It's time, chart thread

It's time, chart thread.
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Where's yours OP?
last thread died pretty quickly

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I feel obligated at this point to always post since I put a good amount of time into it

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I'm so desperately bored send help

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+ tabletop
+ full metal alchemist
where did you get the name national geopatrick from?
+ mel gibson
+ napoleon
+ bismarck
+ blade runner
+ airbender
+ dark souls

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Updated mine quite a bit.

+TV shows
Nice beard beard bro

++TV shows, specially for Clone Wars
+Mel Gibson
My man, add me up so we can play some TF2 and maybe watch the finale of the Clone Wars.

+Hobbies, bonus for history its a rare one to see
TV shows
Add me up my dude, we can have some fun, talk or play somethin my man.

+++TV shows (for Xavier, best TV series)
+Food I've wanted some spaggget for a while now

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When I was in like 5th grade I got my first phone with a camera and I was pretty fascinated by it. My mom kept interrupting me while I was recording random things like "rare footage of patrick's shoe in it's natural habitat." When I told her I was recording, she said asked if I was filming important footage for national geographic. I responded that I was recording for national geopatrick. I thought that was clever, so I made a bunch of shitty videos in middle school with my brother, sorta imitating Monty Python since I was pretty obsessed with them at the time. Shitty as they are, I'm not embarrassed about them because a) I was a middle schooler, at least I was doing something creative b) the jokes occasionally land.

You know King Bradley, Sauron, and Darth Vader are villains, right?

+eric andre
-florida ain't so bad
+cool pokemon
+even better animal, i feed the crows in my neighborhood and they are a highlight of my day

+floral shoppe
+daft punk

+++batman animated/clone wars are cartoons of culture

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I don't care how much the filler and the war arc sucked, I was an outcast, autistic kid with a shitty home life and naruto vs gaara made me feel feelings.
Ne Obliscaris is excellent and Muse is pretty good too.

Holy shit this took forever

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Any chilean fags who feel the same way llike I do??? Or are you part of the scum that runs over this country nowadays?

didnt post the chart, I m fucking retarded

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To be fair I've never been to Florida. It just seems really hot and humid and filled with super rednecks in the north, party obsessed in the south, and drugs all over.

Batman and south park are the definitive best western cartoons

+Rick and Morty
+Yang/politics in general
-anime is good

+stiens gate
would be on mine if I had made this more recently
-Catcher in the Rye
worst book I've ever read

my city does indeed have higher average humidity than the amazon rainforest. i guess what i like about it most is all of the wildlife- the two kinds of people you named are drawbacks, but once you look past them we have beaches, keys, oak forests, different kinds of swamps including the Everglades, and some of the last remaining prairie land in the US. now i just want everything to open back up so i can go canoeing...

>worst book I've ever read

I personally enjoyed it cause I understood the feeling of being unale to connect wiht anyone but you, and the fact that you are useless and the only way to feel urself satisfied is by helping others that arent fully independent

this is moi plain and original

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I still watch the NZ mass shooter video. Instead of muslims, I wish it were commies

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>freedom of individuality

make me a favor and kill yourself

same, I even downloaded it

Why the P-51 Mustang though

based favorites. albums are kind of memey but also pretty good.
this one made me laugh with the downward spirals of 'no's. based.
based favorites, very based games. was that mde show the one that got cancelled? never got into them. albums are straight up memes.
tf2 is fucking great, just got back into it. pretty good time period when the world wasn't entirely aids.
>gender identity
i'm so sorry you were abused.
(under the western freeway is fucking based though)
super based movies & vidya. hope you live to see the world superhighway and accomplish your goal of visiting every other country in the world.
>that comedian
in all seriousness though you guys had your chance and you threw him in jail.
work on your handwriting. generally alright though

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I like a good camping trip as much as the next guy but how are you supposed to enjoy it in that weather?

I never got that vibe from it, so I guess you see something I don't.

-writing everything out with a paintbrush is AIDS. You know ms paint has a typing tool right?

Same m8!!! hahahaha, good old times... One day I was bored in GTA V and I recreated the mass shooting, uploaded to YT and got IP banned in less than an hour.

I m getting myself in a few months an assault rifle. When finally I accept my suicide, because I have no reason to live, I will do the same thing

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-Australia isn't real

+Bill Burr
+Ra-ra Rasputin
+Free Poneys
+GOT (Sandor Clegane +)


+ Tabletop RPGs
+ Tulsi Gabbard
+Cool long hair with bird
+Monty Python

- Belives that Birds are real

>chilean fag here

Who are you talking about? Pinochet? If it's him, yeah... Even tho he was an authoritarian, he did what we needed most: Freedom. He didnt got rid of all commies

because they're kool

i've actually been abused in multiple ways but i find my personal decisions are very freeing from past trauma, pet sounds is a good album

i guess growing up in it makes it a little different

If they had a section for favorite government spy drone model, I would have put it there instead, but since they only have one for animal, I'll just have to keep up the charade, for now.

If you look at the MC of The Catcher In The Rye, you will always see that with peopl of the "same" age as him he was always unable to mantain a normal conversation. It was because he never wanted to grow up, lose that inoccence and happiness that only childhood could ever give you. He never wanted to grow up and become a senseless normie who just follows what society ask him to do. That's why he wanted to be "the catcher in the rye", because he wanted to protect the innocence of the children and avoid them to fall out into the disgusting void of adulthood, so he will never feel alone, and he could have a purpose for living

yeah Pinochet was great. he didn't get rid of them but he sure tried. can't believe the Chileans took their once in a lifetime opportunity and threw it in the gutter.

well maybe the problem I have no idea what people mean by the "innocence" of children. Kids are mostly vicious, a self-centered worldview, an intuitive awareness of social status, and an inherent inclination to destroy things for fun. Also my childhood was not happy so I guess I can never relate to something that depends on that kind of nostalgia.

link to channel for those who dont want to type:

>iNEqUalItY iS tHE sAMe As poVeRty
>wE nEEd tO tAkE aWAy riCH peOPLe'S MoNEY
>wE gOT tO eXTEnd tHE mInimUm wAGE aNd at tHE sAme tIMe uP tAxEs
>haTe sPeeCH iSNt fREe sPEEch
>mUh fEMminiSM


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>haTe sPeeCH iSNt fREe sPEEch
but commie speech isn't free speech?

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