Would you date a 6'1 bio woman? Men have either rejected me over my height alone...

Would you date a 6'1 bio woman? Men have either rejected me over my height alone. Or I keep running into guys who have a tall girl fetish and want me to "dominate" them for their unresolved mommy issues.
I just want to be treated like a normal girl, it's not my fault I am this tall.

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Yes. I am 5'7.

Rip op. You should be able to find someone eventually.

if shes qt3.14 for sure. Idgaf about height or race or whatever I'm just picky with haircut, hygiene and attractiveness.

Nigga this is Zig Forums most guys here would date anybody with a pulse and a natural vagina

who's standards are still that high?

Yes I don't care about height. I also do not like mummy or daddy stuff.

Not only will I date you, I will make you pregnant.

not mine
no infected wounds though they have to still have a cute cock

I would date a 6'1" woman, but not one who cuts, or attention whores on Zig Forums

Are you saying you wouldn't an infected wound if offered to you?

Post a pic of yourself showing your height OP. Let's see what we are dealing with here

Would you date a 5'4" man that weighs 300lbs

My mom's 6'2

That's against the rules though, tard.

I would, I'm 6'4"I had a crush on the 6 foot girl in hs. depends on your build though a lot of tall women are pretty big and boxy, she was very skinny.

Sure, I'm 5'11".

No, sorryy.


Stop making these fucking stupid threads if you won't date the fucking men who say yes. You just want us to feed your ego. FUCK OFF GET THE FUCK OUT.

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Describe exactly how you'd like to be treated.
Like, what do you want out of a relationship with a guy? What kinds of things would you do together?
It's clear you're so used to looking intimidated or fetishized as an exotic plaything that you're really craving that need to be loved tenderly and taken care of.

looking intimidated.** my bad

>Would you date a 6'1 bio woman?
Yeah. I wouldn't have a probl...
>want me to "dominate" them
Never mind.



I will treat you with love, user
Do you have a discord or something I can contact you on?

wait... what if OP is my crush?? quick, what year did you graduate?

Ha I'm taller than you I'm 6'2"


I'd date you I don't want to be the sub either I just want a gf I can put my arms around

I'm at least 6'3", and I wear boots on the regs.

I would love a girl that is taller than me, but I'm more than accepting of tall women because dating womanlets is fucking weird (my gf in highschool was 5'1" and it was weird).

Height is hot

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Fermosiel ad reuole ge fedes

Yes. But I'm 5' 5'' so I know you'd never consider someone like me.

Shit you are right. Whatever then I guess what a dumb rule.