Is there any other group of people that has it harder than short men?

Is there any other group of people that has it harder than short men?

Attached: FF56D029-CDFA-4042-B307-02F7B6C04694.jpg (1536x2048, 505.96K)

Plenty, But it must be hell being that height especially in today's time.

>200k working at JP morgan at 23
If only I was born short I would have become successful to compensate


People with real problems.

give examples brainlet

how is this not a real problem?

look at these seething manlets

Attached: Manlet Police.webm (720x1276, 1.08M)

Holy shit, I thought he was gonna say he's 5'5 as is, but that's what he aspires to be? I just feel bad that limb lengthening surgery is apparently extremely painful and leaves you with lasting pain.
I don't care for being 5'9, but it ain't bad.

I get it's a disadvantage, but some girls specifically like short guys. r9k is such a meme these days.

I'd trade in my autism for being a Manlet in a heartbeat.

I feel bad for laughing that's so fucking degrading.

>Is there any other group of people that has it harder than short men?

>some girls
I'd wager it's less than 1% of the female population. He is 5'2, keep that in mind.

Being abo is comfy though. Literally get paid to bum around drinking VB.

Too bad he's straight. Gay men love shorties.

I would rather be a manlet than an abo

Attached: A36F98B5-26EE-4C77-B38A-F2FA8A5E2101.jpg (800x450, 69.47K)

because they look like little boys

you sound retarded. short men have it so hard

1% seems low. I'd wager more like 5%. And plenty more would settle. Short is hardly ever a deal breaker, even super short.

Not me. If I was a 6ft abo, I would sleep in bushes, fight cunts, and get fucked up everyday. I would have thick strong bones and elemental resistances. I would travel through the mountains in a pair of old jeans, living off the land. I would live a good life.

You genuinely believe that 5% of the female population actively seeks out short men?

>tfw you will never get in yer ute and drive to hang out with yer abo bros, sniffing petrol and watching footie

That or I'm overexposed to women who date shorter guys. Seems too common to be 1%

I'd be so fucking pissed. Like he wasn't even resisting, let him walk.

Try being an autistic, balding, dicklet manlet

>L-Let him walk!!!
Not with those short legs. It's faster just to carry him.

Attached: But You'll Always be a Manlet.webm (854x480, 1.87M)

How much can you grow like that?

Based on OPs image, 3-4". But like the filename says, you'll still have a manlet's brain and a manlet's genes.

I'm 4'11, my husband is 5'4 and I prefer him over taller guys. I know for sure it's gotta be more than that, I'm not the only one who hates being crushed in the bedroom.

This is horrible to watch. There has be all sorts of complications this can lead to.

Yeah, but most of the time it does work
t. saving up for this