
>Lookin good, but here, I recommend you use a stiff brush to scrape polish and abrasives on them twice everyday for minutes at a time.
>see me in 6 months.
>Lookin okay, ah fuck, you need to do better in the back, I can see some shit fucked up and you may have some cavities, better put your skull in the radiation machine, let me get my lead coat
>Ok well, see me again in 6 months, keep up the scraping with the abrasives
>dont forget to see cheryl on the way out to have her scrap a metal sharpened point across the surfaces of each tooth before you leave
>Ah, uh, ah well shit, your shits looking way fucked up, I will need lots of money to drill your fucking teeth with a power drill
>ah shit, well, your tooth crumbled in the drill, you need to pay for a new one that is made of carcinogens and other shit
>You need some mercury in that mouth in some places too
>You're a mess, you need to scrape MORE with abrasives and force thread into the nooks and crannies more and yank shit around in places that neeed specialized tools to reach
>Ah fuck, ah wow oh my fucking shit, you're literally all fucked up and this is terrible, we tried our best though
>ah fuck you need to pay for 100% new teeth and look like a puppet now
>btw, i heard your kiddo is in middle school, i bet you are wondering when you should have him come in for his fucking wire pulling device to yank his shit around in his skull to the "correct" positions
>I will need your money too

Does it ever end?

Attached: download (1)(1).jpg (1300x866, 96.23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I use a soft bamboo brush
With baking soda
And I don't use fluoride
I only eat organic produce

Teeth aren't brilliantly shiny, but they aren't yellow. I will never go back to the dentist.

Also did you know you can get clear aligners instead of braces?

Or any type of oil you mouthwash for 10-15 min without spitting out. It leeches the bacteria out of your teeth and leaves you with whiter teeth.
Have tried it, but is time consuming.

my teeth are fucked in disrepair, major bummer

I don't really see the point of white teeth
As long as it's not piss yellow and there is no plaque film obscuring the form of the teeth? You'll look good. Just brush (softly) and floss every few days.

You wouldn't have to do all this new crap with your teeth if you had a proper diet.

Eat more veges, drink more water and quit the sugar. Your teeth will be far easier to maintain and you'll have odorless breath.

>went to get tooth extracted
>'i have numbed the area you will only feel a slight pressure duuude :)))))
>is painful as fuck
lying cunts

>haven't brushed in 15 years
>no cavities or any issue
ur right

>asks about your life while you obviously can't speak because of pic related in your mouth

they know what they're doing, they'd have learned from this mistake by now.

Attached: main-qimg-5649f3efea5c328053979fcff3474fbf-c.jpg (602x444, 38.5K)

Have you had your cavity-free status verified by a dentist?

Last time I had a tooth extraction it took like 90 minutes and I had to go back a week later because they didn't get it all out

I've taken dental hygiene pretty seriously since then

There is one nice thing about dentists offices.

Attached: 1559422434823.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

My local dentist only seems to have asian dentists and assistants. Very disappointing if your goal is fleeting contact with some big tiddies

no lollolololo

Then you can't say you don't have any cavities.

>Then you can't say you don't have any cavities.
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

Attached: 1565229160153.jpg (225x225, 8.28K)

>I recommend you use a stiff brush to scrape polish and abrasives
Toothbrush abrasion only damages teeth in extreme cases, if you're brushing gently you won't have any problems if that's what you're scared of.
> better put your skull in the radiation machine, let me get my lead coat
Yeah, because you're exposed to the radiation once and they're exposed to it hundred of times a month?
>a new one that is made of carcinogens and other shit
?? What carcinogens are in composite-resin or amalgam?
>You need some mercury in that mouth in some places too
Yeah there's mercury in tuna too, wow. What little mercury that does leak seals restorations.
>force thread into the nooks and crannies more and yank shit around
Who hurt you?
>shit around in his skull to the "correct" positions
There are 'correct' positions for teeth, lest you end up with crowding, making teeth impacted and causing significantly worse infections than just removing your necrotic tooth.

>I don't use fluoride
What's with fluoride hate on the chans? 50% of fluoride expelled out GI immediately, other 50% absorbs into bones, only bad if you get fluorosis which is super apparent and again in extreme cases.

oh no, the kikes are here

>tfw the dental hygienist's arms are more muscular than yours
>they all talk to you like you're a retarded kid

It really doesn't. Oil pulling is a waste of time. Just brush with a soft tooth brush and floss.

lmao how much soda do you drink fatass.

>oh no, he's using science! Quick, call him names!

I cant believe we found the dentist this early
Enjoy the time you have, the only one in front of you that's getting the rope or some lead is the fed

You hate dentists that much? You know going is optional right? You can go your whole life without seeing one.

>get teeth scraped with a metal pick
>get teeth brushed
>get teeth flossed
>this costs $150

Attached: hmmm.jpg (600x600, 35.85K)

Dentists are notorious for being huge kikes. My dentist tried to get me to undergo wisdom teeth removal for literally no fucking reason. They've all grown out in perfect alignment with my other molars. My dentist herself stated that they are fine, but she adamantly insisted that I should get them removed "just to be sure". Imagine swearing in the Hippocratic oath then trying to get someone to undergo an unnecessary surgery and a subsequent cycle of antibiotics and painkillers. Your wallet matters more to them than your health.

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You could always go to a non-profit.

i have had 2 small cavities in my very back bottom teeth for 4 years now
they have not gotten any worse and i brush like 5 times per week
should i even go to the tooth jew?

>tfw her chest rests on your head

>they know what they're doing, they'd have learned from this mistake by now.
then why the fuck do they do it?

is your mouth supposed to be swelled pretty bad for days after they scrape the fuck out of it?

>but they might cause problems later and insurance only covers until your 21
fuck dentists
Over 400 studies have concluded that fluoride is a neurotoxic chemical. It reduces intelligence, impairs memory, reduces kinesthetic awareness, and is directly correlated with lower IQ in offspring. According to one Harvard scientist:
>"Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain. The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us."