Tfw can feel the shadow bugs laying eggs inside me

>tfw can feel the shadow bugs laying eggs inside me

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What shadow bugs, user?

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the little friends that crawl around when you're not looking at them directly

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And you're not happy about bringing these shadow bug offspring into this world? You're basically like their dad.

>shadow people are transmitting their diseases epidermally into my flesh and giving the voices the hunger for human meat

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I'm their food but perhaps you're right. I should embrace it with a smile.

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thats not the shadow bugs laying eggs in you
it's me

>The skeleton inside the TV has summoned the electricity spiders

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A mother also provides nutrients to her fetus.

It's my turn to lay eggs

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Congratulations. You're going to be a mommy.

>the man in the painting is getting closer

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Well, invite him in.

why does this have to be the last thread i read before going to sleep

Don't worry, you're going to be up for at least a couple more hours looking at various threads.

This isn't a thread. This is in your head.

Every thread is in your head, except the ones you don't see.

Bro wtf even is this thread

It's good to try and sleep, you can't feel them as much

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>the shadowman is in the doorway and I can't look or else I'll awaken something truly evil

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>Saw the mannequin man in the back of my car tonight

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It's all in your head, user!

>the diphenhydramine bugs burrowed through my eyelids again

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Is there more to this strip? I've always wondered about the context

>The big phone in my backyard keeps ringing.

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>the faceless man is whispering through the vent again

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I unironically see shadow people in the corner of my eye sometimes and it freaks me the fuck out

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>the alien is in the hallway again
I can hear its breathing apparatus and its space suit's beeping. I'm too scared to look outside

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at least the shadowniggers aren't shifting the timeline again

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theres a winged child in my room. he just looks. never speaks

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Sober, I always notice them as they scuttle across the backs of my knees. Drinking helps thank God. Fuckers only seem encouraged if I tense or twitch to show them I'm awake.

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