You guys seen this shit? Furry fucks been killing cats on omegle

You guys seen this shit? Furry fucks been killing cats on omegle

Attached: 0her4o8wiwv41.jpg (565x427, 24.33K)

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I have to say,
I keked

is this b8. i think thats a coyote skin, not a cat.

she has killed cats and skinned them alive as well, just not in this picture. Shes on tiktok as the_crazy_cat_lady_first and has posted herself eating cats and her wearing cat skins. its disgusting

wow what a crazy person. thats awfuk

>just not in this picture
if you don't have proof then whats the point

Someordinarygamer on youtube made a whole video about the person. I have yet to watch it and he has been wrong in the past though.

It should be over the head not the face

I saw his video. Crazy bitch.

>tiktok as the_crazy_cat_lady_first
all the proof you need

Shes props faking with spoffed webcam footage. Only fagogts believe it

People of Reddit found the girl responsible for the killing.


Take it with a grain of salt, but apparently her and her family are a part of a satanic cult.

>another anti-furry psyop
give it a rest

Father was arrested for sexual misconduct with a minor.

Father's FB has been found, along with the mother.

Reddit was able to track this girl down in a matter of three days.

People are currently building up a case to admit to the authorities for a proper search warrant.

>herself eating cats and her wearing cat skins
>as opposed to eating and wearing pigs, cows, rabbits, deer, ...
Not to mention how many rich safari fucks have giant fucking cat rug in front of fireplace.

It's speculated that the father had something to do with his daughter (person in question) in regards to sexual misconduct

>Not to mention how many rich safari fucks have giant fucking cat rug in front of fireplace

How many people have you actually fucking seen with one of those? How many fucking people? Do you live in the 1850s you fucking relic? Does everyone around you wear a fucking tophat with a cane or some shit? Go fuck your own ass.

Different user

I'm opposed to killing and eating of all animals, but this scenario is clearly different from hunting, it's torturing and skinning an animal while it's still alive.

And you trust this arrogant street shitter?

Attached: 286E45E0-5EB1-432F-8452-527EB90C2DF8.jpg (521x521, 33.01K)

The girl in question was indeed having sex with her father.

>skinning an animal while it's still alive
Good fucking luck with that, especially on a cat, you will end up with fur full of holes completely unusable for making anything.

Ever heard of cotton?

Call Someordinarygamers a street shitter again and I'll fuck your throat so hard you'll be suckng all your meals through a straw

Ever heard of leather ?

This fucker breed evil into this world and proceeded to fucker her

>And you trust this arrogant street shitter?

Attached: 551.png (600x729, 290K)

based and mutapilled

You whitey still fighting Indians???

>furry faggot tortures cats
>give anti-furry psyop a rest
this HAS to be fucking bait

Sick fucks fucking their own kids...

Swear to god, purge this earth now.