
>tfw below grade 1
>goes away when cold
I have to wear an extra shirt underneath to hide it
not my pic

Attached: Type-1-gyne-1.jpg (300x300, 19.56K)

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damn thanks for the piece of mind, OP. I thought I developed minor gyno but I dont look as severe as type 1. I guess I am just chubby.

Me too. I'm currently fasting to cut body fat to make cutting that shit out easier. I already have a scalpel

You dont even need hrt to transition lmao
Fuck you

Lol bro mind if I play with your mitties?

>there are boys with fat titties jiggling next to their keyboards posting right now
Holy shit bros...

same here, i have minor pseudo gyno and its honestly ruined my life, my confidence, how i interact with people, and even my posture. its like chacles on my feet that are stopping me from becoming an active normal person. ive even lost like 30 pounds this year but it doesnt seem to go away.

i think the only way to get rid of it is surgey.

I'm heading to Korea, when the lock down ends, to get mine cut out. It has ruined my confidence and posture. Knowing that I can get rid of it soon make me feel so much better.

its definetly not as bad as this but its noticable enough through shirts

over for gynocels

same, in a couple years in going to a gynecologist and getting rid of it, it will definetly be a life changing thing for me as ive had it as long as i can remember

>ive even lost like 30 pounds this year but it doesnt seem to go away.
Start doing push-ups. You will start to see see a difference if you keep at it every day for a month.

i do a shit ton of push ups and planks, i have an entire routine i do but it hasnt seemed to do anything.

>i have an entire routine i do but it hasnt seemed to do anything
I find that hard to believe. Maybe you have some body dysmorphia. Have you been taking regular progress pics?

user its genetic it won't go away unless you get surgery

just gain muscle you autistic fuck, you ever seen a muscular womans tit?
you cant even tell theres a tit

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no but its still just as notiable as it was before i lost the weight. if anything has changed i would have definatly noticed

what benefit do i get from lying to you about that

I got gyno. Going to get the surgery but trying to lose as much weight as possible before then. Had this shit for close to a decade and Im fucking done

how bad is this gyno?

Attached: 20200502_2053251.jpg (2080x2644, 881.45K)

post a pic then. let us judge how severe it is and how much is in your mind.

You sure it's gyno? Cut to a low body fat and see if you still have it.

Just looks like fat to me, can you feel anything hard underneath your nipples? If not then it's not gyno.

picture coming up

stupid question but does it ever go away with time? for a year or so now I've fixed my diet and exercise more frequently to no effect

how far underneat? i can push the nipple way back, just fat right?

You know any sepcialists who can surgically remove my gyno?

there's definitely little tender bits
I hateit
these aren't me btw

my nipples used to be painful to the touch but that has gone away completely through the years, although the gyno stays

>In true gynecomastia, glandular breast tissue develops in one or both breasts. This tissue may be located directly behind the nipple. Gently feel your breast with your fingertips. If you have gynecomastia, you should feel a soft, rubbery lump in one or both breasts.

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