Is it just me or is trauma, an overwhelmingly large percentage of the time, completely socially invented/inflicted...

Is it just me or is trauma, an overwhelmingly large percentage of the time, completely socially invented/inflicted? People get literally groomed into their identities as traumatized or abused or damaged by whatever arbitrary thing by misguided or manipulative people, and get stuck living horrible lives that they allow to be defined by these things. They live in mental cages and imprison others by spreading their thought-poison.

Those who are sheltered from this madness or who have been taught to reject are the only ones still able to define their own selves.

Who would that be, you may ask? Asians, their culture barely even recognizes mental health as existing and if you begin blabbering about your traumas, identity, narrative, and self-perception you will either be seen a quirky and childish, or cast aside for being an idiot.

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I agree, sort of.
>mprison others by spreading their thought-poison.
A lot of it is just not forcing people to grow up, cuddling them with easy lives, when really adulthood should start at 12 years old. I dont mean kick them out at 12, but start them on the road and by 16 they should be ready for self supprot, earning thier own budget and room and board

It's just you, yes. People begin showing and experiencing trauma symptoms long before others notice those signs in them or identifying them as damaged. A 25 year old might have their symptoms recognized by a therapist, but those sympathetic still existed at 7 and 10 and 12. Trauma exists regardless of how invalidating a culture is or isn't.

It's poison.

I see men deliberately indoctrinating their new girlfriends with this bullshit as a way to manipulate them and their character and make them theirs all the time. These people do so practically on cue, without even being aware that they are doing so. If they can achieve an invalidation of their partner's former thought dictators, even if it comes at the cost of fabricating a "trauma", it is a win for them in their game of conquering their mind.

Some people might call me a psychopath for writing these things plainly, but NPCs, normies, and low IQs alike all engage in this type of behaviour constantly, without any awareness of it.

You seem as though you're possibly referring very specifically to what could be considered to be real trauma. I think, with regards to how real a trauma is, it exists on a gradient, but traumas, at this stage, are largely only as real as they are given the power to be by the individual and their surrounding thought leaders, and there has been a surge in the past decades to hyper-validate any trauma any person believes they may be suffering from, even ones which are complete excuses used to explain away thoughts and feelings they have as a direct result of their diet, lifestyle, quality of life, routine, genetics, surroundings, and so on.

I'm tired of americans. I'm tired of american culture. I'm tired of american psychology. I'm sick of all of this bullshit. I'm sick of it poisoning everybody I know. I'm sick of my mind being used as a proxy by these degenerate fucks to poison more people with bullshit.

I never realized until recently just how poisoned my entire social experience my entire life had been by americans until recently. I always knew it, but I never knew just how far things had gone. I'm pissed off and I want everybody with these values, across the whole political spectrum, to shut the fuck up forever.

Honestly, put bluntly, I'm traumatized by how stupid the world is, but not the world really, just the people in it.

Completely agree with you,
Asian parents fail to be aware of emotions and basing their happiness around purely materialistic wealth even if it costs important relationships.

Look at this board, it's everywhere here, it's disturbing.
People who's entire perceptions of reality have been manipulated for the worse by others into viewing themselves in these ways. No, fucking retards, I get that when you were a weak useless little kid people took care of you and saw it as endearing but being weak and useless as an adult will not get you shit and it's your own fucking fault if you want to play into that. Go learn, work on shit, make a fucking life for yourself.

It's time people grow up from this abhorrent bullshit they've been fed by their shit tier society.

They can at time take things to extremes that are undesirable, but they're often doing so as a result of rigorous education and a wealth of experiences which has led to them having a grounded view of reality. Look at the results, they work hard and don't waste their time crying and making excuses. Do you really think that's a shameful thing? Isn't this a standard which we should all aspire to? Actually, fuck it, it doesn't matter if you aspire to it or not, if you don't aspire to it and put every effort you can into living it, you're just going to get cast aside in favour of those who do, and now that you've read this, maybe you'll know who was responsible for that.

Hey there is another group who doesn't recognise mental health as existing or at least didn't once upon a time, its boomers, and a lot of them are crazy and cracked in the head, it was much more normal for them as kids to be abused, raped, harassed, bullied, suffer all sorts more indignities, the world was a different place. And now all the boomers are running around causing a lot of the worlds problems and in denial, a lot of them are the parents of these kids with trauma identities and make their kids trauma worse by telling them to toughen up or ignoring their suffering, I think a lot of robots also have these as parents probably

You know what else is fucked up? How much this shit works for women, and confuses people into thinking it's in any way a path to walk down, especially other women. Oh, and the "Chad" you all aspire to be? It's a social construct that exists only in the context of the existence of femininity. Congratulations, even by merely entertaining the thought of such a thing, you've already enabled yourself to believe things which pollute reality and fabricate non-existent social tensions. I can't wait for men to just take medication which lowers their sexual drive with little to no side effects until they decide, rationally, to have a child. That, and perhaps all pregnancies taking place outside of living humans, with optimally delivered nutrients solutions and optimized haploid cell genetic code.

The sad thing is that it we create society but then it molds the future generations and there is no true change, only a slow grind of concessions with the old ways.

If we really want to see change we must understand that it will be a long process and the only way to accelerate change for the better is with high degrees of education. But we place higher value on those who have more monetary success, not those who are more educated.

We can only hope that as technology moves forward the jobs around it will require more intelligence and then hope that people are willing to look at the world and ask what can cuange for the better.

prissy af but if you really gave a shit about trauma, and not just preventing white trash from reproducing too fast and choking out your own city species, you'd ban public school

You're fucking stupid. This entire notion of "boomers" you have is a socially fabricated Americanism. Congratulations on being indoctrinated by your bullshit culture. Great work perpetuating it. Asians with reserved views on mental health and psychiatric medications who raise truly disciplined and grounded children that work hard to educate themselves and make their world as great as possible do not implicate themselves in even a tiny fraction of the bullshit you've been brainwashed into associating with people born in some vague period of time.

"but we can't ban public school, that'll fuck the GDP" cool i guess now we know what outranks duh chillren

Hilarious to me how much being a "macho man" has been romanticized and idealized on here the past few years. The entire fabricated dichotomy of "alpha" versus "beta" is the most hilariously sad, self-defeating brainwash I've ever seen take hold of people's minds. Your perception of yourself and others is being played like a game, the people you think are clueless for not viewing the world in your ridiculous and childish ways? They've either not had their time wasted listening to idiots spouting this antiquated animalistic bullshit or are plainly too smart or too busy to give it any time of their day. It's not about being "Alpha", "Macho" or "Chad", you're instantly living your life for others and as a character in a story that isn't your own the moment you subscribe to this kind of shit and guide yourself based off of it.

School doesn't need to be banned, it needs to be evolved, the american school system that is envisioned when somebody in this god forsaken place utters the word "school" is a fucking atrocity, a relic from a completely different time, upheld and glamorized only by idiots and failures. It's so horrible that the people within it don't even realize how horrible it is, they literally cannot, they are not educated enough on the greater world to have any knowledge of how hard they're being played.

People from a time when society was much more shit are more retarded, they're called boomers, its pretty simple, and Asian boomers raise some fucked up kids too that end up committing suicide or cutting themselves just as much and have no defined "own self" like OP they are very bug like people sometimes, I've seen a ton of narcissist asians and all sorts of personality disorders in them, you sound like one of them or maybe some guy who jerks off to asian cartoons and glorifies them

Screencapping this. You give a form to some thoughts that have been wandering in the back of my mind.
People stop thinking for themselves and give in to simplistic, deformed views of the world to cope with what they can't understand or grasp, and the result is 90% of the dwellers on this board.

I don't jack off to shit and I'm not delusional about the rapid pace at which the average intelligence of humans is increasing, or how dumbfucked the americans you're describing, both old and young, plainly are. I'm not denying that what I'm describing is executed perfectly by all acting parties or that things aren't tough and competitive for those living on the cutting edge. You seem scared of this, and you seem like you fully are living in the fantasy world of modern american social psychology, and want to fight to continue living in your bullshit reality. I understand, the validity of your own perception and values are at stake, and nothing is more valuable than that to you, but let me be the one to tell you, then, that you are completely delusional.

I find it hilarious, also, that religious issues are still a wide reaching concern and debate in America, and, where else? Shitholes. You know why? Everyone else has moved on. Being religious and debating religious ideas with yourself is funny and cute, if you're a kid, maybe a teenager at most, once you're an adult it's just fucking pathetic. Outright. Completely fucking pathetic. I can't even imagine what it feels like being surrounded by clowns like this, and I'm not even remotely delusional about the utility of religious constructs, but religious ideas are completely defunct and antiquated in our modern era. Get with the fucking times.

And another thing, the american diet. How can anybody even live like this? A non-stop process of being poisoned in all directions, every meal, like a neverending rape on the wealth of potential that can be found with even just half decent genes. Disgraceful, american culture makes me want to fucking throw up. I'm not even going to capitalize the A, I don't give a shit if my web browser tells me I should by underlining it with a wavy red line. It doesn't deserve even that.

Oh, and calling people narcissistic is a go-to by losers to denigrate people they can tell, consciously or subconsciously, hold substantially more agency, power, or confidence than them. Maybe someday they'll have reached a point where they've worked hard enough at growing mature and educated that they won't waste their time on juvenile attempts to validate or invalidate the mental state they perceive in others in a vain effort to manipulate themselves and others around them with the thought at the back of their mind that it's necessary because they, and others, are NSC or Non Subject Characters. Hilarious how, in doing so, they groom both themselves and implicated others into further continuing to view themselves as such.

Only person in this thread with a brain.

Found the child

>Asians, their culture barely even recognizes mental health as existing and if you begin blabbering about your traumas, identity, narrative, and self-perception you will either be seen a quirky and childish, or cast aside for being an idiot.
Just because you don't recognise mental health doesn't mean it isn't still there. Their culture operates on shame rather than guilt so there's enormous social pressure to conform and be a good worker bee. At least in Japan, a lot of children crack under the pressure and become hikkis, and the suicide rate is fairly high.

I'm not endorsing the Western psychological coddling that goes on which generates extremely weak and needy people, but let's not pretend there aren't a host of problems that also come along with the Asian way of doing things, that is pretending it isn't a problem and shaming/ostrasicing anyone who shows any sign of psychological struggle.

Who holds the most power in modern american society? The baby. The child. Growing up, particularly as a man, is having this artificially given power stripped from you and being told that you must now work, become educated, and prove yourself among the others doing the same in order to acquire power once again. Perhaps the child should never be given such an indulgence of power to begin with, or taught to believe their actions are meant to be guided by reward and punishment. Just another mental poison.

why am i being asked to choose between "medical-industrial complex gets veto over my relationships" and "raised by asians"

I don't believe any culture in the world is doing it completely right at the moment, especially when you consider a culture, in the context of this discussion, likely refers to tens or hundreds of millions of individuals, but it's abundantly clear in my mind that the east asian metropolises and western/nordic europe represent by far the best current approaches.

It's just an example. People resent the highly advanced east asian cultures for their brutal views on psychiatry and mental illness, but their people are infinitely more dignified, intelligent, and productive overall than the filth that is modern america.

Also, I'm not denying mental health as a whole, I'm simply putting into question the total nonsense it has become as of late and laying out the modern zeitgeist for the complete and utter bullshit that it is, and that I see here every time I open this awful website. With regards to issues of hikikomoris and their prevalence in Japan, it's not at all unique to Japan or fabricated as uniquely by what you're describing as you believe, the absolute abundance and redundancy of everything is a large factor. It's a modern problem that raises questions which have yet to be properly solved. I think genetics will be found to play a large factor.

Oh, and one more thing, Japan upholds a great deal of traditions which include some very objectively stupid ones as well, and they are, in that sense, dumbfucked in a comparable way to americans, which goes back to what I was saying about no culture having reached what could be described as a ideal execution of education and approach to psychology by any means.