this even feel real?

What makes you see red
Only makes me

Bump so this thread doesnt die

i thought this was pretty good until i heard mad world
curious though, what is the video footage of

I don't like the trap beat style at all, but the rest was pretty fucking cool. I don't know if it was intentional, but the dissonance (and the random deep breaths) made it sound pretty interesting and creepy. I genuinely liked this track. Some nice "weird" music.

Cool bump time

>creativity thread in a community known for its social anxiety and insecurity
>music critic time


My latest coronacore song.

Attached: __sekiutsu_maria_tarou_sayonara_zetsubou_sensei_drawn_by_johan_liebert_artist__84957621cd15519bf2617785f26d394c.png (1685x1441, 869.64K)

what is your point? people typically come to these threads looking for feedback. im not the person you're replying to but i dont see what they did wrong

People come to these threads to share things they made they're not comfortable sharing anywhere else. I can promise you that the critique, however constructive, has a chilling effect.

Nobody gets better without constructive critism and nobody has said anything rude here. What's the point of critique if its dishonest and only says positive things?

Stop figuring how some way you're magically right, and just read what I already fucking said holy shit.

Stop being such a pussy about a completely innocent criticism that wasn't even harsh in any way

Don't be a little bitch. I said I liked it. Even then, it does you no favors to be an artist and not be able to handle criticism. I'm a musician myself and I got a lot of help thanks to the criticism I received from posting my music on this board over the years.

k have fun with your thriving creativity general where you pretend you're Simon Cowell and it's r9k.

made this spread for an automotive zine im doing

Attached: @theautodidacts pg 4.png (1395x902, 1.31M)

imagine being this butthurt about one little reply, jesus dude

>Simon Cowell
Is that the guy that critiques people really well?

Can you do me next?

>I'm a music instructor or something. This is American Idol.

It's like a fountain of noise and silence, in and out, sound, being piped from your heart directly into my ear. 10/10 I love you.

Attached: love-yourself-you-are-amazing.png (600x700, 32.75K)

here is my sketch for tonight

Attached: gunny2.png (1352x2893, 1.95M)

This isn't a safe space. I want real critique, like you gave the other guy.

oh fuck you lol

my plan was to do a cleaner version of this girl from another recent drawing but i ended up just doing the sketch and coloring

Attached: clip.png (2224x3472, 1.48M)

Bro, he said he liked your track.
Would you prefer that he said it was objectively shit because there was no tone matching or lower frequency to hold it together? It's all high frequency noise without any coherence.

Based and redpilled to be honest senpai. Thank you.

Yeah, sure. I'm listening to it right now. It's a pretty nice, chill track played by some pretty competent musicians, even though I'm not too into the blues myself. The Subway banner thing made me think it was going to be a jokey shitpost. Hope this isn't an attempt at pulling my leg. Awesome that you're gigging too, again if this is sincere. Also, sorry about that stupid spam bot in your comments. I get them on my Soundcloud too.
Also, this user is not me.